Chapter Forty-Four

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One year later

I sat in my cell just staring at the wall opposite me. It's not common for Winter and I do not to go on missions together, especially assassinations. But I guess hydra just wanted Winter to do this as a solo mission.

I was brought back to reality by the sound of footsteps. When you stay at hydra this long you figure out who is coming by the sound of their footsteps. Winter is long heavy strayers, agents are fast pasted and lighter than mine or Winters. But this one sent chills down my spine, the footsteps were powerful and light, but dangerous and deadly. That the footsteps of Pierce.

When I hear his footsteps I stand up immediately, hand flat at my side, head up high, blank gaze and emotionless face. Two guards follow behind him and they open up the metal bars and I walk out of the cell.

"Good morning soldier. Or should I say afternoon?" He says smugly. I stay silent knowing it's a trap and I'll get punished if I speak.

He noticed that I'm not speaking and walks off and I tail right behind. He walks into his office and I stand behind his desk waiting for orders. "So your partner is off on a mission and I figured you'd be bored so I'm giving you something fun to do." He says but you can hear the evil in his voice.

But the one thing that is running through my mind is

Why would he give me something to do if I'm bored?

Before I can even think of an answer to my question he says "Go to the training room and I'll meet you there in a couple of minutes."

I nod once and make my way to the training room. All these questions float through my head as I think of what plan he has for me.

When I walk into the training room I met with about ten pairs of eyes looking at me. Ten people were ranging from age five to sixty-five. I tilt my head to the side slightly trying to figure out why there are ten people tied to a chair facing me.

All of them are crying or have red puffy eyes like they were trying but the younger ones just look confused. I'm interrupted my thoughts by Pierce coming into the training room with a small handgun in hand.

He hands me the gun and I immediately take it and look at him for an explanation does he want me to kill them? Does he want me to just shoot them in the stomach or leg to make them in pain? I don't make any attempt to pull the trigger at any of the people I just wait for my orders.

"I want you to kill them all starting on the left. These people found out about us and they need to be eliminated." Pierce states and I nod in understanding and aim my gun at an eight or nine-year-old girl.

She's screaming and begging for her life and so are all the adults beside her. All the screaming and crying stopped at an instant when the first bang rings through the room.

The girl had a bullet wound straight through the centre of her forehead, I aim my gun at a middle-aged man to her left and again the same process happens.

Scream, cry, beg, bang, quiet.

When I get to the last person it's a man in his late sixties. The oldest of them all. He looks at all his dead family and friends to his right, with puffy red eyes. He looks me dead in the eyes. And says

"You're a monster. Rot in hell." His voice was cracking and was weak from crying and screaming. I don't reply or make any emotion and the final bang rings through the room.

I jolt away tears streaming down my face hand shacking and slight sob make their way through my lips. The one thing I can manage to say is "I really am a monster."

After a couple of minutes I eventually came down, my breathing isn't as shallow and my tears have stopped. I stand up from my mattress and make my way over to the counter and write down all the information that happened in the nighttime.

My hand is constantly shaking thinking about the last words the man said.

"You're a monster. Rot in hell."

I killed innocent people. Kid. Babies. Woman. Men. Pregnant woman. Grandmothers. Grandfathers. Husbands. Wives. Mothers. Fathers. Sons. Daughters. Cousins. Aunts. Uncles. Sisters. Brothers.

She didn't care she would kill anyone's her tracks. And that meant anyone.

All I want right now is to just be curled up beside Winter- wait no I mean Bucky. Need to get used to calling him that.
But all I want is to be curled up by his side resting my head on his shoulder or chest.

Even at a hell hole like hydra where I felt fear everywhere, I went. He always made me feel safe and at home.

And from what I remember spandex man aka Steve Rodgers or also know as 'my best friend' back in the day. He also made me feel safe and at home.

"God I just wish things would go back to that way they were. Before the war. Times just felt so much easier." I say to myself as I finish writing the last on the nightmare into my nearly full journal.

For the rest of the day spent by me just lying around my apartment and looking at the news to make sure my name or Wint- Bucky's name is not plastered everywhere.

Thankfully it's not but who's to say that I won't be.

Hey everyone, hope you all had a good week. Also sorry that this chapter isn't as long as the others my head just blanked when I was writing and I couldn't think of anything.
Hope you all had a great day/night
Love you lots xoxo
Stay safe

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