Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Winter and I were just sitting in the cell after the mission a day ago. Thank god we had complete the mission yesterday but, we did get punished for not completing it the first time. The punishment wasn't that bad. Just waterboarded. To be honest I've gotten better at holding my breath underwater for a long time. But they've figured that out and hold me under for longer.

We also weren't given food. But to be totally honest if rather starve than eat that shit they give us. Even the smell of it makes me want to throw up. I was sitting beside winter resting my head on his shoulder and just staring at the ground. I was interrupted by my thoughts a guard banging his gun against the cell door. "You requested by Mr Pierce at his house. The motorbikes are ready for you in the garage." He says and unlocks our cell door.

Winter and I stand up and follow him down the hall to the garage. When we arrive the motorbikes are faced the entrance door with a helmet on the seat. I hop on the bike and throw the helmet on the ground and winter does the same. We take off and start to head to Pierce's house.

But when I say 'house' I mean mansion. As the thirty-five-minute drive comes to an end we go up a hill to see an amazing mansion. Who know Pierce was this rich. Jesus. As we park up the bikes we noticed there was a car by the front of the house. I glance at wint "Should we go through the window? Not to grab any attention, from unwanted guests." I whisper gesturing to the car.

"That would be smart. Come on go around the back." He whispers as he walks around the back of the house and opens a window.

We climbed in through the window and walk through the living room and into the kitchen. There was a table in the corner and there was no light so if anyone walked in they wouldn't immediately see us. I sat down on one of the chairs and Winter sat beside me. At this point, I remember was at Pierce's home.

If we're at his home he's going to be unarmed. Shit.

That was when my training kicked in. I reach to my left thigh holster and pull out a small grey handgun. I place it on the table in front of Wint and me I. Winter glanced and me and nods. I give back the gesture and that's when we wait.

You're probably wondering why I placed a handgun on the table. Winter and I have been trained to arm any of our handlers who are not already armed while in their presence. So that, if they so chose they can put us down at any time.

It's not uncommon for our handlers to shoot us for punishment. I mean if he did shoot me in the arm or leg it wouldn't be the first time Pierce shot me.

Winter and I were just staring at the only source of light that came from the hall a good few meters away. Suddenly we started hearing footsteps. Pierce casually walks into the kitchen and opens the fridge and grabs a carton of milk. As he turned around he spots us. Wint and I just stare at him. I closed the fridge while keeping eye contact with us.

"I'm going to go Mr Pierce. You need anything before I leave." I woman with a strong accent says but Pierce keeps staring at us and we keep staring at him.

"No. Uhh, it's fine Veranda. You can go home." Pierce says while still looking at us not losing eye contact.

"Okay. night, night." The woman says and the sounds of her walking away are heard.

"Goodnight," Pierce says. Once the sound of a door open and close is heard Pierce turns around and grabs a glass from the press. "Want some milk?" He says but for more of a tease.

Winter and I don't reply just simply stare at him. He went to pour the milk into the glass but before he did he teased us again by gesturing to the cup again. He just shrugged and poured the milk in the glass "The timetable has moved. Our window is limited." He says as he takes a sip of milk and walks over to us. "To targets. Level six. They already cost me, Zola. I want confirmed death in ten hours." At this point he was sitting at the table we were at.

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