Happy fucking new years, indeed

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We were driving for about 15 minutes, before he pulled into a driveway. The house was gorgeous. "Jimmy, whose house is this?" I asked him.

"That's not the point." He told me. I then got quiet, again. The car came to a stop, and he quickly got out. He then opened the door, and offered his hand, which I took, and he helped me get out.

"Put this on." He said, giving me a blindfold. "Jimmy." I laughed, as he put it on me. "Can you see anything?" He asked me. "Nope." I told him. "Good." He said, before grabbing my hand.

He got behind me, and grabbed my waist. "This way, I got you, I promise." He said, as I began to walk. "Keep going, we're almost there." He told me.

I was walking slowly. "Babe, pick up the pace a bit." He said, laughing. This caused me to laugh some. "I said I got you, it's okay." He said. I picked up the pace.

"Alright, just stand here." He told me. There was some movement, then it got quiet. "You can take your blindfold off, now." I heard him say. I untied it, and gasped at the sight.

"Brooklynn, I've been planning this for weeks

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"Brooklynn, I've been planning this for weeks. Before you even planned the party. I would never cancel on you, unless I was doing something important, for you. I love and value you so much, baby. I'm so sorry for hurting your feelings, I really hope this makes up for it." He told me.

I then hugged him. "I love you more, thank you so much." I said, sniffing. "Stop crying." He said, chuckling.

He wiped my tears. "I can't help it!" I said, laughing. "Let's sit." He said, grabbing my hand, leading the way. He pulled my chair out for me, and pushed it up, as I sat down. "Such a gentleman." I said, which made him laugh.

"Would you like something to drink?" He asked. "Yes, that'd be lovely." I told him, with a smile on my face. He then picked a bell up, and started ringing it. I laughed in confusion.

"Moët & Chandon, sir." I heard Robert say, as he came out. He was dressed in a dress shirt, and pants, with an apron on. I bursted out laughing, at the sight. He rolled his eyes, with a smile on his face. He then filled our glasses up.

"Thank you, good sir." Jimmy said in a fancy voice. "Thank you, Robert." I told him, still giggling. "I'll be right out with your food." He said, walking away.

"He's in on this, too?" I asked. Jimmy nodded, with a smile. "They all are, you think I can pull this all off by myself?" He asked. I chuckled. "That was very sweet of them." I said.


We ended up eating dinner, and we were now talking, and eating strawberry cheesecake, which is my favorite. He looked nervous, which made me start to feel a little anxious.

"Are you alright? I've noticed you seem a little nervous." I told him. He gave me a smile. "This isn't only what I've been planning out." He said.

"What do you mean?" I asked, in confusion. He got up, and grabbed my hands.

"Brooklynn Eloise Anderson, from the moment we first started dating, you captured my heart by being exactly who you are. The sweetest, most loving, compassionate, and sensitive person I've ever known. You have been my very best friend through the good, and through the bad. You've been the reason that I smile, and you've given comfort beyond measured when I've cried, and you've shown me how to love, and how to be loved." 

He then got down on one knee, and my hands flew up to my face. By then, I was already sobbing. He then pulled out a ring, and popped the big question. "Will you marry me?"

I nodded. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" I shouted. He then picked me up, and started spinning me, as he gave me a big kiss. He then put me down, and started hugging me.

"Come on, there's another surprise!" He said, running to the house. "Hurry!" He shouted "Baby, I have on heels." I reminded him.

"Jimmy, where's the other surprise?" I asked, confused. "This is it!" He told me, pointing to the house. "welcome home, baby. It's ours." He told me. I let out another big gasp, before jumping into his arms.

"Shall we?" He asked opening the door. "We shall." I said, walking in, with my hand in his. The house was kinda empty, but it was still gorgeous.

"SHE SAID YES, GUYS!" He yelled, I then heard cheering. The rest of his band came out. I started laughing as they started giving us both hugs. "Well happy fucking New Years!" I shouted. Jimmy then kissed me, again. "Happy fucking New Years, indeed."

"I'll be really quick." I told Jimmy, as I got out. He dropped me back of to Freddie's to get some clothes. Afterwards, we were gonna go back to his apartment. "Take your time." He said, as I got out.

I knocked on the door, and it quickly opened. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN, I'VE BEEN WORRIED SICK." He yelled. "I've been with Jimmy, I'm sorry I worried you." I told him. I'm surprised he wasn't passed out.

"Ooooh, what'd you guys do?" Freddie asked. I then smiled, thinking about it. "Wellll, he surprised me with a beautiful dinner." I told him. "Aww, that was sweet of him." He said.

"He also did something else." I told him, grinning. "What'd he do? Did you two have sex?" He asked. "Yes, on a floor, but that isn't what I'm talking about." I said, laughing at Freddie's expression.

"Then what is ittt?" He said, with an annoyed voice. I then walked into the kitchen, and grabbed an apple out of the fruit bowl, with my left hand . "You want an Apple?" I asked him. He groaned. "I don't have time for this, I'm going to bed." He said, rubbing his eye.

"Freddie, wait!" I yelled. He looked at the Apple. "Do you want an appleeee?" I said, holding it out, exposing my ring. He then gasped.

"No!" He shouted, grabbing my hand

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"No!" He shouted, grabbing my hand. "Yes!" I shouted back. "No!" He shouted back. "Yes!" I shouted. "Yayyyy!" He said, hugging me.

"He had this all planned out, he surprised me with a dinner, and he proposed!" I told him. "I'm so happy for you!" He told me. "Thank you Freddie, that means a lot."

"No problem, dear. I have to get some rest though, we'll talk about this tomorrow." He told me, going upstairs. "Actually, I'm staying with Jimmy tonight. I might not be here. I'm just getting some clothes." I told him. "Oh, alright. Well lock up when you leave, love you." He said, as he was going upstairs. "Love you more!" I shouted.

After getting some clothes, I then went back out to my fiancé. I love the sound of that. "Ready?" He asked me. I smiled, before grabbing his hand. "Ready." I confirmed, then we drove off.

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