Chapter Seventeen

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When I woke up all I could see was a blur, when my vision started to come to come through. I realize in a dark room, with a bright light shining down on me,

My eyes fluttered to get used to the lighting. I tried to sit up but came to realize I was strapped down, "what the hell" I muttered while pulling at the leather straps holding my legs and wrists down.

I heard a groan to my right and looked over to Bucky "Bucky!" I said with a bit of fear in my voice. I noticed that bucky was missing his left arm from the elbow down, I gasped when I say it,

Doctors then come in and started huddling around him, I saw one come up to him with a needle in hand, "what the fuck are you going to do to him!" I yelled at them while pulling at the restraints as they would break.

They all turned around to look at me and then back to him, they started to operate on his arm, or what was left of it. It got so bad I didn't wanna watch, I could feel the salty tears run down my face as I looked away.

At least he wasn't really awake, so he couldn't feel it, right? After a while a small stumpy man walked in, he wore round glasses and a lab coat. My eyes widened when I realized who it was. Arnim Zola.

He walked over to Bucky's left side where they replaced his half missing arm with a metal arm, it was silver I could just about make my face out on it, it had a blood-red star on the outside of his bicep.

He looked at both of us I was fully awake, but Buck on the other hand looked half away, his eyes were still fluttering a bit. "The procedure has already started, you two are to be the face of hydra"

"I will never work for hydra, your better off to kill me, but I will never work for you" I yelled at him, he just gave me a gave me smirk and jabbed a needle into bucky's waist as he was shirtless, his eyes then started to close again,

"What the fuck did you do to him," I said fearful as he walked towards me with another needle in hand, I started squirming around on the table again, but I wasn't going anywhere, he then jabbed the needle into my right arm and my eyelids got heavy and I tried my hardest to keep them open but nothing stopped the darkness consuming me,


The next time I woke up I was still on a medical table but realized I wasn't strapped. I shot up instantly and I heard the sounds of guns clicking behind me, I turned around to see five men behind me, dressed in full black and fully armed, they looked the same as the other guards but with different guns,

I looked around I was in a small lab, it was very dusty like nobody had ever heard of cleaning in this place, I was brighter than the other room, but there were no windows, the light came from medical lights, I saw a small fire pit in the corner of the room and my eyebrows knitted together, and tilted my head.

I suddenly heard a door open, I looked at the door to see Zola and three other doctors walk into the room "I see you found out about modern-day guns," I said sarcastically as I gestured to the armed men.

Zola just smiled and tilted his head, "As I said the procedure has already started, this is the next part, the three doctors walked up to me, one of them pushed me down onto the bed, I tried my headrest to resist but I still a bit weak, so I fell back against the bed, he strapped me down with the restraints on my legs and my wrist,

He then lifted my shirt to just my lower chest, he walked away and started to get something at a table it looked like a bag with blue liquid and also what looked like an IV pole. I was so distracted that I didn't see the next doctor come up to me with a metal branding iron, he pressed it up against the left side of my stomach.

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