Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"Okay girls, keep going with those fouettés." A woman in her mid-thirties said "Good Emma, but just keep your back up straight. Olivia, remember to point your toes." She said while helping the two girls with their posture and pointing toes.

"Okay everyone stop." She said with a soft voice and a hand in the air. All the girls stopped. And stood up straight with their hands joined at the front. "So has anyone, learn the homework I gave you last week." The lady with the soft voice said. "Margret?"

"No, miss Brown. Sorry" the young girl said and bowed her head in shame. All the girls looked at Margret.

"Don't worry Margret. You're only fifteen, I don't expect anyone to have learned it. I just wanted to give you girls some bit of a fun challenge." Miss Brown said.

"Betty..? No?" The ballet teacher said again, "What about you Charlotte?" She said again in a soft tone.

"I tried but I'm not very good, Miss Brown. But I can give it a try." the fifteen-year-old redhead said.

"Yes, thank you, Charlotte. So remember tell us what you are going to do and Mr William will play the music on the piano." Miss Brown said. And the young redhead nodded and walked up to the top of the room and all the other girls sat down.

"Hi, my name is Charlotte Miller and I will be performing a grand jete and moving into a pirouette," Charlotte said and the piano started playing a soft tune. The young girl ran up and attempted to do a grand jete, she lost balance while moving into the pirouette and fell and a crack was heard.

The young girl cried out in pain and sat up holding her ankle. The teacher ran over to her and all the girls stayed in their places on the floor however from the eyes of a young brunette, she cringed and brought a fist to her mouth and "that must of hurt like a bitch." She whispered into her fist and bit her lip. All the girls looked at her. With a 'really, are you serious right now' look "What? I'm only stating facts." She shrugged.

"Miss Barnes, please would you mind going and getting Miss Miller here some ice for her ankle and get her mum." Miss Brown said. The young brunette got up and ran out and got a bag of ice and ran into the room where there were more women.

"Mrs Miller, Charlotte herself, she might need you." A younger me said And at that, a red-haired woman got up and ran after ran after me.

They got into the studio and the young girl was on the floor. Her mother took the bag of ice from my hand and went over to the crying girl on the floor and picked her up and left. "Miss Brown I know this is probably a bad idea but would I be able to try doing a grand jete into a Pirouette. Please" the young brunette said.

"Jessica I don't think it's a good-" the teacher started but was cut off by the fifteen-year-old,

"Please, Miss Brown. I promise I won't hurt myself, I have been practising for hours a day." Jessica pleaded, the teacher let out a sigh of defeat.

"Okay Jessica but only because I have fate in you," the woman said and walked over to the other girls sitting on the ground.

"Hello, I am Jessica Barnes. And I will be performing a grand jete and leading it into a Pirouette." Jessica said while running a bit and doing a perfect grand jete and landing it perfectly into a pirouette and doing four and stoping perfectly and smiling at all the shocked facing starring at her.

They all stood up clapping And so was the teacher "Wow Jessica, that was amazing. How long did it take you to do that."

"A long time but it was worth all the bruises." She said with a cooky smile.

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