Have you guys fucked yet?

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We landed, and found a hotel. By then, it's was around 4:30 PM. "Ugh, I'm super tired." I groaned, as I jumped face-down into the mattress. "Me too. I'm gonna go and take a nap, afterwards you can show me around." He told me, walking towards the door.

I let a slight moan, which he knew by then meant okay. I then flipped over. Suddenly I wasn't tired anymore. what to do. I can go exploring.

Pf course I know New York City, but I don't know 70s New York City. I got up and dressed into something nice. I then grabbed a brown purse that matched my skirt, which had money in it, and headed out the door.

"Hold the elevator please." I said, as I rushed to them. "Thank you." I smiled, as I got in. "No problem, miss." I said. that voice. I got a good look at his face. I immediately jumped into his arms.

"Woah, I'm only the bass player, the drummer is back- B-BROOKLYNN!" He said as he realized who I was. "I missed you so much. We all did!" He exclaimed. "Then why haven't I received a call?" I asked with my arms crossed. "Well we've been busy." He explained. "I understand." I chuckled, as I leaned in for another hug. The elevator doors opened.

"What brings you down here?" He said, as we walked out together. "My friend had surprised me. He brung me down here to see you guys, is this the hotel you guys are staying in?"I told and asked him. "Yeah...He?" He questioned, with an eyebrow quirked up. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, he" I said. "Who is he?" He asked, putting extra emphasis on the 'he'. "His name is Michael, I met him around the time you Guys left." I explained. He nodded his head. It was quiet for a few minutes. "have you guys fucked yet?" He asked casually.

I slapped his shoulder. "DEAKY!!" I shouted, which caused him to laugh. "I'm joking." He reassured. "Didn't you say you grew up here?" He asked. "Yes sir, I did." I told him. "Well since we're out, you mind showing me some things?" He asked, reaching out his hand. I smiled, before taking it. "No sir, I don't."

I ended up showing him places that I remembered. You'd be surprised about the amount of buildings and whatnot still there in 2019. We ended up in front of our hotel again, laughing. "It was amazing reuniting again."
He told me, reaching out for another hug.

"Same here, Deaky, I'll see you tomorrow." I winked. He smiled. "Oh yeah, please don't tell the other boys I'm here, I want it to be a surprise." I told him. "Okay." He reassured, before we headed separate ways to our rooms.

Once I had got back into my room, I changed into night clothes, even though it was around 5:25. I planned on getting room service, then go to sleep. Most likely I'd be sleeping by 6:30. I was exhausted. Just as I was about to order room service, I heard a knock.

I looked out of the peephole and expected to see Michael, but instead, I saw John. I opened the door. "Yes?" I questioned. "Umm, the boys had left and said that they were gonna be back in a couple of hours. Do you mind if I stay here awhile? I don't want to be alone." He asked, with hopeful eyes. "Come on in." I told him, opening my door all the way so he could come in.

We were laying next to each other, finishing up the food we ordered from room service. It was 6:00 and I was on the verge of sleeping. "I miss this." I told him, resting my head on my hand, looking at him. "Me too." He told me, getting into the same position, looking at me.

"I'm so proud of you guys." I then said, tears welding up in my eyes. "You already told us this." He laughed. This caused me to laugh too. "Yeah but you guys are so talented, and I'm happy the world gets to see it too." I told him.

"It's funny you say that, Freddie was saying the same exact thing." I started to laugh. Knock knock knock. "I got it." I told John, who just nodded. I looked out of the peephole. I seen it was Mick, and opened the door. He walked in. "Well come on in, Michael." I said sarcastically.

"Who's this?" He asked, when he noticed John. "This is John Deacon." I looked at John, and he looked shocked. "It's really great meeting you, Brooklynn talks about you guys all of the time." He said, shaking John's hand. John just stared at him with his mouth opened.

"Uhh, hi. When Brooklynn said she met a new friend, I didn't know she meant Mick Jagger!" He exclaimed, looking at me. "It's a really an honor to meet you." John said, shaking his hand back. "Brooklynn, you ready?" Mick asked, turning towards me. I yawned. "To go to sleep,yes. When you were sleep, I ran into John and we went exploring." I explained. "What about the other boys?" He asked.

"They don't know we're here. I want to surprise them tomorrow, at the concert." I said, laying down on my bed. John then got our plates up, and cleaning the bed off a little, as I drifted off. "Under the covers." I heard him say, as I got underneath. He then tucked me in. "Goodnight, Bea." He whispered. "Mhm g'night, Deaky." I slurred. "Bye bye" I heard mick say. "Night." I said before I drifted off into a deep sleep.

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