Chapter Twelve

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The next day they the guards started taking random soldiers out of the cells, and they would never return,

It started to freak me out a bit, but I tried not to show it, but the one thing confusing and concerning is that, I never done the fighting this morning,

I just taught they were just pushing it back, as a knew that they were never going to not do it,

At this point at least, two soldiers were taken and didn't return. I was sitting on the ground with three other soldiers,

Bucky, a guy named Timothy "Dum Dum" Dugan, Buck said he was close with him, but not as close as Steve, and the other guy's name was Gabriel Jones, Buck was kind of close with him too.

Both of them were actually nice, but didn't really talk much, nobody did, eventually Bucky slid over beside me and I leaned my head on his shoulder,

Nobody was really standing ether, we all just sat on the cold damp ground and stayed quiet.

Even tho it was only about an hour after the other two soldiers were taken, the guards came in and everyone's attention went to the big doors,

Some were tense, and some weren't, but you could see in their faces that they were slightly scared,

Then suddenly, they stopped outside the cell the four of us were in, everyone was quiet and watching to see what was about to happen, who was their next victim?

The cell door opened and all of us were still sitting on the floor, we didn't want to give them the pleasure of them thinking we listen to them.

Suddenly I guard picked me and my brother up, and dragged us out of the cell and locked it immediately, of course, me and Bucky started fighting back,

So did the other soldiers, but somehow I wasn't able to, they dragged us out of the room and down a long hall,

The hall was dark, even for the daytime. It was also quite wide, like a car could easily drive down it, not fast of course, but slowly.

They dragged us in a small room, there we saw two Wooden tables, at this point I was shaking and tears coming down my cheeks, but I didn't sob or anything,

They throw me onto the table first and I kicked and screamed at them to get off me, I knew it would do anything but get me into trouble, but it was a natural reflex.

Bucky started screaming at them "You better get your hands off my sister, you bastard"

I was now sobbing as I was completely terrified, and Bucky knew that as I don't really like to show weakness,

But I could see the fear and tears welling up in his eyes as well, "YOU KNOW WHAT WHEN I GET OUT OF HERE I WILL KILL ALL YOU FIRST" I screamed at them

What they did to me and Bucky is all a blur, I remember being in so much pain and screaming and I heard Bucky scream as well and I think, that just made it worse, as it felt like my other half was being killed,

After what felt like a million years they stopped and left me and Bucky alone, but I heard Bucky mumbling something, I didn't know what he was saying,

But I must of fell in and out of continuous-ness and after a while, I was just awake staring at the roof, I blocked out all the noise, and just stared,

I wasn't thinking about anything, I was like I was numb, yes I could feel my body against the hardwood table and the cold breeze, but I didn't know how to feel,

Sad, that I might die
I happy, about the way I was so close to Bucky and Stevie
Pain, as they had beaten me up
Angry, about how they treated my brother.

I didn't even have hope someone would come to find us and save us, I knew I was going to die, anytime soon.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐬|| 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now