Chapter Forty-Eight

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Steve's POV

"You got a lot of skills Jess," Nat starts "hand to hand combat, work with hand guns, work with any daggers and undercover missions." She says as she takes out another piece of paper behind it.

"God. Your amazing at under cover mis-" Nat starts again as she scans over but stops but Jess screaming and clutching her stomach.

Everyone looks shocked but I see Buck and Nat share a glance as Buck grabs Jess forearms and Nat takes something out of Bruce's hands. It looks like a remote, once his fingers leave the remote her screams stop.

"Oh My God. Did I do that?" Bruce says stressing he hurt her. I stand up and walk over to Jess as she leans up against the couch.

"It's fine." She manages to breathe out as she clutches her stomach and Bucky still holding her.

"Jess, oh my god, are you okay?" I ask her but she doesn't answer. She looks like she is deep in her thoughts, it's not what Bucky looks like when he gets a memory it's more like zoning out. I look over at Bucky for an explanation but he just grabs her hands in his.

"Fri read Jessica's vitals," Tony says as we all look at Jess in shock.

"Miss Barnes is quite distressed and seems to be deep in thought. Her heart rate is also quite high." Friday says as Jess finally looks up at Bucky and attempts to stand up.

Everyone is quick to her side as her weak body attempts to stand. Natasha places the remote on the table and walks over to Jess's side. She puts one hand on the small of her back and one on her stomach as Bucky puts both hands on her hips as he stands on the other side of her.

"Lady Jessica. Are you alright?" Thor asks as he puts his glass of Asgardian liquor on the coffee table.

"Yes, I'm fine, just a bit warm." Jess replays with and both Nat and Bucky share a glance as they help Jess sit on the couch. Nat walks over to the bar and grabs a bag of ice wraps in a kitchen roll.

"Here. It'll cool it down again." Nat says as Jess grabs the bag of ice and lifts her shirt to reveal on the left side of her stomach is the number '41593072' branded and the right has the same as her hand. A hydra symbol. Her stomach looks a lot like bucks, the 'serial number' as he calls it and a hydra logo.

Bucky doesn't do training shirtless. So no one knows about his brands but for me. I saw them while helping him with a nightmare. He sleeps shirtless.

But what catch's my eye is the metal circle the same size as a large coin on Jess's stomach, just above her belly button. Jess places the ice pack on the metal circle as she rests her head on the back of the couch.

"Wait would you mind if I asked? What is the metal circle on your stomach?" Bruce asks intrigued about what it is. Bucky and Nat share a glance again and look down at Jess who has her eyes closed but nods her head.

"When hydra captured us, Zola got sick of Jess's... well... bitch mouth. So he got the doctors to implant an electric transmitter in her. So this circle is to cover it up and there's one on her back. With the press of that button-" he says as he points to the remote on the table "A shock is started at each transmitter and when they join together -which only takes a matter of seconds- she's paralyzed with pain." He explains as Jess hands the ice pack back to Natasha and stands up and heads over to the elevator.

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