Chapter Forty-Two

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After two stressful and dreadful hours, my plane was finally able to take off. Let's just say to a normal person sneaking onto a plane without a passport and are armed with a gun and a knife, it would be most likely impossible. But thanks to me, and my assassin training, I got in pretty easily. I mean like there was some tricky parts like the metal detectors, but I just used one of those disks I have.

"All passengers for Sofia, Bulgaria. Please make your way to thermal seven. Please." A static voice said over the speaker. People started to stand up and make their way over to board the plane.

A flight attendant was looking at people's passports as they walked in, I just used the trick I used for the last idiotic bitch. Just ignore them, as they're so crowded. I walk past the woman as she's talking to a mother and her son about where their seats are.   

I'm one of the first people to board the plane so I can easily get to my seat. I hate wasting time. Sadly since I booked last minute I got a window seat in a cramped aisle. I sit down and put my backpack at my feet and take out 'my' laptop. I mean it's mine now, finders keepers. When I open up my laptop I roll my eyes at the stupid wallpaper. "Who the fuck even put this here?" I mutter to myself.

As more and more people start to board the plane I start to shut down my laptop, close my eyes and rest my head against the headrest on the back of the seat. Being in hydra all these years has made my senses go to the max, well I think the serum has something to do with it as well but. My eyes have been trained to sense the smallest of movements, my ears and trained to detect the slightest of sound and my biggest is my surroundings. The hairs on the back of my neck stick up if I sense someone watching me, even while sleeping I always have to stay alert.

So when a little boy and his mother walk down the aisle and go to sit down beside me, my eyes shoot open my head instinctively turns towards them. I let out a breath when I realize it's not that big of a threat. But knowing hydra they'll have everyone out for winter... Bucky and I.

Fuck I need to get used to calling him Bucky... not Winter.

"Hi." The little raven hair boy says with a slight wave. I want really in the mood for taking and my stress levels were through the roof. But all in all, I look at the boy and smile.

"Hi," I say and go back to closing my eyes and resting my head. I take in a deep breath and try to control my breathing.

"My name is Christopher. What's yours?" The bond boy asks me. My eyes open again and I shift my gaze to my boy's mother, his mother mouths 'sorry' towards me and I smile and nod her.

I look down at her son and smile at him once again, "Well it's nice to meet you, Christopher. My name...? My name is... Jessica. Jessica is my name." I say more like a confused mess but I shake it off anyways. He smiles up and me and sticks his hand out for me to shake.

I slightly flinch, to the naked eye they could never see it but to... Bucky. He would see it instantly. Another thing that came out of hydra. Hiding your emotions and hiding a flinch. I hesitated for a second before shaking his hand and we both smile and we look forward and don't talk to the rest of the flight.


I have just fallen into a light sleep as I woke up to the light thud of the plane wheels hitting the tarmac. "Ladies and Gentlemen. Welcome to Sofia, Bulgaria. I hope you had a good fight with us and enjoy your stay." The captain says and some people start it clap and cheer. Even the mother and son that is sitting beside me clap.

I roll my eyes at their weirdness. Like who the fuck claps when the plane lands. What's the good that gets out of it. I don't even think the captain can hear you. I think to myself as I grab my bag and wait for people to flow out of the plane.

After what felt like years. Which was probably only ten minutes. I'm finally making my way inside the airport. As I walk in I see people running up toward families and hugging and crying and other holding hands with lover. It makes me think back to Bucky. About how he's going through this all alone without me.

It's pretty hard on me, so I say it's hard on him too. I walk out of the airport and walk over to one of the taxis as it's lined up at one of its car spots. It was a warm day and the windows of the car were open, I bend down to the guy in his seat listening to the radio.

"Здравей може ли да ме въведете в района на града, моля?" I ask him and gives me a bright smile and nods. I smile and nod back, I get into the passenger seat and we take off.
(Hi. Could you take me into the town, please?)

"Мога ли да попитам откъде си?" I asked me hesitantly like he's being rude for asking me.
(My I ask where you are coming from?)

I hesitate but answer anyways "Америка." I tell him and he looks at me shocked.

"Америка? Леле вашият български е много добър." He states shocked as we drive drown the busy road.
(America? Wow your Bulgarian is very good.)

"Благодаря ти. Тук имам семейство, така че се научих от най-добрите." I tell him with a genuine smile on my face thinking about... Bucky helping me with learning the different languages and him helping me.
(Thank you. I have family here so I learned from the best.)

He glances at me and nods his head in agreement "Да. семейството е най-доброто. Кръвта вода не става." He tells me and I smile and look back at the road thinking about Bucky and... spandex man... what was his name again... oh Steve... Steve Rodgers. I don't know why but I feel he has a good heart and he meant a lot to me and my brother when we were... well turned into killing machines.
(Yes. family is the best. Blood is thicker than water.)

As we arrive in the small town inside Sofia I look around and awe at all the people walking around at the local markets. They all look so friendly. I small smile forms on my face and the man seems to notice, "Липсваш ли вече на семейството си?" He asks me with a smile on his face.
(Miss your family already?)

"Да-да. да наистина го правя, нямам търпение да ги видя." I stutter on my words but I play it off with a forced smile on my face trying to not think of what Winter... Bucky is going through right now.
(Y-yes. Yes I really do, I can't wait to see them again.)

He pulls up on the side of the road to what looks like a small village area. "Това ще е 23 вел," he tells me and I nod and root through my pockets to find the stolen wallet and take out 23 American dollars.
(That will be 23 vel.)

"Ще направят ли американските долари?" I ask him and he nods and I pass over the money and we exchange our goodbyes and thanks to you's and whatnot.
(Will American dollars do?)

I step out of the car with the backpack on my back and I make my way into the crowd, my head down and the cap over my face.

Hey guys, hope you all had another amazing week. Mine went well, I guess. A lot of studies to do. But what the hell. I hope you enjoyed this chapter I loved writing it and I get to make up my own storyline now so that will be fun.
Have an awesome day/night
Love you lots xoxo
Stay safe

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