Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Walking back to Pierce my face when blank again and he just smirked at 'how well his pet worked'. God, I fucking hate Pierce. But I have to comply, that's what I'm made to do.

"Your ready to go Rebecca." He said more like a command, I nodded and we made our way back to the SUV. Thankfully the little chip I had put on the metal detector still had it malfunctioned. So I could walk straight through without it beeping.

When we got into the SUV Pierce got himself... yet another, glass of whiskey. The car ride was silent. Not awkward nor comfortable. More... numb. Pierce for some reason broke the silence. "You did a good job soldier. Did you get any information when outside the room?" He asked. Well more demanded.

"No sir. I didn't, I could only hear what was said in the meeting room." I replied while still staring forward. My face was moved by someone ruffly grabbing my chin.

"Look at me when to take to me, soldier." He shouted, our faces inches apart now,

"Yes sir. I'm sorry." I said and he let go of my chin and I went back to staring forward.

That's definitely going to leave a bruise anyways. Jesus, he has a grip when he wants it.

When we arrived back at the back. I could see it looked like a... bank? Why was the back in a bank- oh wait it's underneath the bank. Smart.

My SUV came to a stop and Pierce got out of the car and I followed suit. We walked back to his office to see Winter waiting there for us. Winter and I shared a glance and nodded. Pierce sat down at his desk and leaned back on his chair a bit. "Mission Report." He demanded Winter.

"Package secured. All witnesses illuminate." Wint replayed in a monotone voice.

"And where is the package Soldier?" Pierce asked as he sat up in his chair hoping for something bad to happen so he could punish us.

"Right here, sir." Wint says as he pulled a small black package from his pocket. On the top of it, it had a note in Russian it read: Siberia. J.R.Barnes

Pierce took the package and put it in a drawer on his desk. "You are dismissed. And head to the lab, not your cell." He commands, as winter and I share a glance and nod in reply and head out of the room.

We make our way to the lab and when we reach the door the guards open the bar doors so we can enter. When we get in all the scientists shoot their heads at us and start to look a bit nervous, scared or anxious. I just roll my eyes at their reactions towards winter and I

"U-Uhm... please take a seat on each one of the seats." One of the scientists says nervously and winter and I make our way over to the chairs. Of the wiping machine.

Winter always takes the left and I take the right. It always has been that way, so if wint needs to get his arm fixed he's on the left.

Just as I was sat down the clamps went over my wrists and ankles. But for winter they went over his right wrist and ankles. They started fixing up a metal plate on his arm by his elbow. Must have damaged it while he was on his mission.

After about an hour of me blankly staring ahead at the wall I got pulled back into reality by pierce coming into the room and telling the scientist to wipe us. The scientist came over with the mouth guards and I licked my lips and he placed it in my mouth on my tongue. Like the one in Siberia, the clamps come over my biceps and that's when my breathing started getting heavier and faster.





My screams and winter screams filled the room. All noise is background noise. All I could hear was my screams and I tried so desperately to hold onto the memory of Rebecca... my little sister... the scrawny blond boy... Steve. Win- Bucky and me...-

Wait what am I thinking about. I can't even remember. Ah, fuck it's working.

After about ten minutes the headpiece cane off my head the bicep clamps came off only thing remaining was the wrist and ankle clamps. My breathing was heavy and more like pants. I was sweating. "Ready to comply." Was the only thing winter and I could manage to say.

The clamps came off and winter and stood up and we were assorted back to our cell. The cell doors shut after we step foot in it. I headed for the back wall and slid down. I just stared blankly at the bars ahead. Winter came up beside me and did the same. After being wiped, we get quite confused so we usually just keep to ourselves and don't say a word.

I think it's best that way. Both of ours don't decide to talk for the first couple of hours.


For the next couple of days, winter and I have been in a routine. Wake up before sunrise. Train until one in the day. Get some sort of shit they call 'food'. And just spend the rest of the time in the cell. But today when we entered the training room there was a man there. He had black hair, a stubble beard and was in combat clothes. He outstretched his hand for a handshake. Both winter and I did not attempt to shake it.

"Rumlow. Brock Rumlow." That was what he simply said as he put his hand back behind his back. Winter and I share a glance and looked back at the man. "I work with Pierce. We're good friends." He said and Pierce walks into the training room behinds winter and me.

"That true. Rumlow and I go way back. Whatever he says to do. You do get it?" Pierce says harshly and both winter and I nod in response not daring to speak.

Hey guys.
I'm back I know it's not Friday but I had nothing else to do so I decided to write another chapter. We finally get to meet Rumlow. Yay!!!
Also thank you so so so so much for the 3.82k views. It's crazy<3
Love you lots xoxo
Stay safe

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