Chapter Thirty-Four

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When I feel my continuous coming back to me and the cool air leaving my human fridge I started to open my eyes a bit to not be shut instantly because of the shining light blasting but surprisingly warm light. Like normal two guards grabbed me and pulled me out of the chamber.

When I was stumbling down the corridor after coming out of the chamber I resized we weren't in Siberia. One, because the base looked more modern. Yes, maybe they did an update but not this good. Two, the base looked completely different and three it wasn't that cold. Yes, I was cold after coming out of a literal fucking freezer but in Siberia, the base would be just as cold when the freezer but when the door is opening.

They dragged me into a long corridor, at the end, there were metal bars with guards guarding it. But the room looked too bright to be a cell. When we got close enough the guards opened the cell doors. At this point, no one has talked to me. I didn't really expect anyone to anyways.

"Ahhh, Soldier. It's good to finally see you. My name is Alexander Pierce. But you can call me sir." A man with blond hair, he looked about the late forties. I just looked around the room. Wint was sitting in a chair, it looked like a more modern version of the wiping machine.

The guards pushed me in the chair beside Winter. I looked at him and he looked at me, we both looked a bit confused as to what was happening. I had so many questions, but the number  one was "Что случилось с Карповым?" I asked him and he just sighed and looked down.
(What happened to Karpov?)

"Soldier we don't speak Russian here, we speak English." He said in a harsh tone. I was taken back,

no one has ever talked to me like that, but my handler. Oh My Fucking God, is he our new handler.

"What happened to Karpov?" I asked again and he cleared his throat and I looked at Winter confused and he had a bit of confusion flicker behind his blank eyes.

"Karpov, your old handler has retired. I'm here to take over for him. I am your new handler." He said in a harsh and stern tone. Something made me think this Pierce guy meant business and he didn't take any bullshit and he was worse than Karpov.

Winter didn't look to convince, "How come we were never told about this? Karpov never mentioned that he was retiring. And that you were our new handler." He said emotionless but with a bit of suspicion in his voice. He lifted his head and squinted his eyes at this guy 'being our new handler', I was a bit sceptical too.

"Well I admire the fact you don't trust people easily but I am your new handler." He said while turning around and a soldier handed him two files "Do these prove that I'm your handler? Because they better." He said while handing us the files.

They were our hydra files. It was translated into English though, well most of it was. Some parts were still Russian but they weren't important parts, just how long we were in cryo freeze at a time. I looked up at winter and nodded slightly and so did he. I looked back to Pierce and handed him the file "Sorry sir for the misunderstanding." I said emotionless and he took the file and nodded his head.

"Wait sir, are you American?" I asked with a slight rise of my left eyebrow. While he took Winters file and handed it back and turned it back to me.

"Good job soldier. That brings me to your new mission. It's separate, you will both have different missions but will be going tomorrow so you can head back to your cell for now but this is the information." He said while passing a thick file to winter. Winter opened it and started reading it while pierce handed me another file.

I opened it up and there was a fake id and information on this normal citizen called Rebecca Johnson. When I read that name I reconsider the name from somewhere, not the whole name just the first name Rebecca. Where have I heard of that before? I was pulled out of my thoughts by Peirce taking the file out of my hand and the guards pulled Winter and me out of the chairs and pulling us out of the chairs and out of the room.

While they were guiding us to our cell I was in my own thoughts thinking about the name Rebecca. When we arrived at our cell. It was worse than the cell in Siberia. At least in Siberia, we got a bed but no in this cell there was nothing. And I mean nothing. Not even a bathroom. There was a small window with bars on it but that's all.

Winter and I walked in and sat down on the ground at the back wall. The cell was smaller than the one in Siberia helped had. It was about six by six meters. Wint and I sat shoulder touching shoulder and I rested my head on his shoulder and he brought his arm around me. I felt a stabbing pain in my head and I flinched slightly.

"Guys I don't think we should do this. It doesn't seem very nice." A small scrawny blond boy said. He looked about ten, eleven.

"Oh come on steve. This is going to be hilarious, Rebecca is going to find it funny." A Burnett girl said who looked a lot like me "hopefully." She said and started laughing.

"Yeah, pal this is gonna be so funny." I brunette boy said, who looked exactly like the girl.

The two..... siblings? Who looked like Winter and I were applying ink to the door of a bedroom. The blond boy seems a bit more sceptical about what there were doing.

"Bucky, Jess. What if you get in trouble?" He asked the two stopped and looked at each other and turned around to look at the blond boy... Steve.

"Then we simply get in trouble." The girl. Jess said and went back to applying ink. "Aaaannnnnd, dome!" She said while putting the lid back on the bottle of ink.

"Just in time. Quick hide" the brunette boy. Bucky. Said and grabbed the blond boy by the sleeve of his shirt and pulled him behind a couch and hid behind it with the girl at their side.

"Oh My God, What the hell!" Came a shout from what sounded like a young girl. The three friends poked their heads over the couch and looked at a young brunette girl, she looked about seven, eight "Ma! Buck and Jess are after putting ink on my doorknob!" The young girl, I'm guessing is Rebecca yelled and the two twins started sniggering quietly while the young blond didn't he looked at the eight-year-old in pity.

Rebecca's headshot to the three hiding behind the couch. Her face when red from anger. But before anything could happen a woman walked in. "The hell is happening here?" She said walking over to the eight-year-old and looking at her inky hand and looked at the three kids behind the couch, well more of the twins. "You two get over here now." He demanded and the three got up from behind the couch. And walked over.

The blond looked ashamed, the brunette boy looked down but the brunette Girl bit her lip to try not to laugh. "Steve I'm not mad at you. I know you wouldn't do this. But you two" she said pointed to the twins "Why would you do this?" The mother asked.

"I was fun," Jess replied and her mother looked disappointed at her. That made the girl put her head down in shame

"James? Got anything to say?"  Their mother said again and looked at the boy who had his head down.

He lifted his head and looked at his sister "I'm sorry Becca. It was only for fun. I didn't mean to make you mad." He said in an apologetic voice.

Hey guys I'm still alive I'm not dead. I was thinking I might just post on Friday, Saturday and Sunday from now on. Until Summer Break. Then I will go back to posting every day. Also thank you so so so much for 2k 🥳
Love you lots xoxo
Stay safe

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