Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"Okay, so line up and we'll see what your ranges at hand to hand combat," Winter said while standing straight and hands at his side.

All the girls walked over to the other side of the room by the wall and stood up straight hands joined at the front and waiting for instructions. "Okay, who wants to go first?" Winter said and all the teenage and older girls shout up to their hands. He pointed to one of the girls I think her name was Natalia. She walked up and stood on the mat opposite winter. I could hear all the girls talking about her and how she gets everything. I was quite confused as to what they were talking about.

I looked back at winter and she was quite good. I would say she is nearly there to becoming an amazing assassin. Winter had just flipped her over and had her in a headlock and after a couple of seconds of her trying to get out she taped his forearm and he let go instantly. "Sloppy," was the only word winter said. She just looked at him and walked off the mat. Some of the other girls were sniggering. As much as I didn't like Natalie I didn't the other girls so I gave them a cold stare "You think you girls can do any better. Go ahead, he's waiting, or you can go up against me" I said while tilting my head a bit to the left side and having my hands behind my back.

They all stopped sniggering and dropped their heads to the ground, Natalie looked me dead in the eyes and me a slight smile. I only glanced at her. "Okay you, blond hair," Winter said pointing to one of the girls. She looked about seventeen and she also looked like a huge bitch. "Yeah, you. Get up here." Winter said and I swear I saw her blush a tiny bit.

"Jesus Christ," I said under my breath. I stood at the other side of the mat of the girls and my hands behind my back. The girl walked up,

She put out her hand to shake with winter "Emma" she said and winked at him. At this point, I could tell he regretted choosing her. He grabbed her hand and flipped her over and pinned her on the floor. He had a knee on her back and had her hands behind her and held them down. She was squirming around and groaning. She eventually attempted to tap winter and he got off her. After a few seconds.

She got up and walked over to me and whispered in my ear "Please take these I can't deal with these little bitches." I lifted my head high and walked off onto the mat. I stood in front of the bitch, Emma.

"I want a rematch" she demanded, I gave her a cold stare. She tried to hide the fact that she was scared but it was quite obvious she was.

"You don't get to give me orders. But I do want to see you fail. So I'll try" I said coldly and got into a fighting stance, and so did she "I'll let you go first. Might be easier that way"

She just rolled her eyes and kicked her foot at my head, I sidestepped and grabbed it and pulled it. She fell to the ground. She got up intently and sweated under my feet. While I was down, she sat on my waist and started to strangle me. She taught she was winning and had a smirk on her face, but stopped when I grabbed her wrists and pulled her into a headlock. She tried to get out but u was too strong for her. She ended up tapping my bicep and I let go and stood up leaving a coughing blonde on her hands and knees on the mat.

"Can anyone tell me what she did wrong?" I said to all the girls looking at me in awe. One of the younger girls. Maybe eight, nine put up her hand and I nodded at her,

"She underestimated you while fighting." The young brunet said confidently. With her hand joined together at the front

"I was aiming towards pain tolerance, but yes, she underestimated me. And also she goes distracting with my partner over here. She was also rushing trying to win the fight before it happened." I said to all the girls and some of them started nodding and the rest had a pleased smirk.

"I was trying okay." She said while eventually standing up and looking at me. She had her hands at her side and feet shoulder-width apart. Probably expecting me to fight her again.

Bitch, does she think I'm going to fight her again? Fuck no.

"Stop rushing and start analyzing your opponent's movements." I said emotionless but calm "It might save you one day" and at that, she attempted to punch me in the face. I sidestepped and punched her in the side. She gasped for air and fell to the ground. "See. Analyze your opponent's movements." She scrambled to her feet and walked off and stood beside all the other girls.

At that point, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. Both me and winter shot our head to the door behind us and say Madam B and Karpov standing there. "Your quite good fighters, soldiers." Madam B said, "But the girls have ballet practice and I wouldn't want them to miss that."

All the girls walked off the leave the four of us in the room. "Good job soldiers," Karpov said and walked off. To leave Madam B, Winter and I in the room,

"Will I show you to your room?" She said more demand than a question and both winter and I share a glance and nod at her in response "Very good. Follow me" and at that, she walked out of the room followed by me and winter.

When we left the room there were more girls I didn't see before. We walked down a long corridor to find big brown stairs. We walked to the top floor and down another corridor. At the bed was a room on the left. She opened the door to find a small room. About a bit smaller than the cell we had it was a lot like the cell actually. Small room, small bathroom, but at least there was a door. But instead of a bunk, there was a small bed but two people could sleep on it but it was taking up basically the whole room.

When I had turned around she was gone and the door was still opened. "So, how was fighting with the redhead one. She seems good" I said while sitting beside winter on the bed.

"She was a couple of things to work on. But yeah she is good, not going to give her the pleasure of my kindness but." He said while looking at me.

"No one sees your kindness, Winter. But I never show people my kindness either. We're not supposed to have it." I told him and gave him a slight nod.

"I know. It's just doesn't seem right not to show you kindness, even though you are my sister. My twin." He said and I swear I saw him smile a bit. But as quick as it came it went. I just placed my head on his shoulder.

"I know we're not supposed to love anyone or anything. But I really do love you, Winter." I said and he wrapped his arm around me and placed his hand on my bicep.

"I love you too." He said and I could hear a small smile in his voice. "We should get some sleep," he looked at the clock "It's really late, we should get some sleep," he said and walked over to the other side of the bed.

"Yeah that's if we can," I said under my breath but Winter had to head me and patted the space beside him. I turn around and looked at him.

"You will be fine. I'm here if it happens" he said reassuring but with a blank face. What has been happening recently is when I wake up from the ice I have bad nightmares, thankfully I have winter. But not just a partner. No, but a brother.

I get under the cover to release they are freezing. I let out a shaky breath and started rubbing my arms. Even though I have a higher body temperature. This bed is still freezing. But not as cold as the human fridge. Winter pulled me into him and started rubbing my arms as well, trying to warm me up. I ended up falling asleep while having my head on winters chests and him having me wrapped in his arms, he had his chin on the top of my head.

OMG Thank you guys so much for 1k!!!! 🥳
I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm sorry it was late, I was spending Easter with my family (parents that I live with, don't worry) happy Easter if you celebrate.
Again have an amazing day/night
Love you a lot xoxo
Stay safe

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