Chapter Twenty-Nine

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After showing Madam B, a lot of girls and winter that I could do ballet. Madam B asked me to teach the girls a bit of ballet. I only really like teaching the younger ones as they don't try to show off to me or when winter comes in "Remember keep your feet pointed." I said while helping one of the little girls keep her feet pointed while she held onto the barres.

She looked up at me and smile, and I slightly smiled back. This was the one thing I was afraid of when I came here. My emotions. I can officially say that the young girls have made me soft. "Thank you, soldier." She said sweetly. She couldn't be more than eight years old. But was very good at ballet for her age.

"Okay, from the top," I said while the piano played and the girls started doing their routine. I stood back and watched them, but out of the corner of my eye, I could see someone. I turned to see winter looking at me.

"You're good with them." He said quietly but emotionless while standing beside me hands at his side, feet shoulder width apart.

"They remind me of the memories I keep getting. And how much I actually like ballet." I said to him while both of us just kept looking at the girls. "Okay. That was good but I want you girls to do it again." I said a bit louder so the girls could hear me when the music stopped.

They all nodded and the music started again and they went again dancing in sync. "How was the with their firearm," I said as I knew it would annoy Winter. He hated teaching the girls how to use guns. It's nothing Madam B or Karpov couldn't do.

He growled a bit "The younger girls need to work on their kickback, the middle age need to work on their posture and the older ones need to work on angles. Well except Natalie, I feel she is great at everything." He said quite annoyed but with a bit of jealousy in his voice.

"Jealous much?" I said while raising my eyebrows and finally looking at him.

"I don't get jealous." He spat now he is really annoyed. He crossed his arms over his chest and kept looking at the girls not even sparing me a glance

I looked back at the girls. "Totally believe," I said with a hint of sarcasm in my voice when the girls finished their routine they ran over to us and swarmed us.

"Soldier, soldier, soldier" they all said while jumping up and down. I bent down to all their eye levels.

"You all did very well. Now get ready to leave class is nearly over." I said with a small soft smile. They all smile at me and ran over to their bags and took off their pointe shoes and put them in their bags. When they were all done, the older girls walked in, but when they saw Winter they stood up straighter and walked over to the benches and put on their pointe shoes and walked over to the barres.

"This is going to be fun" I whispered to myself. And walked up to the girls. "I want you to find a spot in the middle of the floor and start doing the exercises we were doing last time" I ordered and they all walked away from the barres and started walked towards Winter. They all wanted to be beside him. Winter ended up walking away from them and standing beside me. That made all the girls spread out a bit.

I looked at all the girls as they started dancing and the music was playing. Winter wasn't really paying attention to the older girls as they tried their best to impress him. "I don't know how you do this." He whispered into my ear. I just looked at him and shrugged

When the girls finally finished their routine dance they stood up straight hands behind their backs and waiting for instructions. I didn't want to give them the pleasure of me thinking it was good so I just nodded. "Go do your stretches on the barres." I said and walked away from the barres so they could find a spot. Winter followed me, they all started doing their stretches as Madam B walked in.

"Ah, Soldiers. I want you to teach some of the younger girls some other language from Russian or English. I was thinking Latin. It will be after this lesson." She said more like a demand. Winter and I didn't say anything and she turned on her heels and walked out.

"Well, at least it's the younger girls," I said while looking at Winter, he just shrugged and looked back at the girls stretching on the barres. "I want you girls to line up beside me in the corner and glisser across the room one at a time" I order and the girls ran over beside me and lined up. The first girl with brown hair twirled across the room. She came back around and walked past Winter and he didn't even share her a glance.

This went on for a while. The girls would try to get Winters attention but obviously wouldn't work. At the end of the class, all the girls had not gotten it into their heads that Winter and I don't care about how good they are. We just care that your doing it right so we don't get in trouble. When the girls left winter and I walked over to where the young girls should be for their language lesson.

When I walked in first some of the girls started grinning cutely. And some were just smiling. "Be nice remember. Don't scare them." I whispered to Winter as we walked in. And he sighed deeply and nodded firmly. "So did Madam B tell you, girls, what language we have to teach you." I said to them but not as coldly as I usually would.

All the girls shot up their hands. The younger girls and impress me, but not like the older girls. No the younger girls try and impress me because I'm actually nice towards them while the older girls just want my attention. I pointed to one of the girls "Madam B said you would teach us Latin." She said sweetly this girl looked about six, seven at most. And I just nodded in return with a slight smile.

"Well do you remember what we thought you last time?" Winter spoke up and a bit coldly. But it didn't faze the girls as they were used to him now. They all nodded and I passed them out a piece of paper.

"Okay, we want you to write up a letter with all the Latin you girls know. If you need help just ask" winter said again and sat down at the top desk in the room. I just sat at the desk. All that could be heard was the tips of pens hiring the paper on the wooden desks.

Winter stood up and walked over to one of the girl's desks and taped it. She looked up at him and he nodded towards the paper, she pointed at it and Winter nodded. She cleared her throat "Salve, Angelica, et est nomen meum ego sum sex annorum. Ego vivo in Russia" she said confidently and while all the other girls stopped and listened to her. Winter just nodded his head and walked over to another girl.
(Hello, my name is Mary and I'm six years old. I live in Russia)

"Salve, hoc nomen meum, et Emme octo annorum sum. Ego vivo in Russia" she said a bit wary of what she said Winter shook his head and fixed it for her and told her to rewrite it.
(Hello, my name is and Emma I'm eight old. I live in Russia)

At that moment I released how good Winter is with kids. He might not know it or either the other girls but, he does have a soft side and it's with young kids.

OMG, we see Winters (Bucky's) soft side. Again I don't know ballet so if the ballet terms are wrong blame google I got them off google. Same with the Latin.
Once again,
Love you lots xoxo
Stay safe

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