Chapter Twenty-Six

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After the incident that happened with the elite death squad. Let's just put it to simpler ways... winter and I were, you guessed it. Frozen. Again. Karpov thought it was best to put them under and while he was doing that he decided to put us under as well.

I woke up again. Cold. Frost on my eyelashes and ends of my hair. But what shocked me the most was the fact that we were not in the base in Siberia.

Like did Karpov not tell us we were moving to another base without telling us?

Secondly, Jesus how long were we under. Karpov looks so much older now. Wow. And lastly, when were taken out we weren't put in the machine to wipe our memories we were just pulled out and held up for a few minutes until I and winter could get out strength back.

"Soldiers?" Karpov said English, as a woman stood beside him. She had white hair and had very good posture.

"Готов подчиниться." Winter and I said in sync and taking in our new environment, without moving. So looking out of the corner of our eyes.
(Ready to comply)

"While here you will speak English. Unless told otherwise" Karpov said sternly. While crossing his arms over his chest.

"Hello, I am madam B. And you are here at the Red Room and are here to teach the girls here how to become amazing assassins" the woman beside Karpov said

"You will teach you girls here your skills. From, hand to hand combat to guns to languages. And also you will teach them how to blend in, like how to do an American accent. Your room will be upstairs beside the younger girls rooms." Karpov said and unfolded his arms.

"If you would like to follow me and I will show you to the girls." Madam B said while starting to walking off.

But stopped when she released winter and I wasn't following her. Winter and I glanced at Karpov. "Anything Madam B said you do." He said and following her.

Winter and I followed her into a room where the girls were training. Ageing from what looks like eight, nine to nineteen years. One girl caught my attention, a girl, looks around seventeen, red hair. I tilting my head up high observing her. She had one or two things to improve but she was pretty good.

Madam B must have noticed me looking observing her "That is Natalia Romanova, she is one of our best." She said and I turned my head to look at the woman and nodded "Girls. These are the Winter Twins. They will be to your new teachers. Any questions?" The woman beside me said.

A few hands shot up, mostly younger ones or the ones that looked like they liked to show off their skills. "What will they teach us, Madam?" One of the younger girls said, she looked about ten and had black hair and green eyes.

"Well, both will teach you hand to hand combat and gun range. But they both speak multiple different languages so I have left the option up to you girls which three languages you want to learn." Madam replied in a stern tone.

"What about ballet, madam B?" One of the older girls asked. She had blonde hair and looked like a girl to show off her skills. She looked about seventeen.

"No, well not unless you know ballet." She said while turning to me to answer her question.

"No, Madam. I don't think I know ballet." I said emotionless. She just nodded in acceptance and left the room with Karpov trailing behind her. All of the girls were eyeing the both of us, well mostly wint. The younger ones were looking terrified at him while the teenagers and the older ones were crushing on him so badly.

"Get back to training and stop eyeing my partner," I said coldly and all of them went back to spare. I glanced at a mat and looked at winter. I grabbed his arm and dragged him over to the mat. We both got into a fighting stance. After a few seconds of circling each other, wint lunged at me. His number one weakness, patience Don't get me wrong I don't have much patience either but he always seems or snap first.

He lunged at me and the last second, I sidestepped out of the way and went to just in his back, which he predicted. And swiped my feet from under me. While lying on the ground I kick him in the abdomen. While he stumbled back I used that time to sweep him from his feet. As he lay in his back I straddled my feet around his chest. But just as I thought I had him he flipped himself over so he was on top of me. He had my hands pressed against the mat. Waiting for me to tap to release, I did the opposite. I smashed my forehead against him, at this his press on my hands weren't as strong so I was able to wiggle both hands out. I had flipped over again and put him in a headlock. At this moment be both didn't notice all the girls had seen our entire fight. I knew winter next move, so I played Dumb and pretended I didn't. He grabbed my elbow and went to flip me over his head. But before he could do that I had shoved it in his chest. He started coughing and that was when I held tighter on his neck.

Eventually, he taped my bicep and I let go instantly, he was still coughing a bit, I could tell he was trying to hide it. I stood up and looked around at all the girls all of them had either a smirk or was nodding or both. I put my hand out and helped winter up. He gratefully took it and gave me a solid nod and I gave him one back. Our goods can say a lot of things. This time it meant: well done and I gave him a thank you one back.

I know this one is a lot shorter than the others. But I only really wanted to put the introduction to the red room in this one.
I hope you all have an amazing day/night
Love you lots xoxo
Stay safe

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