Chapter Eight

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For the past couple of weeks have been normal but that weird feeling has been there sometimes,

This morning I woke up thirty minutes later than normal, as I was working a night shift.

I have been writing and receiving letters from both Stevie and Bucky. I woke up to a knock on the door I was debating to get up or for the postman or let him leave the letter at the door,

"The postman's up doesn't mean I have to be" I muttered to myself as I was lying in my loving warm bed. About twenty minutes later I decided to get up, I looked at the clock and saw it was 10:05 am.

I got dressed in a casual outfit, it was a white top with navy blue stripes going horizontal and long dark green culottes.

I proceeded to make my way to the door to see what the post-mans had brought, it was a letter addressed to me, I instantly noticed the handwriting it was Steve's

I went into the kitchen and opened the letter...

Dear Jess,
I hope you are alright, and not getting into any trouble, not that you won't be since I'm not there. I hope you are safe and not hurt. I'm doing fine, I'm still on my tour I'm actually going to Italy soon, and I was told that I might get to see Buck. My tours are going well. I really wish you could be here to see me on my tour, but I was not allowed to have anyone come with me, some about it's very 'top secret'. I'm also working with Howard Stark, and sadly you are not here because you and he would get on very well because of your sense of humour.
Talk to you soon,
Steve Rogers
Ps. I'm not hurt, actually, I'm far from that but I hope to see you soon and try not to get hurt as well.

After reading the letter I put it with all the rest of the letters I have, it's a little drawer in my dresser in my room.

I went to get myself some breakfast, it was just a bowl of porridge, nothing too fancy but I wasn't in the mood to cook something.

While she was cleaning the dishes, which was only really a plate, bowls and a bit of cutlery, she noticed that there wasn't much food.

"I one good thing that came out of the boys going to war, the food lasts longer and less money for me to spend," I said to myself sarcastically while looking through the presses to see what I need to get in the shop, 


While shopping at the local shop for food, I was looking for cans of beans a man approaches me.

"Hey sweetheart, what's a girl like you doing all alone in a shop at this hour," he said while leaning up against a pillar in the building he sides where I was,

"One doesn't call me that and two why would I tell you why I'm here," I said while giving him little no eye contact and the only time I did look at him was to give him a dirty look

"Oh what are you gonna do, sweetheart," he said clearly trying to piss me off

At this moment I was so fed up with this man's shit I just walked away but not before flipping him off, I heard him off when I walked away and that made me smirk a bit,

I finished my shopping and went up to the counter to pay when I saw out of the corner of my eye the same man just waiting by the door like he was waiting for something or someone.

So I grabbed my food and left the shop and took a long way home, just to make sure that if anyone was actually following me they would get lost because it's like a back ally, small and not many people go down there and it's also very easy to get lost if you're not used to going down there.

As I reach the apartment I looked around to see if anyone followed me before going to my door,

I didn't see anyone I didn't know so I went in and locked the almost intently as I got in.

I put the food back in the presses and cleaned the counters from all the dirt from the bottom of the bags that I placed on the counter,

As I finished I went into the living room and opened up my locket and looked at the pictures, Stevie, Bucky and me on Steve's 10th birthday and me and Bucky when we were about 17th, I smiled at how happy we looked in the pictures, the three of us and both me and Bucky.

I don't know how long I was looking at the pictures for but I must have been either tired or I was just there a long time because before I knew it, I was asleep.

I woke up to a banging noise on the door, it wasn't any of the neighbours, because they know quietly and politely,

And I wasn't the postman, so I didn't know who it was. So I have done what Bucky told me to do when I don't recognize the knock at the door, but in this case, it was a bang,

"Who is it," I said through the door

"It's one of your neighbours, well I'm new to this place, and I just wanted to say hi," he said through the door back to me

I swear I heard that voice before, but I pushed it aside and opened the door. To my shock, it was the man at the store, but before I could close the door he had his hand out and to stop me,

Tip number one Bucky always told me when fighting, Never. Show. Fear. "Can I help you?" I said through the grit of my teeth because as much as I was scared I was more pissed this bastard followed me home.

"Oh sweetheart, aren't you going to let me come in," he said with a creepy smirk

"No I think I'm fine thanks," I said trying to close the door again, but he stopped me of a corset but this time with his foot

"Oh come on, I loved to come in," he said trying to force his way in, but to his surprise, I was able to keep it the way it was but not strong enough to close it

"Look if you don't leave I'm going to have to kick you out the hard way," I said really pissed, so mad my knuckles were white from gripping the door handle

"I'd love to see you try" now with a serious tone in his voice

"Okay, you leave me no choice," I said with a spark of sarcasm in my voice,
Proceed to kick the man in the crouch and he falls on the floor,

But before I close the door he says something in a different language and then another two men come up behind him and push the door open I kick one in the knee and stumbles a little and gets back up, and this is where I go into full fight mode,

I kick the first guy in the knee and he stumbles a little, while I was doing that another guy wraps his arms around my stomach and bring my head back as fast and as hard as it will go and I hear and crack, and it was most likely his nose, he lets go of me and I turn around to get a punch in the face by the first guy and I kick him in the stomach and punch him in the face too just when I taught it was over, both men are on the ground I turn around to see the creepy man with a pan in his hand

"Shit he must have got the pan when I was fighting the other guys," I said in my head

"Спи спокойно, дорогая," he said while hitting me in the head with the pan
(sleep well, sweetheart)

And then everything goes black...

I wonder what happens now, what happens to Jess?
Who was that guy?
Omg so many questions, but I hope you enjoyed it, new part is out tomorrow sorry if you were waiting for it, I posted it late, but anyways
Again love you lots
Have a lovely day/night Xox
See you tomorrow ♡☆♡☆

*Oh also if the Russian is wrong blame google translate*

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