Global Aid 🌏💫 (revisited/re-edited)

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"Brooklynn, it's time to get up, sweetie, you're going home." My mom told me. I groaned. "Five more min- wait... HOME?!" I got up, excited. I truly hated hospitals. So many people die here, so many people get sick here, so many people feel so hopeless here. It's just a big negativity vibe here, and I was ready to leave ASAP.

"Yes, unless you stay in this bed all day!" She tells me. I immediately got up. "Wait mom, what about all of my stuff?"  I asked her. "You really want your stuff from the crash?" She asked me. "On second thought, let's just go." I told her.

Back to her apartment;

"Brooklynn, you know what place this is right?" Mom asked, as she drove up to my home. "Yes, my apartment.. can I go now?" I asked her. "Hm, I guess so." She said, and with that, she unlocked the door. Once I got out, she watched me walk inside, then she drove off. Once I got inside, I immediately made my way into my room and plopped down on my bed.

I started to think. Did I basically dream all of that? There's no way. All of those years were just a few pity days here? I've never met Freddie? Rog? Brian? John? It's just so hard to believe. All of that happened ... mick? The fun I had... none of that happened?

That's just wow. I went into the cupboard and got out a glass of wine, and I decided to turn on the tv, and catch up with the rest of the world. As I drank from my glass and scrolled through the channels, a certain commercial caught my eye.

"Global aid". My mouth dropped. I chugged my wine, until a familiar voice. "Hello darlings, From all around the world!" My mouth dropped, as my hand went over it. There he was, Freddie Mercury. Alive and well, looking healthy, and well over 70!

"You've all heard of live aid, and you all loved it! Come and help us celebrate 35 years since live aid, and help raise awareness on climate change with global aid! ourselves, and many others will be here to perform! Save the date, darlings!" He finished off, as the date 'July 13' appeared on screen. My eyes got teary. I quickly dialed my mother.

"Brooklynn? Is everything okay?" She asked me, sounding worried. "Mom! Freddie's alive mommy!" I yelled, tears pooling out of my eyes. "Of course he is Brooklynn, why would he be dead?" She asked me. Realization hit me.

"Oh, it was just a crazy dream I had" I laughed it off. "Sweetie, should I come over?" She asked me. "No mom, I'm fine." I reassured her. "Really? I thought you would be upset that you didn't get to go." She said. "Go where?" I asked her. "Oh- Um, no where." She responded, realizing she said too much. "No, mom tell me please." I asked.

"Well, you were flying to London to meet Queen, and Freddie himself, considering it was his birthday. You got him the sweetest gift too." She explained. It all clicked. It wasn't just a dream, I changed time... literally.

"Brooklynn? You still there?"  I heard my mother's voice call out to me. "Uhh, yes mom, I'm gonna get some rest, okay?" I told her. "Alright sweetie, I love you, stay safe!" She told me. "You do the same, I love you too." I told her, before hanging up.

Freddie's POV:

"This is making no sense, Fred." John told me. "I know it doesn't, but that's the only logical explanation." I explained to them all. We can't find Brooklynn, and she hasn't been answering her telephone, so I told them what she told me. "Actually, it makes a lot of sense now." Brian said.

"The way we first found Brooklynn, she looked confused, asked us what year it was, and she acted as if she knew us. No wonder she was so trusting." He continued, putting things together. "The way she reacted when she met John and Freddie." Roger said in realization. I nodded.

"Well, it still makes no sense." John said. Roger just scoffed. "I know!" I told them, walking outside. They all followed me. "What are you doing, Fred?" Bri asked me. "We need to get back to her flat." I explained.

"Roger, drive, guys get in the car." I said, rushing to the passenger seat. "Freddie, we can't just-" John started "John, we have to! I have something to show you all anyway." I reasoned. "Fine." He said, with his hands up.

"Okay, now what?" Roger said, pulling into her driveway. Her car was still there. We all got out. "I know where her key is" Roger told us. We all just stared at him. "What?" He asked, while shrugging.

He went and got the key from under the Mat. Of course, anywhere else and she would forget. They walked in, and I stormed into her room. I looked in her nightstand. The boys had came into the room.

"She said she had an apple phone... it's red. I told them, looking. "Aha!" I shouted, once I found what I was looking for. On the back, there was a note attached to it.

"If you are reading this (most likely Freddie)" 

I read out loud.

"Then you know the truth... my truth."

I looked up at the guys.

"There is a white cord with a block piece that charges this phone up so you can use it. I powered it off, but it may or may not be dead."

I read, I then looked and got the cord out. "Can we do this in there?" Brian asked. We all agreed and took the stuff in the dining area. We all sat down, and I started to read the note again:

"First, I want you guys to know that I love you so much, and I never intended any of this to happen. I didn't know if this was a dream or not, so I wrote this, in case I was dreaming, and would wake up soon.
Even though you've known me for a while, there is still a big part of me that you don't know about, and I really hope this won't make you think of me differently than before. I want to say thank you guys... for everything.
Thank you for sticking with me, thank you for being a big part of my life, before I got to know you guys personally.
I'm sorry that I'm not there to tell you guys this in person, but we will meet again some time, I promise. There's a lot that has happened in my time, especially regarding you guys.
Freddie, I know that you wouldn't want me to change your future, but you have to understand... I can't sleep at night knowing that I can save you from your fate. I've grown too attached. Please, just do a little bit of research, I'm begging you."

I looked up and everyone had tears in their eyes too. I then continued to read.

"All you have to do once you charge my phone is to unlock it (use numbers 111111), then click the app that says 'safari'.
There, you can look up your name, and see what had happened. I told myself that that's the one thing I had to do, change anything tragic.
Once again, I'm so sorry that I couldn't tell you this in person, and if you're reading this, I'm probably gone and can not explain things in person.
I love each and every one of you, and I'll see you soon.

Xoxo, your good friend,


I finished reading. "Wow." John said. "I'm convinced." He finished. "Now what?" Brian asked. "We do what she asked... let's save myself" I answered.

Brooklynn's POV:

It then hit me.... the note. I wrote a note one year, in case all of this ended, and I woke up from the amazing dream I've been living, and I was right. It happened. I woke up

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