Chapter Thirty-Three

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"So, something did happen between you two." Natalie and I spun around to see Karpov and Madam B by the door.

I took the slight smile off my face and changed it to blank and emotionless. I also stood up straight and put my hands at my side "So. You're now showing emotions soldier. This is not how I trained you to be." Karpov said as he stepped closer to me. I swallowed a lump in my throat and kept quiet.

He came so close to me a could practically feel his warm breath on my face. Before anyone could do or say anything Karpov slapped me across the face. I knew he was strong. He had slapped me before but not this hard. I'm face shot over to the side by his strength and I could feel the sting on the side of my cheek but made no motion to massage it.

"Natalie. Get here now." Madam B demanded and Natalie and Madam B left the room, but before they went too far Madam B came back in "I'm, sorry Natalie did this to your soldier." She said but not in an apologetic way.

"Yes. I'm sorry my soldier has changed one of your girls, Madam B." Karpov said while looking me dead in the eyes. After Madam B and Natalie left he started walking around me with his arms crossed over his chest. "I know you are going to get punished for this, yes?" He said and before I could say anything he continued "But since you've lied to me I have to make it more severe."

At that, a bunch of hydra guards came in and two of them there dragging Winter. The guards had electric batons in their hands and I could hear the sound of the electricity coming from them. Before I could blink two electric batons were pressed into Winters's stomach, and I swear the girls on the top floor sleeping could hear him scream.

I wanted so bad to yell at them or to beat them up for what they're doing but I couldn't. I just stood there glaring at them while Winter was grinding his teeth trying not to scream so loud. After a couple of minutes, they pulled away from him. Winter was sweating and panting, he was also barely able to stand anymore. "See this is what happens when you lie to me, soldier," Karpov said but I wasn't even looking at him I was looking at a limp Winter.

"And this is what happens to you when you go against the rules," Karpov said and at that, I was on my knees screaming in pain. I didn't need to look up to see what he was doing I just knew he had the remote in his hand.

He held onto the button for longer than usual, it felt like I was on the floor for hours in pain. But I could just imagine the smug look on his face.

maybe I did deserve this. I did go against his rules. What no he is the one torching me. But maybe I do deserve it. Ughhh. I can't deal with all this.

After he finally didn't find me entertaining enough. He walked out of the room and two guards came over and picked up my limp body. They carried winter and me out of the room.... no out of the building and threw us into the back of a black van. There were no guards in with us. Surprisingly but I tried to sit up by myself but I was too weak. Winter wasn't as weak so he helped me into the van as it started moving.

"I'm, sorry I dragged you into this fuck bullshit," I said with a raw voice from all my screaming. Winter sat down beside me and shook his head.

"No. It's not your fault. Strike" he reassured me "Besides, you looked like you were in more pain than I was." He said still emotionless. I guess the red room only broke me.

I looked at him and lay my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his around me and pulled me into a side hug. We were in comfortable silence for the rest of the journey which was about a couple of hours. I fell asleep for some of the journeys and I bet winter did too.

When we arrived at the old base, the guards dragged us into the best room in the whole building. The wiping room. Yay. Ughhh. They shoved Winter and me into the chairs and instantly the clamps came around our wrists and ankles. The scientist came over with the mouth guard and I opened my mouth. As I had nothing else to do so I just did it. He placed it on my tongue and I bit down on it.

When the strap on my bicep came on I started breathing heavy and started bracing myself for extremely intense pain to go flowing through my body.





That was when the pain started. Electricity flow through my body and I could feel it in my veins. Winters scream and the trigger words and anything else was all background noises to my screams. When the pain finally stopped, the headpiece was off and also the bicep grips I was panting and sweating. My mind was a blur I couldn't remember anything. All I knew was what I had to say next. 

"Готов подчиниться."
(Ready to comply.)

Omg, they're gone from the red room. This one was really interesting I thought. I also wanted to let you guys know that I'm going back to school in a day or two. So I mightn't be able to post every night but I will post at least once or twice a week. Pinky promise. Well I hope you guys have
an awesome day/ night
Love you lots xoxo

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