Chapter Nine

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I woke up with a pounding headache, and then I realized what had happened, I was hit with a goddam pan to the head.

My eyes shot open and I sat up, I say I was in a cell, it was round and there were multiple cells around it, if I looked up I could see the floor above me, as there were bars at the top.

"Those son's of bitches" I said looking around to try to find a way out,

I was looking around when I heard footsteps behind me, "well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in" I said as I turned around with a glare

"That's no way to talk to me," a guy said with a glare,

At this point we are both giving each other a death glare, finally, I broke the silence "what do you want me" still keeping eye contact.

"Well see, I had some of my men in America look for some people who could fight that weren't in the war yet they said they saw you in action and it was good, so I got them to bring you here," he said in a strong accent it was hard for me to understand what he was saying,

"Well are you at least going to feed me or give me or are you going to let me starve," I said walking closer to him.

"That depends on how well you behave," he said with a smirk, "I suggest you do"
While walking away.

"YOU BASTARD!" I screamed after he left, after he left I just sat on the ground and, realized that I'm more likely going to die. At this point, I was slightly crying with my knees to my chest.


For what seemed like a million years, which was probably about a couple of hours, I was sitting in the cell with my knees up to my chest and I had stopped crying, as I had no tears left to cry.

The man that talked to me first came back in "Stand" he ordered as he stood in front of the cell,

I slowly lifted my head till I was looking at home dead in the eyes, "you're going to have to make me" I said while tilting my head,

"GET UP NOW" he yelled, at this point, I just do what he said as I knew something bad was about to happen to me and I didn't want to make it worst.

I stood up hands at my side, and I just stared at him "how may I help" I said sarcastically, at this point two guards had come into the huge room.

"You run, you get punished, you obey, we'll see what will happen," he said, and at that one of the guards opened the cell,

I walked out and just listened, the guy started walking away and I followed him and the two guards trailing behind with these very weird.... guns?

We walked into some sort of training room, it was dark as the lighting wasn't the best, three punching bags were hanging from the wall on my right and my left was a sparing Matt. And right in front of me.

He handed me a pair of grey shorts and told me to put them on. I looked at him like he was crazy "what, well where do I go to get changed?" I asked

"Here," he said bluntly

I raised an eyebrow and looked around "here?"

He didn't reply, I just sighed and put on the shorts, he went to mid-thigh, something I used to wear when Bucky used to show how to fight.

"Show me what you got," he said gesturing to the sparing Matt,

I got on the Matt and just looked at him confused "You're up first" he said pointing to one of the guards at the door.

He put his.... gun.... weapon thing on the table with the other guns. He then proceeded to walk up to Matt, we both got into fight positions.

We started circling each other, then he made the first move, throw a punch, which I dodged... obviously and I throw a punch and his square in the nose, but I didn't stop him,

He then kicked me in the stomach, and I stumbled back a bit, at this moment I was just annoyed at why I had to do this, I hit him in the side of the face, which he didn't take too well.

He then hit me in the face and my nose cracked and I think I broke it, I then I somehow got behind him and jumped on his back and used all my body weight and made him fall forward,

I then put him in a headlock, and my legs wrap around his waist "Next time try not to break my nose and this won't happen" I whispered in his ear.

I then got up and look at the guy who calls himself my "master" and he just nodded "Next person" he yelled and the guy on the Matt got up and walked off and back to the door,

Another guy walked onto Matt he looked weaker than the other guy "Are you serious, like what is this? A companion to see who is the weakest?" I said laughing looking at the guy in fronting me

He just growled and got into a fight position, like always I let him go for the first move, it was shit to be totally honest, I slightly chuckled, grabbed his leg and pulled it making him fall and he's back, I then kicked him in the stomach and straddled his waist with legs and punched him in the face.

"Next" I heard the guy yell.....again, I got off him and he walked off head hung low, this went on for a couple of hours, a guy would come up, I would beat them in  sparing and the next person,

But don't think I didn't get hurt, oh yes I did, but I more hurt I got the worst the guy would be. Eventually, after about two, three hours of this two guards grabbed one of my biceps and pulled me to the cell I was in a couple of hours ago,

"I can walk you know, my legs work," I said to the two guards but they didn't listen they clenched harder and didn't even make eye contact.

When we got to the cell one of them let go of me to open the cell and the other help onto me, like he was falling off a cliff and I was the only thing he had left to hold onto,

"Would you mind losing your grip" I growled at him, he didn't even look at me and then throw me into the cell.

"Oh thank you I didn't think I would be able to get into the cell without some help from you," I said sarcastically and giving them both glares

He slammed the door shut and they both walked away leaving me to deal with my pain, I had definitely broken my nose, had lots and lots of bruises all over my arms and legs and my face, and my face was bleeding a bit.

I pulled out my lock that I had hidden under my top because I taught they would take it off me if they found it, I opened it up and looked at the pictures in it,

I sad smiled at it and a tear was streaming down my cheeks and landed on my top. "I hope you two are doing better than me right now" I whispered and closed the locket and tucked it under my top and tried to find a comfortable place to sleep, not that there was one.

Hey everyone I wanna say sorry for posting so late I was with my family for St.Patrick's day,
happy St.Patrick's day (if you celebrate it) I hope you had a good day or not
Now we are starting to get interesting, Jess is in a mysterious place.
What do you think is going to happen?
And again love you lots
Have a great day/night
Xoxo ♡☆♡☆

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