Chapter Thirteen

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We had all gotten off oh that shit hole, and we were walking back to the army base, Steve, Bucky and I were in the front and all the soldiers were behind,

Some of them had guns that the guards had at the HYDRA base, and even at the back they had a tank, Buck was one of the soldiers that had a gun.

It was a long walk, we could hear all the soldiers cheering and laughing and talking, while Bucky Steve and I were talking about Steve's tour, and I also kept annoying him by poking his arm,

"I guess Buck and I won't have to save you in the back of allies anymore," I said with a smirk while poking his bicep,

Bucky just laughed and Steve smiled while shaking his head "I guess not" he said

About an hour after walking, we finally made it to the camp. Soldiers were standing on both sides looking at us, then the barrier came up so we could come in,

As we walked in farther, people started cheering and clapping. Steve and Bucky looked at each other and Steve gave Buck a pat on the back, I just tried not to draw too much attention to myself,

As we walked to where the tents were, people were surrounding us, we came to a stop as everyone was waking off and finding people as I and Bucky stayed by Steve's side.

Some old guy, must be the commander came up to us, Steve salutes "some of these men need medical attention" Steve said to the commander

"I'd like to surrender myself for disciplinary action," Steve said as the commander looked around at all the men,

"That won't be necessary," he said while still looking around,

"Thank you sir" Steve replied and with a small nod

And at that he walked away and a woman stepped forward, she went pretty close up to Steve and I bit to try not to make it obvious that I was smiling,

"You late," she said with a strong British accent,

Steve searched through his pocket to take out a communication device, and the top left corner was blown off, "Couldn't call my ride" she said with a smug look,

She just looked him up and down "Hey, let's hear it for Captain America" Bucky yelled, and everyone just started clapping and cheering really loudly, both Steve and this girl were still looking at each other,

Steve broke eye contact and looked at everyone around, he looked at me and Bucky and nodded, and went back to look at the girl and people started patting his shoulder,

After everyone had calmed down and started to walk away. It was just Steve, Bucky, me and this mysterious girl, that clearly had a crush on Steve.

Both Bucky and Steve were staring at the girl and she was looking at Steve, what felt like hours of awkwardness, which was probably on a minute, I cleared my throat,

The three of them looked at me, she had a confused look on her face, and both Steve and Bucky looked at each other them me,

I looked at the two boys and rolled my eye, I put up my hand to the girl with a smile"Jessica Barnes, nice to meet you" I replied, I don't really let new people call me Jess,

She shook it and returned a smile "Agent Carter, but it's you can call me Peggy" I smiled back and she then looked at me again "Barnes? Like as in Sargent Barnes?"

"Yes, Bucky's my brother. Twin brother" I said while looking at Bucky with a smile,

"Oh well that explains why you look so alike," she said while another smile, and I gave her one back,

Steve finally clears his throat and started taking "Umm, Peggy, would you have any spare clothes for Jess to wear, she doesn't have any" she looked at Steve and them back to me, she nodded

"Yes I do actually, follow me, Jessica," she said to me as we walked away, before I could go Bucky gave me a quick hug and then let me go and I followed Peggy,

She went into a room it was pretty big, it had actually three beds and a desk with paperwork on it and also she had a couple of pictures on the desk, two of the beds had clothes on them

"So how did you end up in a hydra base," she asked me "Oh and take a seat if you want" gesturing to a chair beside the desk

"Oh thank you," I said as I sat down, "Um... well I was coming home from doing the shopping and this man was following me, so I went into the back way to the house. It's quite easy to get lost but somehow he didn't, and when he tried to get into the house and I didn't let him and then he got his men to get me, but he ended up knocking me out with a frying pan as I had taken down his two men" I told her sheepishly,

She looked at me with wide eyes, and looked impressed "Wow, so I'm guessing you can fight" she said while looking for a pair of close for me to wear,

"Yeah, actually Bucky taught me how to fight when he was younger, and I taught him how to dance," I told her and she just chuckled a bit,

"So I'm guessing you know Steve?" She asked while handing me a top and a skirt,

"Thank you," I said as she handed me the clothes, " Oh uh yes, Steve, Bucky and I and quite the friends," I said while a smirk on my face,

She must have noticed that I knew about her crush on Steve as she looked down at the ground "Don't worry I won't tell" I said while a smile "Us girls have to stick together"

She looked up at me and smiled "Thank you, Jessica" and let out a sigh of relief

"Call me Jess, I only really let people I don't trust call me Jessica. And well you seem like I can trust you" I said to her with a small smile

"Then call me peg, and oh the toilet is in here and you can get a shower if you want, I'll be at my desk when you come out and we can go find you, brother," she said opening up a door contacted to her room and there was a bathroom in there

"Thank you, peg," I said and walked into the bathroom, I got a shower as I hadn't had one in over a week and a half,

Surprisingly it wasn't cold, yes I wasn't nice and warm, but it was better than a cold shower, when I got out I got dressed into a nice grey shirt with a dark green skirt that came just below my knees,

I folded up my old clothes and walked out of the bathroom, my hair was still wet but I didn't really mind, I just left it

"You ready to go find you, brother," peg said standing up from her desk, "oh and you can put the cloths on the spare bed,"

I put the cloths down and followed her out of the room,

They finally got out of the HYDRA base,
And Peggy and Steve
I hope you all are having had a great day and I hope you enjoyed the chapter,
Love you lots xoxo
Have a great day/night

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