Chapter Forty-Three

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Six months later

My eyes shoot open and a massive grin is on my lips and I spring out of my bed. My bed is right next to Bucky's as we share the same room in our house. The room is small just enough room for two twin size beds side by side with about two feet of a gap to walk in, two wardrobes and a bookshelf with different books like; The Hobbit, Wizard Of Oz, Alice and wonderful and more children's books.

"Buck. Buck. Bucky. James." I say as I shake Bucky violently and basically sit on his lap as he lies on his back asleep.

I soft groan leave a young brunette boys mouth. He starts to stir in the bed but is restrained as I sit on top of him.

"Jess? Why are you up so early? Wait, what time is it?" He asks as he starts to sit up and sit at the end of his bed legs crossed.

"It's our birthday stupid and it's..." I trail off as I look at the clock on the wall behind me "...8.30 am." I finish off with an innocent smile.

A small laugh leaves bucks mouth and he pulls me into a hug, which I great fully accept. "Well happy fourteenth birthday. Jessica Rachel Barnes." He says into my hair as my face is smashed against his chest and he smashed against the top of my head.

"Happy fourteenth birthday to you too. James Buchanan Barnes." I say with a large grin on my face as I pull back and place a kiss on his cheek. "Race you downstairs. Last one there opens their presents last." I say I jump off Bucky and run out the door and downstairs and Bucky is hot on my trail.

I reach the end of the stairs and hear a woman shout from what seems to be the kitchen "Be careful you two. Don't bring down the house with you and make sure you don't fall."

"Sorry, Ma." Bucky and I say in unison as we walk into the kitchen slightly out of breath.

"Well somebody's definitely awake. Who woke up first huh?" A middle-aged man says as we walk into the kitchen with his work clothes on. He walks over to ma and kisses her and walks over to buck and me.

"Surprisingly Jess did." Bucky states and I elbow him in the arm and he mutters a small 'ow' and rubs his arm.

I roll my eyes and his dramatics "Wow, congratulations Jessica. You up early for once, too bad you don't get up this early for school." The brunette man says and walks over and gives me and Bucky a hug.

I scoff and roll my eyes at him "Today is a school day." I state as we pull apart and sit down at the table. Buck and I sit beside each other while Ma and Da sit opposite us.

"Oh yeah, it is. Well finish up quick and then you can open your presents. And don't be late for school. And I'm looking at you, Jessica." Ma tells us but point a finger at me jokingly.

"I'm never late for school. Right-back?" I say as I stuff a piece of egg in my mouth and look at Bucky and he just gives me a knowingly look.

"James tell me when was the last time Jessica got into trouble?" Da asks Bucky as we eat out breakfast. Buck looks at me and smiles mischievously.

"Yesterday." He says and I kick his leg from under the table and he laughs a bit and I shake my head and sigh. But can't suppress a smile.

"I'm going to ignore what you said, James. And since it's your birthday, you can be excused and go open your presents." Ma says and Bucky and I smile widely and jump out of our seats and run to the living room. We can hear auditable laughs from our parents at our excitement.

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