That's easy to say when you don't have a fucking spider on you!

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May 31, 1975

"Why'd you wait until today to tell me?" I whined to mick, who was getting the last of his things from my home. "It slipped my mind, Brooklynn, but I'll be back in August." He told me. The stones were going on tour. "Slipped your mind? I'll miss you so much." I said, getting teary eyed.

"I know, same here. You're my number one best friend." He told me, before he came and gave me a hug. By that time I was already crying. We heard a knock at the door, and Mick went over and opened it. "Brooklynn!" He called. I went to where he was. "Yeah?" I seen a man with a black suit.

"This is my driver. I have to go now." He told me. I started to cry again. I ran into his arms. "Try not to forget about me, okay?" I told him. "Never." He told me, before giving me a kiss. "I love you, Brooklynn, never forget that." He told me, wiping off tears. "I love you too."

I gave him one last kiss, before he left. I was a sobbing mess. I knew exactly who to call.
"Rog?" I sniffled. "Brooklynn? What's wrong?" I heard his voice. "Come over, please. I need a friend." I told him.

"I'm on the way." He said, before hanging up. I unlocked the door, then went upstairs into my room, and wrapped myself up in my covers. After a few minutes of staring off into space, I dozed off.

I was woken up, by feeling my bed sink down. I then felt an arm wrap around my waste. "I'm here anytime you need me." I heard roger say. This caused me to turn around and face them. "You wanna tell me what happened?" He asked me. I looked into his eyes, and immediately started to cry.

"He left." I told him. "Who left- ohh." He realized who I was talking about. "Shh, don't cry." He said, as I let it all out on his chest. "I-it's t-the f-fact that I was s-starting to fall in l-love with him." I admitted. I felt him nod. "a-nd he didn't e-even tell m-me he was leaving!" I said. "What? When did he tell you?" He asked me.

"He c-called me this morning, and told me that he was gonna g-get all of his things f-from here. A-and w-when I asked w-why, he said because he's leaving." I finished off, before breaking down again. I heard Roger scoff. "That's a dick move to make." He said, getting angry. "It actually kind of is." I said, realizing the actual situation.

I then started to get angry. "After all of the shit I've done for him. Every time he's out until 3 AM fucking someone, or drunk, high, or both, I'm always there for him! Even when he got arrested, he called me!" I ranted. Roger just sat and listened. "But I still love him." I said, as I started to cry again. Roger sighed.

"Brooklynn, look at me." Roger said, as he sat up. I did the same, facing him. "You are a beautiful, smart, trustworthy, and amazing woman. You don't need him. Hell you don't need anyone. You've gone 25 years without him, certainly you don't need him now." He told me, while holding my two shoulders. This caused me to smile.

"Thank you, Roggie Pooh." I hugged him, and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "You missed a spot." He told me, while pointing to his lips. I rolled my eyes, before grabbing his face, turning his head, and planting a small kiss on the corner of his mouth. He shrugged. "Good enough." This caused me to laugh.

"Call the others, I want to make a home made dinner, and eat with all of you guys, it's been a while since we've done that." I told Roger. "Call now?" He asked, getting up. "Yeah, we can all go grocery shopping." I replied, also getting up, and going to the bathroom. "Alright." He shouted, going into the living room.

I looked at myself and cringed. My eyes were red and puffy, and I had tear streaks on my face. "They're on the way." Roger said, poking his head inside of the bathroom. "Alright, I'm gonna take a quick shower, they should be here by the time I get out, don't mess anything up." I told him.

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