Chapter Fourteen

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A couple of weeks later I still hadn't gone back to America, I stayed with Stevie and Buck,

Peg and I have gotten very close, mainly because we are the only two girls on the camp, I was even given a uniform just like peg's and I help her with paperwork and stuff like that.

We are actually in England and I was looking forward to going to one of Steve's tours but it got cancelled, sadly.

I'm still surprised about how I got out of the hydra base alive and to be honest I don't think anyone knows either,

The night before, Steve had asked a few people to come to a local bar to get drinks to celebrate, something or he wanted to ask them something, I could be both

Could it be both? Maybe.

I didn't have a nice dress but I did have a dress, it was just a casual dress but it was alright, I was used to wearing casual clothes,

When we walked into the bar, it was packed, lots and lots of people dancing to music and people drinking,

We saw some of the guys that Steve had asked to come, Steve told us to go find a seat while he talked to the guys,

Buck and I just walked off into another room but you could still see us from where Steve was,

"So what can I get you two," a guy with a strong English accent asked me and Bucky,

"Two glasses of rum, please," Buck said before I could even order mine, not that I knew what I wanted

"Ok coming right up," he said while walking away to get "us" our drinks

"Really Buck, rum. When did you start drinking rum?" I said while a small chuckle

"I drank it one at camp, it was nice, you will like it don't worry," he said while trying to reassure me

And I just gave him an unsure look, "ok, whatever you say, but if I'm getting sick, you're helping me clean up" I said as I pointed a finger at him

He just chuckled, as the guy came back with two glasses with some orangey-brown liquid that didn't even nearly reach halfway in the glass,

Bucky paid the man and he walked off, "seriously this isn't even half full" I said disappointed looking at buck while pointing to the glass,

"Believe me, you don't even want it more full, it's quite strong," he said while taking a sip of his rum

"Here go nothing" I muttered and took a sip, Bucky was right it was strong, but it was nice, I raised my eyebrows and tilted my head,

"Told you," he said with a big grin on his face,

I smirked "for once you are actually right," I said to him as he put his hand on his heart and gasped as if I had punched him in the chest

"So are so childish, you know that right," I said with a big smile on my face,

He laughed "Can you say much?" He said and I rolled my eyes playfully

We both started laughing and talking about what happened after Buck left and just talking about the past and good memories,

Until Steve came in Bucky turned around and looked at him "see, told you, they were all idiots" I had no idea what he was talking about

"No you two are the only idiots," I said to them as I took a drink of the rum, they both gave me a 'really' look as Steve sat down beside me,

"How about you two?" Steve asked us, I was even more confused

Maybe I should listen to what they are telling me. I told myself

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