Just fucking great, thanks for asking

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WARNING ⚠️: there will be mention of blood!!

I woke up to the sunshine pouring into the room. I sat up, and immediately regretted it, as I felt a sharp pain in my head. I groaned, and put my hand up to my head. When I finally got adjusted, I realized I wasn't in my room. I was in Freddie's. "What the hell?" I asked myself, as I got up and saw I was naked.

Flashbacks then popped up in my mind that made me smile and blush. My smile dropped, as I realized what I've done. Freddie is Brian's bestfriend.

Hell, Brian and Freddie are both My bestfriends. I groaned as I paid attention to the pounding in my head. As I began to get up, the phone on his nightstand started to ring.

I groaned, as the pain got worse. "Hello?" I said weakly. "Brooklynn?" I heard Roger's voice. shit. "Uhh yeah, I heard the p-phone ring from my room. Cause that's definitely where I was." I said, attempting to lie.

"Well tell him to get his ass down here. He's late- again!" He shouted. He hung up before I could answer. I understood that roger had a short temper, so I let it go.

I threw on one of Freddie's shirts, and made my way to the kitchen. "Good morning, darling." Freddie said, as he sat at the table, sipping a cup of what I'm assuming is tea.

"Freddie, Roger said get your ass down to the studio, you're late." I told him. "Shit. I made toast, and there's tea on the stove." He said, getting up.

"Freddie." I started before he interrupted. "I know, it's burnt, but I tried." He said, putting his shoes on. "No, about last night." I said. He looked up at me, his cheeks a tint of pink.

The sight made me smile. "What about it, darling? We both know that it was something that happened, that we both enjoyed a lot, and we can move forward with our lives." He said.

"I completely agree with that." I said, letting out a sigh of relief. "I thought you were gonna kick me out or something." I said, letting a laugh of relief out.

He dropped the shoe that he was attempting to put on, and pulled me into a hug. "Darling, I would never do that. You're like a sister to me- minus last night." He said, winking, which made me laugh.

"We have to tell bri." I said. "Of course we do, darling. How about we tell him another time, when they aren't so pissed off at me." He said, which made my eyes bulge out of my head. "FREDDIE YOU HAVE TO GO, NOW." I shouted. He ran out, with his shoe in his hand.

I laughed, then went over to the toast. Only Freddie could find a way to burn toast, when the toaster's already set. All he had to do was put the bread in. I still felt bad. Physically and mentally. I felt like a whore, and my head was still hurting.

I decided to just brush past it, and to take a shower. I got out, and decided to wear a black flared mini skirt, with a bright yellow tee-shirt. I ran to the phone, as I heard it ringing.

"Hello?" I said unto the phone. "Brooklynn? It's Brian." He said. My heart sank into my stomach. "B-Brian? What's up?" I asked, with my heart pounding. "We were wondering if you could come here, we're having a small debate." He said. I let out a sigh

"Just ask me over the phone." I told him. "It's about a song, we need you here, for your opinion." He said. "I'll be there soon" I told him, before hanging up.

I walked back into my room, and looked at my calendar may 16... just as I thought, nothing planned. The only thing that concerned me was the fact that I haven't seen my period in 2 months.

Freddie's driver was outside, so I left.  The car ride there was boring, and I was tired, in pain, and hungry. My stomach was starting to hurt badly. It felt like a period cramp, but times 10.

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