Chapter Forty-One

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After Wint and I went our separate ways. that literally broke my heart, as we have been together for god knows how long. But I knew I had to blend into the crowd, and if their anything that I'm good at is blending in. Mine and Winter's name is probably going to be plastered over every news board and newspaper. So I need to work fast.

I first need to get clean clothes, as I'm in my wet uniform. "But where the fuck and how am I going to get clothes without pulling attention to myself?" I say to myself as I walk out of the wood towards the street.

As I walk close to the street I see the back of a shop, looks like a small store that just cells everything. I hop over the fence and sneak over to the back door. Of course, the door is locked. I wasn't expecting it to be open, so I grab the last dagger I have and slid it down the crack of the door and I hear a click.

I open the enough for my head to fit in. I look around and see no one. I slip in and walk around the shop and there's no lights on and no people in the store. Why is there no one here?

I shake the thought off and walk over to the clothes section and grab the first trousers and t-shirt I find in my size. Which ends up being a pair of grey joggers and a black t-shirt with the design 'AC/DC.' on it. I had no idea what it meant but I didn't give a fuck. I also grab a blue denim jacket. As I was walking to a changing room in the corner I saw a pink baseball cap and I grabbed that too.

When I got changed I put my last dagger in my combat boot and my gun in my waistband strap. I pulled the t-shirt over the gun to hide it and put the jacket over that again. I put the cap on my head and grab my wet clothes and throw them in a ball in a paper bag I see in the changing room. I carried the bag out with me and I was walking out to the back door that I came in but stopped at the cash register.

I walked over and thanks to my strength pulled the tray open and grabbed as much cash as I could. Which was about three hundred and eight dollars. I walk out of the building and while passing I throw the bag with my wet cloth in the dumpster.

That's when I start to make my way to the town to blend in and try and find my way around.


After about an hour or two I had managed to steal someone's laptop and I was currently sitting at a cafe. "Hi, can I get you anything? Food, drink maybe?" A surprisingly nice woman asks me.

I shoot my head up at her "Oh... uhm... I'm fine. Thank you." I tell her as I try to hack into this laptop. I don't have much knowledge of modern-day technology but with my training I kind of need to know a simple bit of hacking.

"Okay, give me a shout if you need anything." She told me with a smile and walked away.

My head went back to the screen as it was loading after I hacking into the password. After a couple of seconds of waiting the screen loaded at the homepage. The walls paper was quite weird. It was three cats sitting inside of a carved watermelon. I just rolled my eyes at the picture and went into google.

The one thing I wanted to look up was 'Who is Jessica Rachel Barnes?' I remember a spandex man saying the name and looking at me so I went to look it up.

When I search up the name a black and white picture of what looked like Winter and... me... standing beside spandex man. I read the informant. 'Jessica Barnes is the twin sister of Bucky Barnes. And best friend of Steve Rodgers.' I skipped down to the end and went out and clicked another link. 'Smithsonian Air and Space Museum.' After looking through that site I found that the museum is in D.C only about a ten to fifteen-minute walk from where I am.

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