Chapter Forty

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Steve's POV

After seeing Fury again. Even though I thought he died. I walked over to the bridge and just looked over it. Just think about the last hour and a half. All the information I have gotten. Jess and Bucky are still alive, and well they're brainwashed and don't know who they are. Or me for that matter. I just blame myself for everything that happened to them. I started to think back to when times were much better. When we were kids growing up in Brooklyn.

Bells can be heard ringing in the background as Jess, Bucky and myself make our way back to my apartment that my mom and I used to live in.

"We looked for you after. Our folks wanted to give you a ride to the cemetery." Bucky said as we made our way to the steps of my apartment.

"I know. I'm sorry, it's just." I pause and take a deep breath "I just kinda wanted to be alone." I told Bucky and Jess as we made our way up the steps.

"How was it?" Jess asks softly. Usually, when people first meet Jess they think she is kinda... how would you say... bitchy? Yes. I shouldn't be using this language. But Jess does have a sweet side. That's what I love about her.

"It was okay. She's next to dad." I say as we walk across the floor my apartments are on.

"I was gonna ask-" Buck starts as I root through my pockets to try to find my key.

"I know what your gonna say, Buck," I say still trying to find my key in my pockets.

"We could put the couch cushions on the floor like when we were kids. I'll even give you my blanket ma made for me that you really like." Jess said trying to convince me to do so.

"Yeah, it'll be fine. All you gotta do is shine my shoes, maybe take out the trash." Buck said as he kicks a brick over and picks up a key and hands it to me. "Come on." He said one last time.

"Thank you, Buck, you too Jess. But I can get by on my own." I say as I look down at the key and back to my two best friends.

"But the thing is, Steve. You don't have to." Jess says with a soft voice and a small smile on her face.

"Yeah. We're with you till the end of the line pal." Buck said as he puts a hand on my shoulder and pauses for a second "Well I am, but I don't know about her." He whispers but loud enough for Jess to hear and gestures to her.

I smile a bit and hear Jess scoff. "That's hurtful. James. To assume that." She says and slaps his arm and looks over at me with a wide smile. "Don't listen to him. You know I'm with you till the end of the line too." She said and pulls me into a warm hug. Buck soon joins in.

"They're gonna be there. You know." Sam says as he walks up to me.

"I know." I simply say still looking over the bridge not making eye contact.

"Whoever they used to be. The person they are now. I don't think it's the kind you save, it's the kind you stop." Sam says still looking at me.

"I don't know if I can do that," I say still not looking at him.

"Well, they might not give you a choice. They don't know you." Sam says trying to get his point across.

"They will." I say finally looking at him "Gear up. It's time." I say and walk away.

"You gonna wear that?" Sam says as I walk away.

"No. Your gonna fight a war, you gotta wear a uniform." I say as I look over my shoulder to talk to him as I still walk away.

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