Chapter Twenty-Five

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When winter and I had gotten back to our cell, I went into the bathroom and splashed a bit of cold water on my face. I was really tired, but I knew that Karpov was going to send guards to get us. I walked out of the bathroom to find winter lying on his bed reading a book that was helping him learn Latin.

I don't know why he was reading the book, he is already fluent in Latin. He did learn the best, and that me. Both me and wint are fluent in all the languages we are to learn. It took a while, but we both got there.

"Почему ты это читаешь? Я думал, ты говоришь бегло." I asked while taking the book out of his hands and looking through it.
(Why are you reading that? I thought you were fluent.)

"Что за хрень? Я читал это, потому что просто хотел его просмотреть." He said and tried to snatch the book back but I kept pulling it away while reading it.
(What the fuck? I was reading that because I just wanted to look over it.)

He eventually got up and took the book and lay down on the bed again. But before I could do anything the guards came and slid the food under the bars and walked off. "Вау, это выглядит восхитительно." I said as sarcastically as possible without breaking character.
(Wow this looks delicious)

I pick up the two trays and handed one to winter and I just sat on the floor and started eating mine. Do get me wrong that shit is horrible, but it's the only bit of food we get so I suppose I have to eat it. "Как вы думаете, почему нас не обрушили?" Winter asked
(Why do you think we weren't put under?)

"Я думаю, это как-то связано с миссией. И те люди в офисе господа." I replayed still thinking as well.
(I think it has something to do with the mission. And those people in sirs office.)

Winters right, why weren't we put up the ice? I'm ninety-nine per cent sure that it. Right?

Winter just nodded and then we broke into a comfortable silence. I looked forward and out the little window of the cell. The cold breeze was making the goosebumps and hairs stick up on my arms and the back of my neck but I was just looking at the stars.

"Тебе нужно немного поспать. Я говорю, что у нас завтра большой день." Wint said to me while making himself comfortable on his bed.

I was still staring at the stars for a bit longer until I gave up trying to keep my eyes open.


The next morning I woke up not to a bucket of ice water, no to screams. Mostly male, but I could hear a woman. Unless it was a man screaming like a girl. That could be true. I have often heard men scream like women. I got off the bed and realized wint was awake. "Как долго они кричали?" I asked while looking out through the bars.
(How long were they been screaming)

"похоже на часы." He said and walked into the bathroom and splashed water on his face. Probably to calm him down.
(feels like hours.)

I just sighed and sat down with my back to the bars and looked out the small window again. The sun still hadn't risen fully but the sky was turning a pinky-orange colour.

Ten minutes later winter came and sat down beside me, and we just watched the sunrise together, after half an hour. The screaming had stopped, I and winter just shared a glance and kept watching the sunrise. We were brutally interrupted by one of the guards banging his gun against the bars, but since we were sitting against them he also kicked us as well.

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