Chapter Sixteen

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For the past two years, the Howling Commandos have been taking down Hydra bases.

At first, it was quite weird as I was the only woman on the team, and all the men were too scared of what would happen

Like, they knew I'm a good fighter, sometimes I even train with them, at first I think I intimidated them.

But after a while I warmed up to them, I think we started to warm up while we go to pubs.

Our new mission is to get onto a hydra train, and takedown Arnim Zola and red skull,

Seems easy, right? Yeah we've done harder things than walking on top of a train, right?

We are certainly on top of a mountain, somewhere really, really, really cold, "Oh how much I hate the cold," I muttered

Some of the guys looked at me and smiled, Bucky walked over to me "Hey you okay?" He said concerned

"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm just a bit cold, that's all," I told him with a soft smile,

Steve was looking over the edge of the cliff and looking at the train track and the zip line we were going to use to get onto the train,

We could hear the radio in the background contacted to the train, while I walked over to Steve and Bucky followed,

"Remember when we made you ride the cyclone in Coney Island?" Bucky said with a little nod of the head while looking over the cliff

"Yeah, and I threw up?" Steve said while looking over the cliff and not making eye contact with us,

"This isn't payback is it?" I said while looking at him and a brow raised

"Oh, my, god, we need to go on that one, it looks new. The.... cyclone" fifteen years old me said while holding onto Buck's arm

"Yes, Stevie what about you? Come on? Bucky said while looking at Steve,

Steve's eyes were wide and his mouth was open, "uh... guys I don't really know about this, we ate a lot before this" he said unsure

"Come on, we an hour ago, we will be fine." I reinsure him with a small smile,

"Yeah, it will be okay for you guys, not me," he said trying to get out of it

"Come on Steve, it will be fun," Bucky said, as he pulled us into the line, "three tickets for the cyclone, please," he said to the guy giving out tickets,


We were on the ride and Steve was on the left and I was in the middle and Bucky was on the right, Buck and I were laughing and screaming,

I looked at Steve "Steve you okay? You look a bit pale!" I shouted at him and he just shook his head

"Shit," I said in a normal voice, just then Steve leaned over the edge of the ride got sick, Steve and I were laughing our asses off while he was getting sick

"Now why would I do that?" He said sarcastically and looked back at the others,

"We were right, doctor Zola's on the train, hydra dispatcher just gave me permission to open up the throttle," one of the men say "wherever he's goin' they must need him bad"

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