Chapter Forty-Six

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I shot up from the bed- well I mean the ground with a duvet over me. The bed is to comfortable. It's like it's a marshmallow and I'm going to sink to the floor.

I look around the room frankly with sweat dripping off my forehead. My breath hitched as I didn't recognize the room. Then I remember I was at the Avengers tower. I'm safe here.

But am I really?

Am I really safe here?

I grunt at the thoughts in my head, I stand up from the ground and walk over to one of my open journals that I had left on the desk last night before I went to bed. I look over at the clock on the nightstand and it reads 4:56 am.

"Well that's me up for the day," I say to myself as I stand up from the desk again and make my way over to a pile of clothes that Natasha has given me last night as well.

"Umm... hey Friday?" I whisper to the roof with a bit of doubt in my voice,

How weird I look... Jesus why does this feel so weird?

"Good morning Ms. Barnes. Are you okay now? You seemed a bit stressed while you were sleeping your heart rate was quite high." The female robotic voice whispers back.

"Umm... yeah I'm fine thank you. Could you uh tell me. Is there a training room in this building?" I ask while looking through some sportswear on the bed.

"Yes, Ms. Barnes. There is a training room on the eleventh floor. Would you like me to show tell you the directions?" She whisperers back to me.

"Yes please. If you don't mind." I tell her. As I get into a sports bra and a pair of gray shorts.

God why I am I so kind towards an AI? Whatever an AI is.

"The training room is on the eleventh floor. First door on the left." She tells me and I thank her and make my way to the training room.


Bucky's POV
For once I didn't get a nightmare in my sleep. I think it has something to do with the fact that Jess is in the building. She always make me feels safe even if we're not in a safe place like when we were in hydra.

I make my way out of my room to see Steve and Sam talking to each other. But no Jess, I mean am I surprised? No. No, I'm really not, even when we were at hydra she was horrible at getting up early. Yeah, she got quicker to not get punishment but I still had to wake her up first.

"Morning Barnes." Sam greats me with a gin on his face, I roll my eyes and make my way over to the fridge to get a bottle of water.

"Should I wake up Jess or do you want to?" Steve asks, it kind of came a regular thing for one of us to have to wake up Jess in the mornings. She was and is by far not a morning person.

"Why would you have to wake her up?" Sam asks "Shouldn't she be able to wake up herself."

"If I left her to sleep in, she would probably get up at like one in the afternoon," I tell him with a slight chuckle and chug the last of my water. "And no it's fine Stevie, I'll wake her up. Who knows how she'll react. She might attack you, she did that to me once back in hydra." I tell steve. He nods in understanding.

"Well we'll meet you downstairs for breakfast," Steve tell me and both him and Sam get up and head over to the elevator as I head over to Jess's room.

I knock twice and there's no answer, usually I'd hear a grunt or a groan. But I don't even hear a noise. I push the door open and see a pillow and a duvet messed up on the floor. I frown my brows in confusion.

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