Chapter Thirty-One

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After Natalie gave me a hug we pulled apart and went back to watch the sunset, she looked down at my right hand which had a fingerless leather glove on hit tilted her head a bit and knitted her eyes browns a bit. I noticed she was staring "Something wrong?" I said sarcastically and she just kept staring at my hands and then she looked at me.

"I don't get why your right had a fingerless glove on it when your left doesn't." She said curiously, at that point I looked back at the sunset which was nearly over. "Are you hiding something?" She asked and still looking at me.

"You ask a lot of questions," I told her as I had my eyes fixed on the orange sky. She rolled her eyes scoffed.

"You can trust-" she started but I cut her off before she could finish. I knew what she was going to say

Oh yeah, you can trust me. I'll never tell anyone. I only trust winter and winter.

"I don't trust people. And if you want to be a deadly assassin you have to trust yourself and yourself only." I said still not making eye contact. From the corner of my eye, she looked even more quizzed

"But you look like your trust your partner. The Winter Soldier." She said in a confused tone. And this is when I looked at her.

"I trust him because everything I do is with him. I may not remember much but I know he is my twin brother and that I can trust him." I said to her with a bit of annoyance in my voice. And again she tilted her head.

"You don't remember much? What do you mean by that?" She said in a calm tone and put her hand on my shoulder again and again I flinched a bit but she made no motion to move.

I took a deep breath. Fuck why am I telling her this? Why am I even trusting her! "What my handler does is... not fare towards me and my brother. He beats us waterboards us and takes our memories. I've gotten used to it but sometimes it still haunts me at night." I said my voice quiet so no one could hear me but Natalie.

"Like nightmares? Yeah, I get them too. They also uh... handcuff us to our beds. And they waterboard us here too." She told me and I gave her a slight smile and then her gaze went down to my hand again. I sighed in defeat and slipped off the glove.

I showed her the hydra brand on my palm and she looked at it in horror. She went out to touch it and I pulled back slightly, and so did she but then I held my hand out so she could look at it better. "They did this to you?" She said shocked while grazing her fingers over the brand on my hand palm. And just nodded and looked down to my lap. I let my shoulders sag down.

At this point, the sun was gone and it was completely dark but the only source of light was coming from the academy. "We should um.. go back inside," I said as I pulled my hand back and put my glove back on and stood up. Natalie nodded and stood up as well. We walked back to the side where the ladder was and climbed down and into the window that was left open a slight bit.

Natalie grabbed her duffle and sling it over her shoulder, she turned around to me. "We could do this again if you want." She said and I nodded in response and closed and locked the window as Natalie left. I heard footsteps walk back in but I could hear the clicking of the high heel so I knew it had to be only one person.

"How was Natalie while training." Madam B asked. I kept an emotionless face and turned around to her.

"She was good. A few things to work on but she will be an excellent assassin one day." I said with no emotion in my voice or on my face. Madam B walked out and I made my way to the room winter and I sleep in. I walked in to find winter passed out on the bed but moved over enough that so that I could sleep on it. I rolled my eyes and walked into the bathroom to get changed into the clothes the red room provided winter and me to sleep in. As we can't really sleep in our uniforms

As I walked out I threw my uniform neatly on the back of a chair and climbed into the bed. As I did winter started to stir in the bed. Then his eyes shot open and he sat up and looked at me. "What here so late." He whispered as I climbed into the bed beside him and got under the cold covers.

"Remember Madam B asked me to train Natalie privately. And I only came back now." I said and he looked sceptically at me. "What?" I said confused.

"Something happened, your acting different." He said while squinting his eyes a bit. "Do you kiss her?" He asked but he actually meant it.

"What? No, we just talked and watched the sunset. We didn't even train." Said while lying down trying to go to sleep. "Now, goodnight, Winter," I said and faced the opposite direction. He just sighed and lay down again.


For the next couple of weeks I have been training Natalie every evening, most times we train but sometimes we limb on top of the roof and watch the sunset. I don't know why but I feel as though I can trust Natalie and she also trusts me. Sometimes I tell her some memories I get and what it was like in the forties. That was also when I realized that it was the twenty-first century, not the twentieth century.

"There was this one time when winter, or Bucky as I used to call him in my memory. He blew three bucks trying to a stuffed bear for this redhead. We ended up buying hotdogs with the last of our money and had to ride home on the back of a freezer truck." I told her, I smiled at the memory of Winter and I but also this skinny, frail blond boy who was about my height. She just laughed.

"Was he really that flirty?" She asked and I just shrugged and had a small grin on my face.

Omg, what is happening? I'm broke, by Natalie Romanova. I'm smiling! OMG.

"Well from what I remember, I think I was just as bad. I got in way more trouble than him though. And it's still the case now." I said with a slight chuckle. Natalie chuckled as well.

"Have you ever had a boyfriend or girlfriend do you remember?" She asked still chuckling a bit but with a bit of seriousness in her voice.

"Not from what I remember. why?" I asked as I stopped chuckling and looked confused.

"Oh just wondering." She said and made a tin line with her lips. I squinted my eyes a bit. At that moment I realized how much I had gotten close to Natalie. And there was this slight feeling in me that wasn't just friendship no it was...

Love, do I have a crush on Natalie Romanova! No no no, I can't. I'm not supposed to have these feelings. Even with winter. But they have gotten so used to us being like that so they left it.

At that moment my eyes shot to the sunset in front of us, to avoid any awkward tension. Natalie seemed to have the same idea. But after a few minutes and the whole sky was black and the sky was littered with stars. Natalie grabbed the strap on the shoulder of my uniform and she pulled me into a kiss. Her lips were so soft and time seems to move slowly at this point.

After a couple of seconds, we pulled apart. And both of us looked down and bit our bottom lip. I finally broke the awkward silence.

"How old are you again?"

OMG, we finally got it. A kiss. Sorry big you don't like it but I really thought it would be a good idea.
Love you bitches lots xoxo
Hope you had a lovely day/night
Stay safe

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