A christmas miracle

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December 24th, 1984

We were preparing house for a Christmas dinner that we were all having. This year, it was set at our house.

"Hey babe." I said to my husband, as I walked into the kitchen where he was.

"Good morning, sleepy head." He chuckled. I smiled before giving him a kiss. I had big news, and I was excited to tell him.

"You're cooking already?" I asked, preparing to make some toast.

"Yes. The turkey takes a while to cook." He said back.

The home phone started to ring, and I quickly went to get it.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi! Is there a Brooklynn Page there?" The voice who I immediately recognized.

"Yes, this is she." I said quietly, with a smile on my face.

I peeped to made sure Jimmy wasn't paying attention before taking the phone and walking upstairs into our bedroom, all while listening to her talk. 

She explained to me how she mailed the ultrasound photos to me, in a discreet way.

"Okay, so everything is safe? I don't want to give False hope like the last time." I said in a hushed tone.

"Yes, Brooklynn. I can 100 percent assure you. The babies are gonna be fine, and you're gonna have a safe pregnancy." She reassured me.

This news made me extremely happy. It was truly a Christmas Miracle.

"Wait... babies?" I asked, to make sure my ears didn't deceive me.

"Merry Christmas, Brooklynn." She said back to me.

I was speechless.

"Call me if you have any other questions." She told me. I then got my words out, still surprised.

"T-thank you... merry Christmas to you as well." I told her, before hearing the line go dead.

I just sat on the bed, loss for words. I didn't know how to feel... Twins? I then got very happy. Jimmy's gonna be so happy.


Hours passed by, and Any time now, was when they would start showing up. All I could think about was the announcement. I was currently in front of a mirror, staring at my tiny bump in admiration.

No one knew, not even Freddie. I was excited, yet nervous. I was happy, thinking of Jimmy's reaction. We were both more than ready to be parents, hell, i'm 35 for cry it out loud.

"Brooklynn?" Jimmy said, walking in, interrupting my thoughts. I directed my attention on him. "Hmm?" I asked, before turning back to the mirror.

By this point, I sucked my tummy in- something I've been doing for the past 3 months.

"Everyone's starting to show up." He told me.

"Okay, I'll be down in a minute." I told him. He then walked out. I looked at myself in the mirror.

"This is it, Brooklynn." I smiled, getting teary eyed, but refusing to let myself cry. I then took the cute gift box out, with the photos inside, and prepared myself to walk out.

"Hiiii!" I greeted, everyone.

Freddie & a good friend of his, Jim Hutton, John & Ronnie, Brian & Christine, Roger & his on and off girlfriend, Dominique, Robert Plant & his partner, Alice, and John Paul Jones & his wife, Maureen.

There weren't any children there, it was more of an intimate, adult Christmas dinner, with only us.

They were all in the living room. I went around giving everyone hugs.

"Of course you had to save the best for last." Freddie sang, before going in for a hug.

"Oh brother." John said, which made Everyone laugh.

"It's so good to see you!" I said to Freddie, after letting go. "You too, of course, dear." He told me. After that, we all sat around, talking, and catching up.

I don't get to see them as often as I used to of course, since they're pretty famous, but not a day goes by without speaking to Freddie, even if it's a brief "good morning." He always makes sure to call.

"I hope you're all hungry." Jimmy called out from the kitchen.

"Hungry? Of course we are dear, why do you think we're all here!" Freddie called back, jokingly, which caused us all to share a laughter of some sort.

They began walking to the kitchen, but I quickly stopped them.

"Wait!" I shouted. They all turned around, in confusion.

"Can you all sit back down for a moment, I have something to say." I said, nervously. My heart was beating out of my chest.

"Jimmy, can you come here?" I asked. He walked over to me from the kitchen.

"Everything okay?" He asked, quietly. I then nodded, with a tear escaping my eye, that I quickly wiped.

"Just sit here." I pointed to a seat, next to where I was standing.

Everyone's eyes was on me, they all either looked confused, or worried.

"First off, I just wanna say thank you all for coming. It means the world to me." I said, briefly pausing.

"although we've been planning this dinner for a while, there's been more to this dinner than what you guys think."

I then pulled the gift box that I had hidden away since earlier, near the fireplace mantle.

"Out with it, darling, I'm starving." Freddie said, dramatically, which made me giggle.

"Anyways." I said, turning to Jimmy.

"I just wanted to tell you, that you're the best husband a gal can ask for... I've always thought I was a terrible wife for not being able to give you what we both wanted- a child." I told him. By now, I'm sure everyone got the hint.

"B-Brooklynn." Jimmy started, before I interrupted.

"But you've never once judged me, and you stood by my side through it all. All of the downs, you stayed. All of the hurt we endured, you stayed."

I then looked down at the box, before giving it to him.

"Merry Christmas, my love." I told him, while watching him. By then, I quit sucking in my tummy, and my hands rested on it.

He stared at the box, before looking at me. I nodded my head, wiping a tear.

"If you won't open the bloody box, I will!" Freddie said, eagerly, which caused us all to laugh.

"Come on!" Robert then said.

Jimmy then opened the box, and took out the ultrasound photo. He looked confused until he read the little writing.

He looked up at me, with more tears going down his face.

I nodded at him. "Healthy. They're both gonna be healthy children."

"BOTH?!" Everyone shouted in unison. This caused me to laugh, even though there were tears going down my face.

"Twins." I said with a smile. Jimmy then got up and hugged me, while everyone cheered.

Jimmy gave me a big kiss, before shouting.


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