Do you want to c-come inside?

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3 years later

"BROOKLYNN! OPEN UP!" I heard multiple people Yell from the outside of my door. Well specifically 4 grown ass men in their twenty's. Since I've been here, I've became very close with the boys. Roger is like that one friend you can get away with. If you feel like you just want to break free, or you feel like something's holding me back, just talk to Roger. He'll help you get away from it all.

Freddie is my literal best friend. Not only is he great to talk to, but he's really funny, and he's never afraid to speak his mind. We usually go shopping together, and gossip a little hehehe.

John is also a very close to me. He's the one person, who actually gets me. You know when you feel a type of pain, or happiness, or pain with a hint of happiness and vice versa? Didn't think so, no one does- except John. He's like a brother to me.

Brian and I are also very close... Well, we're dating, but that's another story for a different time.

"BROOKLYNN DARLING,HURRY! WE HAVE BIG NEWS!!" I heard Freddie yell. "I'M COMING, I'M COMING!" I yelled, throwing my apron off, while tripping on a pillow in the process. "THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!" I heard Roger shout, before him yelling "OW!" Which I assume was Brian smacking him in the head.

I let out a small laugh before getting the door. I opened it to be engulfed in a huge hug by Freddie. "We did it!" He exclaimed while spinning me around. "May I ask what?" I asked. He then set me down. "WE'RE GOING ON TOUR!" Roger screamed, while jumping up and down.

I looked to Brian, who was watching us with a smile on his face. I opened my arms walking in for a hug, which he met me halfway. "I'm so fucking proud of you!" I gave him a passionate kiss. I then turned to the others. "All of you- I always knew you would do it, ever since Deaky joined the band." I told them with my eyes tearing up. I knew they would go on tour, but when you witness the magic- witness all of the hard work they've done. "You guys work so hard, I'm truly happy for you." I told them sincerely.

"Are you crying?" John asked. "Well yeah, I'm super proud of you guys." I told them with my lip quivering. Roger started to laugh. "You told us this already" He said. "Well I didn't tell you guys how much I'm gonna miss all of you, yet" I told them.

"Aww, come here" Freddie said, while pulling me into a hug. Then Brian joined. Then Deaky joined. Then Roger joined. I pulled back looking at Brian, who was already looking at me. "Brooklynn, can I talk to you for a minute?" He said. I already knew what was going through his head. "Yeah, come on" I told him. The boys had already made themselves at home.

We were sitting on my bed, facing each other. There was an awkward silence between us, which I didn't like... Things were never awkward between us. "I think I already know what's going through your head." I had told him, while looking at my lap.

I looked back up, and tears were in his eyes, which made me tear up. "Brooklynn, you know I love you so much, right?" He said, before pulling me into a hug. "Of course Brian. And I want you to know I understand completely." He lifted his head up.

"Really?" He smiled. "OF COURSE!" I pulled away completely. "You're an upcoming rockstar! I know that you want to have at least a bit of fun. I don't want to be the reason why you don't. Plus, we're great bestfriends. Always have been, always will be. I love you man." I told him. And I meant it from the bottom of my heart.

He didn't say anything, he just hugged me. "And when you DO find somebody to love other than me, then just don't replace me completely, okay?" I winked at him. "Trust me, I could never." He had told me, smiling. "So this is definitely it?" I asked, looking him in the eye. "I guess it is." He replied, pulling me into another hug.

We bother got off the bed, and headed towards the door. I opened it, to be faced by a teary eyed Freddie. "Y-you two a-are over?" He asked. "Yes Freddie, but we're still bestfriends! Closer than we were before, even" I assured him.

"Really?!" Roger asked. "Well of course!" Brian this time had answered, grabbing my hand, and giving it a small squeeze. Then Roger came up next to me. "So this means.... You're single?" He said, while putting his arm around me and wiggling his eyebrows. "Watch it." Brian had told him, which made all of us laugh.


"I'm really gonna miss you guys." I had told them again. They were leaving in two days. We were out eating. There was Freddie, Roger, John, Brian, Mary, Veronica, and I. "We know, you only told us about five times" Roger said, which caused me to roll my eyes, and pout. "I'm just joking with you, We're gonna miss you more."

He smiled at me, which made me smile back. "We're gonna miss all of you" Brian had said, which got a few 'We're gonna miss you too' from The girls, and I. Well, I'm gonna go head home, to my flat." I told them, remembering I had to work tomorrow. "Do you have toooo?" Roger whined, which made me laugh. "Unless I want to get fired." I told him, which made him nod his head, showing me that he understood.

"I'll walk you" Brian had said, standing up. "I'll see you guys tomorrow, at the airport" I said, getting up. I heard 'Bye Brooklynn' 'see ya' and a signature 'Bye, darling' From Freddie, and a 'use protection' from Roger, which made me blush, before flicking him off.


"Thank you for walking me back, Brian. I really appreciate it." I told Brian, as we walked up my doorstep. "Of course Brooklynn, There was no way in hell I was gonna let you walk by yourself." He told me, laughing, which caused me to laugh.

We stood there, in a comfortable silence. I was lost in his eyes. I had unlocked my door, then opened it, before asking "Do you wanna c-come inside?" I asked him, hoping he'd say yes. This was my last night with him, there was no way in hell I was going to waste my last opportunity. "I was hoping you'd ask that" He replied, before hungrily attacking my lips with his, as we went inside.

A/N: I honestly didn't think Brooklynn and Brian would go together. I mainly shipped her and Roger, lmao. I feel like this chapter was bad, what were your opinions on it?

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