Chapter One

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Jessica was reading one of her sister's letters in class she was in Freshman in high school at the time.

Dear Bucky and Jessica,
I hope everything is good in America, England is still very good I hope to come to visit sometime or you can come to visit sometime. Tell Mum and Dad that I miss them lots I hope you all are well, I would write lots more but I have to go
Love you lots,
Rebecca Barnes
Ps. Jessica try not to get in trouble and you too Buck tell Steve I miss him too and I'll try to come to visit this summer.

Jessica was brought back to reality by the teacher slamming his hands on Jesicas desk "Miss Barnes do you even listen to what I say anymore?!" He shouted at her
"Sorry, sir I got... distracted." She said trying to hide the letter Rebecca had given her and Bucky because she is new if the teacher Mr Smith found it he would take it off her and not give it back.
"What's that in your hand under your desk," he said try to look at it
"Oh, it's nothing. Don't worry about it"
She said hoping that he won't ask any more questions but she and everyone in the class knew he not going to stop until he got the letter.

"Oh I will worry about it, give it here," he said annoyed with his hand open for her to put the letter in it.
Jessica glared at his hand and looked down at the letter and remembered what Rebecca said in the letter "Jessica try not to get in any trouble." She looked up at his "No" she said sassily
"Oh shit she is in trouble, again"
"Oh god this is gonna be good"
Said the other students and then the teacher got more annoyed his brow frond so hard Jessica tried so hard not to laugh.
"Ok, that's it if you do not give me that piece of paper in your hand right NOW I am going to give you a weeks detention and a punishment !" He yelled at her, she was going to say no again when she remembered her mother said she could not go to Coney Island with Bucky and Steve. She hesitantly gave the teacher the letter and said "sorry sir" sheepishly and looked down at her book and pencil on her table. He snatched the letter out of Jessica's hand and threw it in the trash.
"I wonder why she did it, it's not like her" Steve whispered to Bucky sitting beside him and they were sitting behind Jessica.
"I think it is because Ma told her if she gets in more trouble she can't come to Coney Island with us" Bucky whispered back.
"Would you two idiots shut up" whispered as she turned around.
Both boys had a smile from ear to ear and so did Jessica when she saw them smile.

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