Chapter Eighteen

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When I woke up, the first thing that hit me was the cold, it was fucking freezing. I mean, it felt like someone pushed me into the Arctic Ocean. At this point I didn't want to open up my eyes, I was too afraid of what I was going to see if I open them up,

But I could hear muffled voices and after a minute or two, my curiosity got the better of me and I opened my eyes, what I saw confused me, my brows knitted together, "what the hell where am I?" I said to myself. Suddenly two.... guards? Walked up to me. They took me out of the human fridge,

"Morning soldier," I guy with a thick Russian accent said, "I am Vasily Karpov and I am your handler" I frowned in confusion,

"отведи ее к стулу с братом и вытри ее, я скоро буду там"  he said to the two guards still holding me up,
(take her to the chair with her brother and wipe her, I will be there soon)

Both guards nodded and pulled me along, we reached a huge room, this room was cool but not as cold as the human fridge, as I called it. I looked around and saw in the middle of the room some very high-tech stuff. The room was dark, the only source of light was coming from big lights above two big metal chairs, there was a big machine around them, at either side were..... screens. There was a metal railing around the chairs, there were gaps that you could get into the chairs,

I was so weak from coming out of the human fridge that I couldn't stop the guards from shoving me into a chair, they put my arms on the armrests on the chair and metal clamps suddenly closed over my wrists and ankles. Instinctively I started pulling at them to get them open. I knew that would never wake but I still tried anyway. Just then the door opened and everyone's eyes turned to the doors, two guards were dragging Bucky in.

My eyes widened, "Bucky" I shouted at him and he lifted his head to look at me and his eyes widened as well

"Jess," he said tiredly, as the guards dragged him like a rap doll over to the other chair on my left and, put his arms on the armrests like me, the clamps came over his wrist and ankles like mine, he did the same as me and started pulling at them, but gave up after a few seconds of trying,

We both looked at each other, not knowing what to expect next, one of the doctors came up to me and put an injection in my left arm, and one in bucky's right. The liquid was a blue liquid, like the one they gave me after they branded me, but this one didn't burn my insides. The guy who called himself 'Vasily Karpov' came in with a red book with a black star in the middle. Both me and buck looked at each other again but this time with fear behind both our eyes.

My breathing was unsteady, I tried to stay calm but I couldn't really, "когда мне начать процесс, сэр?" One of the doctors said to Karpov,
(when should I start the process, sir?)

"Cейчас же," Karpov said while opening up the book to a page near the middle, the doctors came over and placed little stickers to both mine and bucky's temples. Strings were coming out of the stickers, the strings were connected to a screen. The doctor then comes up to me with a black mouth guard, at first, I didn't want to open my mouth, so I kept it shut, at glared at the doctor. Karpov then came up to me and slapped me across the face.

You could hear bucky's muffled shouting, I looked over at him and gave him a sad smile and turned around to look at Karpov
"You slap like a bitch, even I could slap harder than you," I said and let a small chuckle out, he glared at me and grabbed my jaw and squeezed it, the pressure made my mouth open, so the doctor put the mouth guard in.

"начинай сейчас," Karpov said and the doctors started pressing buttons. Not short after a big clamp got pushed against my biceps, it felt like needles being pushed into my biceps, I could hear Bucky whimper beside me, just as I was going to look over a helmet-like thing came and pressed against my head, one part even went over my left cheek, the most unbearable pain shot into my head. It was like I was being electrocuted and the pain all through my body. I could hear bucky's muffled scream throw my muffled scream.

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