Chapter Thirty-Six

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When we arrived outside the shield building, I was waiting for Pierce to get out of the car first but before he did he passed me a weird... I don't even know to explain it. "You will put this over your face. It's a hologram face, so no one will know it's you." He said and I put it over my face and pressed it at my ear and my face changed completely. I looked like the Rebecca Johnson in the ID picture.

We stepped out of the black SUV and I followed Pierce into the building. I kept my head up high not to show emotions. Cause that makes me weak and someone can take advantage of that. After we walked in through the door I saw a metal detector up ahead. "Дерьмо," I said not auditable to the normal ear but to a super soldier, it is.

I know, I know, I know. Why am I speaking in Russian when I'm in America. I just am okay. I curse in Russian, so not many people will understand me.

Even if I didn't have any weapons on my electric transmitter would definitely set it off.

I have to do something. Okay, think, think, think. I've got it!

I remember when I was looking through my locker at the base I saw a metal disk. I took two of them.

Maybe if I threw this at the metal detector it might malfunction.

Before I could even think of another thing I got one of the disks and threw it at the box at the side of the metal detector. Some sparks came out at first but then they stopped. At this point Pierce has gone through and was waiting for me, he had a smug smirk on his face thinking that the detector would go off,

Sike Bitch. I didn't. Wow, I'm a genius. He looked at me in shock as I walked through without the detector beeping. It quickly went and we continued walking to the meeting room. "How did you get it not to beep." He said in a monotone voice. Trying to not sound impressed

"I dis activated it, sir," I told him as we were waking and reached the room.

"Well okay. You're giving a good impression so far. Let's hope it stays that way through the meeting." He said as we entered the room I put on a bright smile to not blow my cover

"Mr Pierce. Thank you for joining this important meeting." A dark-skinned man side with an eye patch over his left eye said while shaking pierce hand firmly "And I'm guessing this is our assistant for today." He said turning to me and putting out his hand to shake.

I shook it with a smile on my face "Yes sir, Rebecca Johnson."

"You got a strong grip. Director fury. Head of Shield." He said while pulling away from the handshake. "And this is Agent Romanoff and Agent Baron. We will have Agent Hill joining us too. She will be here soon." He said while gesturing to a man who looked about mid or late twenty's, he had short light brown hair and it warm smile on his face.

And beside him was a woman. I swear I had seen her before but anyways she had long wavy red hair, green eyes wait stop looking at her eyes! Oh my god, why are you doing that? But anyways she had a small smirk on her face. She actually seemed nice.

Just then another woman walked in with a man behind her. I turned around to see- who I guess is Agent Hill- walk in she had the same kind of hair colour as me and was pale. The man behind her was short with a little bit of hair on his head. He looked quite nice. He walked up to me and stuck out his hand. "Agent Coulson." He simply said I smile and shook his hand.

"Johnson. Rebecca Johnson." I simply replayed with and shook his hand his eyebrows rose and his eyes widened when I shook.

"Wow, you got quite the grip." He said with a smile and walked over to the table to sit down beside the others.

"Agent Hill." The other girl said while shaking my hand as well and sitting over at the table with everyone.

"Shall we start?" The Director said and everyone nodded their head and I walked over to the table at the side of the room and handed everyone a cup and filled it with water.

"Please. I was doing very important stuff before this and I need to get back to it." The redhead said while I was poring Agent Hill's glass of water

"And what would that be? Agent Romanoff." The Director questioned while leaving back in his chair.

"Training." She simply said in a duh tone and rolled her eyes. At this point, she and I made eye contact I gave her a soft smile not just because it was because of my cover but I feel like I knew her and felt like I was the right thing to do.

She smiled back at me and then looked a bit sad and looked down. But she hid it quite well, a normal person wouldn't but thanks to my assassin eye I detected it.

I had gotten to Pierce and was filling his cup when the director started again. "We have been getting weird suspicious things lately." He said but not fully saying everything, probably because of me.

"What sort of suspicious things. Are we talking about?" Agent Barton said while taking a sip of water.

"Yeah what are you talking about?" Agent Hill butted in before the Director could answer.

He glanced at me and cleared his throat. "Ms Johnson would you mind stepping outside, just for a moment please." I glanced and Pierce and he slightly nodded and I looked back at the Director.

"Of course sir." I said with a nod and walked out of the room and closed the door. I leaned up against the wall to where I could still hear.

Thank you super-soldier serum.

After about half an hour of listening to them talk about stupid shit about how he thinks aliens and that sort of shit are around the doors opened. I stood up straight when they started walking out. They all just ignored me and went back to what they were doing before the meeting but Agent Romanoff came over to me.

"Natasha. Natasha Romanoff." She said while putting out a hand to shake. I excepted the gesture. She looked down at our hands joined and frowned her eyebrows and tilted her head a bit. I noticed she was looking at my leather fingerless glove. "What's the glove for?" She asked curiously, I looked over her shoulder and pierce was looking at us looking annoyed.

"Oh, medical condition. I can't touch certain things with my palms. But my finger. Which is quite weird but yes." I relayed. Since I'm an amazing assassin my lie was that good enough for her to believe.

"Well, it was good to meet you." She said, "We could catch up sometime?" She said more like a question.

"Uhm... yeah maybe. Look I really have to go but it was nice to meet you too." I said with a soft smile and she returned the gesture and I walked back to pierce.

Hey lovelies nice to see you again (well not technology, but yeah.) I hope you like this chapter. and also the last episode of TFATWS today😭 omg I can't believe it. Well, anyways I'm just going to binge-watch The Winter Soldier :)
Love you lots xoxo
Stay safe

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