Chapter Forty-Five

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Twenty-six months later

Steve's POV
We've been in the Avengers compound officially two months. Yeah, there's definitely awkward tension between Buck and Tony, but other than that things have been good.

Well, except for one thing. Bucky definitely not the same. He's better than when we first moved in, I remember when we first moved in he showed no emotion, stayed in his room all day, screamed in his sleep, and always had a flip knife on him. I think part of it has to do with the fact he doesn't have Jess.

I feel bad for Sam he doesn't get much sleep when Bucky screams in his sleep. We all share a floor but there is one spare room on our floor that no one wants to move into.

We're currently eating breakfast on the main floor. Every morning we all gather to eat breakfast and at dinner time we all gather again, but there is always that awkward tension. "So, thanks to the information that cyborg has given us. We now know where the hydra base is in DC. So here's the plan-" Tony starts but is cut off by Friday

"Sorry to interject boss, but we have now got information on Jessica Barnes whereabouts," Friday says in a robotic voice and Bucky's head shoots up and looks at me.

"Did she just say where Jess is?" He says to me not even caring that everyone is looking at us and I look him in the eyes and nod and smile at him.

A small smile creeps its way into his face, everyone looks at each other like he had three heads. This is the first time he's smiled in two months.

"Wait I'm hallucinating or is he actually smiling." Sam jokingly says with a grin on his face, Tony starts to chuckle and most people start smiling.

"Sam," I say in a stern voice. He puts his hands in the air in surrender.

"Okay, Fri. Tell us her whereabouts." Tony said while taking a bite out of his slice of toast.

"She is located in Sofia, Bulgaria." She confirms and everyone looks at each other and then Bucky.

"She can speak Bulgarian?" Bruce asks Bucky kindly and buck nods and swallows his egg.

"One of her many languages. She can speak way more than me." He pauses for a second considering telling the next part "That's why the elite death squad were so great. She taught me."

"How many can she speak?" Wanda asks politely as she sits beside vision.

"Umm..." he starts thinking about all the languages.

Must be a lot if he has to think about it.

"Russian, English, French, German, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Romanian, Czech, Italian, Latin, Dutch, Arabic, Spanish... I think that's all." He says it's the most normal thing in the world.

We all look at him in complete shock. I could see he was getting a bit uncomfortable so I cleared my throat "Why did she learn all of them?" I say in complete shock.

"We had no choice. We had to." He says and goes back to eating his bacon and eggs.

"Sargent Barnes, if you don't mind if I ask. But why would Ms Barnes have to learn Latin if it is a dead language?" Vision asks curiosity and everyone nods at his question and looks back at Bucky.

He simply shrugs and I'm getting the hint that he doesn't want all these questions at him so I try to change the subject "So, why don't we do this. Buck, Sam and I will go to Bulgaria. And the rest of you go to the hydra base." I say less of a question and more of a demand.

"Sure thing Capsical." Tony says and we all finish our breakfast and make our way back to our floor.

Sam, Bucky and I are in the elevator heading to our floor to get ready for our mission. "Can't wait to meet this sister of yours," Sam says trying to break the silence.

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