Chapter Fifty

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While getting the electric transmitter disconnected I was put under. I was told it would probably be painful, this is probably the first time in ninety years we're in treated nicely while getting a procedure done.

After I woke up from the 'operation' my stomach didn't hurt me but I still had the vibranium circle just above my belly button. "Hey, how are you feeling." I look up to see Natasha, I could see it was dark outside. Some of the scientists were working away just waiting for me to wake up.

"Good. Thank you." I say as I lay my shirt down still keeping eye contact with Natasha.

"Well, that's good. If you are hungry T'Challa and everyone is in the hall eating. I said I'd come to check on you." She tells me as I push myself off the bed.

I look around to find something to put on my feet but my attention is brought to Natasha as she clears her throat. She has a pair of shoes in her hand with a genuine smile on her face.

"Oh. Thank you." I say with and sheepish chuckle. I take the shoes and put them on after I follow Natasha into the dining hall. "So how long was I out for?" I ask as we walk down a long corridor

"You've been out for about three hours. The operation took about an hour and a half." She says as she looks over at me with a warm smile, I return the jester.

"Oh okay," I say as we continue to walk.

The corridors were long and wide, a lot of the Dora Milaje? I think I heard that's what they're called. We walk up to an elevator and Natasha presses the button for it to open.

When Natasha and I step into the elevator we're in a comfortable silence until I broke it with a thought on my mind "What age are you? If you don't mind me asking." I ask while looking at her.

A smirk grows on her face as she looks at me "thirty-one. One year older than your looking age." She tells me with a smirk on her face.

I narrow my eyes at her "What aren't you telling me?" I ask her with a smirk on my face.

The smirk on her face drops and she looks down at the ground for a second at then back up at me "Just thinking about the last time you asked about my age." She tells me and I knit my eyebrows together.

"Oh. Was that when we kissed? I remember us kissing but not what happened after." I tell her sheepishly while playing with my necklace around my neck.

She chuckles slightly and gave me a genuine smile "Yeah. After we kissed, you asked what age I was and I told you I was  nearly seventeen, that's when we went back inside." She tells me and I just nod my head, just before I could thank her for telling me the door binged and I followed Natasha.

As we enter the dining hall T'Challa, Shuri, Bucky, Steve, Clint and some other older women sat looking at us. "Ah, Jessica how are you feeling after the operation?" Shuri asks as I sat down beside buck and Natasha.

"Fine. And thank you for helping not just me but my brother too." I thank her and her brother and they both nod their heads at me with a smile on their faces.

"It is our pleasure. And this is our mother Queen Mother of Wakanda." T'Challa tells me and I face the older woman with a smile on my face.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. And thank you as well." I tell her and she nods her head at me with a smile.

As we eat a weirdly nice dish Shuri looks up at me "Jessica if you don't mind me asking to have to ever have a boyfriend. Or girlfriend, not judging." My eyes widen slightly as I can feel bucks smirk radiating from me like waves.

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