Chapter Ninteen

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The next morning woke up to a bucket of ice-cold water, I shot up from the bed and looked around to sir with a bucket in hand and winter in the bathroom. I was shaking from the cold and panting, "Вставай, солдат. Тебе не положено спать." He said aggressively and walked out of the room
(Get up soldier. You're not supposed to  be sleeping.)

I just rolled my eyes and climbed off the very tin mattress, I suppose it's better than nothing, right? I know this guy is my handler and all but, that doesn't mean I have to like him. And the thing is I don't. I walked into the bathroom, which was pretty dark, as there were no windows like the cell. So the only light was the light was from the cell. "холодный?" Wint asked me, I could hear in his voice I tab bit of sarcasm, but it was quite hard to notice.

"нет, мне правда очень тепло. А вы?" I said emotionless with a slight glare and tilting my head.
(no I'm actually really warm. what about you?)

He was cut off with a bang on the bars of our cell, we turned around to see the cell was opened and the guards were waiting for us to follow them, both I and wint glanced at each other and walked out to follow them. We walked into the training room.... again. The guards stayed at the door and our handler also walked in and stayed beside the guards who had guns in their hands."Покажи, что ты получил. Рукопашный бой и подбирайте оружие. либо пистолет, либо кинжал." He said with his hands behind his back,
(Show me what you got. Hand to hand combat, and pick a weapon. either a handgun or dagger.)

I and winter looked at our handler and nodded, I went over to the table and picked up an eight-inch dagger and started making my way over to the training mat. Wint came over with a heckler and Koch p30. We both started into each other's eyes and even though we are partners, that doesn't mean we can't hurt our partner. I am he has a handgun and I have a dagger and he is both extremely good fighters, so there is no chance any of us is getting out of this unharmed.

We were staring into each other's eyes his eyes emotionless, and so were mine. I attacked first. And ran up to him and he started shooting at me, but I dogged all those bullets, by sidestepping and rolling on the floor. When I got close enough I knew I couldn't throw my dagger, cause that wound leaves me defenceless. So I got behind him and tried to get onto his back to knock his gun out of his hand, but he saw it coming, he turned around and shot at me thankfully I missed all the bullets, but one. He shot my mid-thigh, I hissed in pain but kept going non the less. Thank god I had tuned a bit to try doge it, so it didn't hit the bone, but I still hit my leg and it did hurt a bit.

He went to attack me, but I knew what move he was going to us, uppercut and the kick to the stomach, so before he could uppercut me to the nose, I got out my dagger and slightly cut him on his flesh hand. While he distracted with that for a couple of seconds, I used it as an advantage, I rolled under his legs and got behind him, by this time he had turned around and I punched him in the face. I felt a crunch under my hand, and I knew his nose was broken and he groaned in pain.

He then tackles me to the ground and started punching me in the face.  After about three blows to the face and I had a broken nose and bruises all over my face I took out my dagger that I didn't notice I still had, big mistake, and I stabbed him in the shoulder, he groaned in pain, and I kicked him off me, since he was distracted for a split second, I could kick him off. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he lay on his back on the mat. And took his gun that had been dropped on the ground and pointed it at his head.

"У вас есть над чем поработать, но в остальном просто продолжайте тренироваться." Sir said sternly and walked away and both me and winter were left in the room with four guards just staring at us.
(You have some things to work on but other than that just keep training.)

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐬|| 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now