Chapter Six

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For the past few days, I spent as much time with Steve because he was being shipped off for war, as much as I was happy for him I was also extremely worried as I knew he wouldn't be able to survive the basic pieces of training. But nun the less I was happy for him,

"So what do you wanna do today?" I asked Steve as I was cleaning the counter near the end of my shift at the diner,

"I don't really mind, well do you wanna go to the bakery near my apartment?" He said while sitting on a stool at the counter

"Yeah, I would really love that. I'll just finish up here and then we can go." I said walking away to sweep the floor,

"Hey, Jess did you see where Paul went? I wanted to tell him something." Sarah said while waking out from the back room

"Uhmm, no sorry. Wait what did you wanna tell him?" I asked with a curious look on my face,

"Oh well I wanted to tell him there was this guy comes in and he sits down in one of the booths at the back and he doesn't order anything, and then about an hour later he just leaves." She said kinda suspicious

Both me and Steve give each other a look to say "what the hell" and then we look back at Sarah "do you know what he looks like?" Steve asked her kinda nervously

"Well he always wears a long black trench coat with a symbol of the left sleeve,it's a red octopus-like thing and he always wears black sunglasses" She reply look more scared by the minute

"Okay..... that's kinda weird, but I say it's nothing. Some idiotic bastard trying to scar us." I said trying to push it away, but I think deep down inside I new there was something weird going on

"Yeah, your probably right, but I still think I should tell paul. What do you think?" Sarah said leaning against the back of the counter

"Yeah I think you should, it's a good idea" I said while sweeping the floor and putting the dust in the trash bag,

Just then Paul waked in "what are y'all talking about? I taught I heard my name a couple of minutes ago" he said walking about of the kitchen

"Oh I just wanted to tell you something that I've noticed a few days ago" Sarah said nervously

"Okay well we can go to my office and good work Jessica, remember you working all next week, is that okay?" Paul said While looking at both me and Sarah but not Steve

"Yes that perfect, thank you" I said while putting the sweeping brush back behind the counter "I'll see you tomorrow then" and I waved and me and Steve left

"So what do you think of that hole thing about the man?" Steve asked me while I put in my jacket

"To be honest, I don't know. There are always teenage boys doing that to scare us, but it doesn't faze me, but this the way Sarah said it I don't know." I said while I and Steve walk to the bakery by his house the three of us use to go to as kids

We walked into the bakery and we got our usuals, I always get a chocolate glazed donut and Steve always get a chocolate eclair and Bucky get a croissant but he would always get a plain and I don't know why but it's still nice but not as nice with chocolate

"So, I leaving tomorrow evening at 6.30 pm so won't see you because of your work shift" Steve said to me with a sad smile as we walked out the door

"Yeah, I'm so sorry I can't get the day off so we can spend it together," I said sheepishly looking at the ground

"No it's not your fault, I totally get it and if you don't mind I might stop by and get lunch or maybe dinner at the diner tomorrow" Steve said with a big smile, I looked up at him and gave him one back

"I should get going home, it's late and I have an early shift in the morning" I said waking away a waving at him

"Bye, Jess see you tomorrow. Be safe." He said waving back at me

"Yeah I'll see you tomorrow and I'm always safe" with a smirk on my face

Waking home I couldn't shake the feeling off that someone was following me, but I kept turning around and saw no one so I tried to shrug it off. When I arrived home I locked the door and walked over and put my coat on the coat rack and walked into the kitchen to get a class of water when I saw a picture of Stevie, Bucky and myself sat on a couch in Steve's apartment, we couldn't have been more than 14 years old, I smiled at the photo and I don't know why but I took it out of the frame and put it in my pocket in my work uniform. I then got ready for bed and fell asleep smiling thinking about my brother and my best friend when we were kids and how things were so simple when we were younger 


I woke up the next morning early, surprisingly, I went into the bathroom and got a shower and then proceeded to get dressed for work. I walked out into the kitchen and it felt off but I shacked my head and got a bowl and my myself some porridge while I waited for the postman. About 5 minutes later I heard a man knock on the door, I walked over to the door and opened it

"Hi, letters for miss Barnes," the guy said and handed me some letters

"Thank you so much, have a good day" I said smiling and I closed the door

I walked over to the couch in the living room and I saw a letter from Bucky "Yes, yes, yes" I whispered to myself with a huge grin. I opened the letter to read it

Hey Jess,
I hope everything is okay, and I hope you staying away and out of trouble. I miss you so much right now, I wish I could hug you but I can't, this is the best I can do. I hope Stevie is alright, tell him I sent him a letter if he didn't get him yet. I hope you didn't get fired from your job yet with waking up late and I hope the house isn't too quiet while I'm gone. I have to go now but I love you so much just know that.
Lots of love,
Your amazing twin brother
Bucky Barnes
Ps. I'm fine I'm not shot or dead so no need to worry and I haven't been injured... yet, stay safe and out of trouble for me.

A small tear ran down my cheek and landed on the letter I folded the letter over and put it in my pocket with the picture and grabbed my coat and walked out the door and locked it and walked to work

"Well, well, well look what the cat dragged in," Sarah said with a chuckle just as I waked into the back room and put my coat on the shelf

"Oh shut up" with a wide grin and then laughed

"Your here early, whys that" she asked while tying up her hair

"To be honest, I have no idea I just woke up early I guess" I replied with a smile "Or maybe the fact that something felt off this morning and last night I felt like someone was following me home"

"Weird, maybe you have a crush and he's following you around" she said while turning around to me and I just gave her a 'seriously' look and she just laughed

Ahhhh, what do you guys think is about to happen what do you think about all of this, who do you think the guy in the black trench coat is. So many questions.
I hope you guys like this one as much as I loved writing it again lots of love have a great night/day xoxo

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