Chapter Five

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I was walking home after Bucky left with the two girls to go dancing and Steve went to try to enrol on the army again, both I and Bucky know how much he wants this be we both know he won't be able to survive the training let alone the war.

When I finally arrived home it was late but I wasn't really tired so I decided to go over to Steve's place, I know Bucky tells me to never walk in the dark especially on my own but I'm just as good at the fight as he is and I can handle it and anyways people (well when I say that it's always drunk men in their late 40s) but they always seem to underestimate me because I'm a girl but I use it as an advantage. When I arrive at Steve's place he was already there, but being the good friend I am I knocked... and then walked straight in like I lived there

"Hey, what are you doing here you could have got hurt walking on your own at night," Steve said while lying on his couch reading a newspaper

"Ok, seriously you're turning into Buck being overprotective of me," I said with I slight chuckle

"Yeah your probably right, well I have great news," Steve said with a super excited smile on his face

"What is it, tell me" I sat down on the couch next to him while he sat up so I could sit down

"I got excepted into the army," he said with a huge grin

"Oh my god Steve that's amazing," I said super happy for him "But when do you leave" my smile had gone I was kinda nervous because my two best friends would be leaving for war

"Not for another couple of days but don't worry, we will have fun before I leave," he said with a hand on my shoulder and a reassuring smile

I sigh of relief left me and I nodded "Yeah your right, so what do you wanna do. Card game?"

"Yeah sure, but I'm going to win this time," he said going to get his deck of cards

"Oh you wanna bet on that one," I said with a cheeky grin

"Oh you're on Jessica Barnes" giving me a smirk and sitting at the table where I joined him

A few hours went by so fast, I ended up winning five rounds while Steve three. I love playing 21 with Steve because he's not like Bucky who gets super into the game and goes for super unrealistic bets and gets super pissed it he loses but after a bit laughs it off. Except for the money part, he is always pissed at the money part, well it depends on how much sometimes he says $5 and sometimes $30 but I find it funny when he gets mad

"Hey it's getting late it's like one in the morning I should probably get home" is said  after winning the last round of cards

"On no, you don't, you can stay here for the night, I'm not letting you go home. It's way too dangerous" Steve said in a concerned tone

"I'll be fine Stevie, don't worry about me," I said while standing up and grabbing my coat

"Ok one, you know I hate that nickname but to be honest I'm so used to it it's fine and second no please just stay here," he said really worried

"Ok fine but need to be up early for work in the morning" while putting my coat back on the coat hanger

"Ok I'll go get the dressing gown you left here last time so you can wear it," Steve said walking off into the spare room

I stay a lot when we were kids and even now sometimes and I always have a gown left here, some people might think it's weird but I don't really think it is

"Here I clean it and all for you and you can stay in the spare room," he said handing the grown and I walked off

I got dressed and went to sleep wondering about Bucky when I heard the door knock on the room, I got up from the bed and opened the door and to my surprise, I saw Bucky

"Bucky what are you doing here," I said while hugging him

"Yeah I could ask you the same," he said while smiling and we pulled apart from the hug

"Well I can over here to visit Steve after you left to go dancing and it got late and Steve told me I could stay the night," I said smiling at him

"Well I'm glad you did, I don't know what I would do if you got hurt," he said and kissed me on my forehead

"So how was the dancing, with the two *cough while saying bitches* girls," I said giving him an innocent smile

He gave a 'really' look  and sighed shaking his head and then smiled "it was good I wished you were there but anyways. Well goodnight I'm actually staying on the couch tonight so I'll hopefully see you in the morning" and then he kisses my forehead again

"Good night Sargent James Barnes," I said laughing and closing the door again and falling asleep thinking about how good my life is with my amazing best friend and my other half, my twin Bucky


I woke up in the morning to the smell of a loving breakfast, so I got up and went out to and got dressed into my work uniform (I always keep a spare here as well) and went out to the kitchen to find out it was 5 in the morning and Steve was cooking bacon and eggs

"Morning Jess, how did you sleep?" Steve asked me while getting plates

"Good. Thank you for letting me stay here again Stevie" I said taking a seat at the table

"You know you can stay here anytime you like this is like your home too and your apartment is like my second home too-" he was cut off by Bucky waking into the kitchen in his uniform for the army

"Steve I'm going to wake up-Wow am I in a dream or is Jess up without me calling her," he said while laughing and sitting beside me

"Oh shut up you idiot," I said to him with a grin on my face and then turned to Stevie "hey you need any help there Stevie"

"Yeah could you get the drink and knives and forks," he said while flipping the bacon on the pan

"Yeah sure thing" I got up and got the cups the water jug from the fridge and poured water in all three cups and got the cutlery and sat down again

"Here we got to hope you enjoy," Steve said and place a plate of bacon and eggs in front of us and sat down opposite of me and Bucky

"Thanks, pal" Bucky said while not hesitating to eat

After we all ate and talked and laughed Bucky got up and placed his dishes in the sink "I have to go but I'll write to you all as soon as I get there I promise" he said while facing us

I got up and ran over to him and gave him the tightest hug ever known to mankind "I'm going to miss you so much, and I love you so so so much" and I looked up at him

"I love you to Jess," he said and planted a kiss on my forehead "and I'll be back soon don't worry"

Then Stevie and bucky hugged and yeah I wasn't really listening to what they were saying because I was getting ready for work
Bucky walked to the door and I hugged him one last time and smiled and said "I love you big bro" and kissed his cheek

"I love you too little sis" and kissed my forehead Little did I know that that was the last time I would talk to him like that for years

Hope everyone is liking the book so far, I have always wanted to do this, this is my first book, well I did write one when I was 9 but it wasn't very good. I hoped you enjoyed this chapter as much as I loved writing it
And again good night/day
Love you all xoxo

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