Chapter Fifteen

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Today I was asked by Peggy to help Steve with his uniform and weapons, I gladly agreed.

As one, I had nothing better to do, two Steve is like my younger brother and three, he needs help with his uniform,

He would probably pick a horrible design, that won't look nice and the colours won't match at all,

Peggy and I drove there and Steve was supposed to meet us there but before we met Steve, Peggy wanted me to meet someone,

"So, you want me to me, Howard Stark, the one and only, Howard Stark?" I asked peg as we walked to where he was working,

"Yes, Howard is a dear friend of mine, and you would love him, he is quick funny like you," she told me as we walked in,

"Thanks..." I said as she called me funny, which I knew I was, but some people call me bitchy or annoying,

"Howard, I would like you to meet Jessica Barnes," she said and Howard turned to look at us,

"Hey, I'm Jessica nice to meet you," I said with a smile as I put out my hand to shake, he took it and shook it,

"It's great to meet you too, Peggy talks about you a lot," he said while leaning against a table he was working at,

I glanced at Peggy "good things I hope" I said to him with a smirk,

"Oh don't worry," he said while chuckling, "Do you know Captain Rogers is coming?" He asked the both of us,

"No, but knowing Steve we won't be waiting long, he likes to come early," I said with an awkward smile,

I have never been good around new people, I find it awkward and nerve-racking. But I'm good at not really showing it,

"Oh well, maybe you two will go fetch him, and bring him here for me," Howard said

Peg and I looked at each other and back to Howard and nodded "Sure thing Howard." Peg said as we left,

We were waking down to were peg told Steve it wait "So have you go a partner for the Dance," I said to peg with a smirk on my face,

She rolled her eye playfully "No, not yet. What about you" she said as blushed ever so slightly,

"No." I said sadly "but you should go with Steve, even though he still doesn't know how to dance, no matter how hard I tried to teach him when we were kids," I said with a tint of mischief in my voice.

"You taught- tried to teach Steve how to dance, how did it go?" she asked with a smile on her face, obviously trying not to laugh,

"Well let's just say, Bucky was laughing his ass off I was also laughing, and Steve stepped on my toes. A lot" I said as I chuckled at the memory

We were in the kitchen in Steve's house, his mom was out getting shopping and Steve, Buck and I were trying to think of something to do,

"Hey what if I teach you to how to dance, just like normal dancing, not ballet" fourteen years old I said,

"Yeah, I need to know how to dance when a get a girl, so do you, Stevie," Bucky said while eating one of Ms Sarahs cookies

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