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October 24, 1975

The boys' career was taking off, and they were becoming more and more successful. We were all currently at Rock-field studios  in Monmouth, Wales. I didn't think that I would be able to come with them. The day that Roger told me that they were going, I asked if I could come, because honestly I couldn't miss out on such an iconic moment in history.

I think that I actually get to witness bohemian Rhapsody be made, and I'm absolutely excited. I went downstairs, for breakfast. John was in there, eating. "Good morning, sleepy head." John said, handing me a mug with coffee in it.

"Good morning, John." He was about to say something, but Was interrupted by Roger storming in, Brian behind him. "Woah, what's wrong with you?" I asked Roger, who had taken a seat next to me. "He's upset that I said his song wasn't strong enough for the B side of bohemian rhapsody." Brian briefly explained.

Oh. My. God. I get to witness this argument? I thought the movie just added it for laughs. "Ugh, this again." John said, rolling his eyes. "Again?" I asked, curious. "Last night, when you went to bed early, we had this argument." He told me. I nodded my head. "You just want your song on the B side." Roger scoffed.

"Roger, I'm not about to have this conversation with you again." Brian said, rubbing his temples. "No. I don't care. I put my heart and soul into that song." He said, angrily. "Well no one is disputing that." John said, shrugging.

"No. You just don't like it because you want your songs on the album." He argued. "That's not what it is, Roger." John tried to reason.
"Then what is it?" He questioned, arms crossed. Brian hesitated. "I'm in love with my car?" He said, obviously. I snorted, which caused Roger to look at me with a glare.

My smile was immediately wiped off of my face, and I tried to cover it with a cough. "Maybe it's not strong enough?" Brian suggested. "What do you mean by not strong enough?!" Roger shouted, pissed.

"I know I'm late... what did I miss?" Freddie walked in. "We're discussing Roger's car song." I filled him in. "Is it strong enough? That's all I'm asking. If I'm own my own here, then I apologize." Brian said, raising his hands up in surrender. "well how does your song go then? Hmm?" He said, picking up his paper with what I'm assuming lyrics are on.

"You call me sweet, like I'm some kind of cheese?!" He read, getting louder with each word he said. "It's good!" Brian said, defensively, looking at me. I raised my eyebrow, showing curiosity. "Wow. How about this; happy at home? We're a bloody rock band!" Rog said, in shock. Looking at John. "That was for my wife!" John said, rolling his eyes.

"Well how about when my hand's on your grease gun?" Brian said, looking back at me. "That's very subtle, isn't it?" Brian kept going. "IT'S A METAPHOR, BRIAN!" Roger screamed. This caused me to shake my head, and start laughing.

"I mean, it's a bit weird, Roger. What exactly are you doing with that car?" John said, calmly. "Children please, we can all murder eachother, but then who would be left to record this album?" Freddie interrupted, clearly amused.

"Well statistically speaking, bands don't usually fail, they break up." John said, shrugging his shoulders. That's when we all looked at him. "Why in the hell would you say something like that, John?" I asked. He just shrugged again, and continued to eat.

"Roger there's only room in this group for one hysterical queen. Brooklynn, darling can I speak to you?" Freddie said. "Sure." I said, following him outside. I heard the words "is this strong enough for you?" And crashing before closing the door.

I caught up to Freddie. "Hey, Fred are you okay?" I asked. "Well yeah, but there's something I just want to ask you about." Fred had told me. "What is it, Fred? You can talk to me about anything." I told him, sincerely. "Well, for starters... how did you um.. you know... find out that you were gay?"

He asked, awkwardly. I looked him in the eyes and started laughing. He looked confused for a second. "Oh sorry, I meant lesbian." He quickly said. I then wiped the tears out of my eyes. "Freddie, sweetie I'm not gay." I told him. His eyes went wide.

"I-I'm sorry, I just a-assumed. You know what, forget about this." He said, before storming off. "Wait! Freddie, no." I called after him, but that didn't stop him. "His dramatic ass." I muttered under my breath, as I walked Back inside.
I went downstairs, and heard Freddie playing the piano.

I went back into the kitchen, got two mugs out, hot chocolate mix out, milk out, and marshmallows. I saw the coffee machine on the counter and chuckled. "Not the coffee machine!" I mocked, while warming up the milk. "Heya, Brooklynn, what ya up to?" Brian popped his head in.

"Well, Freddie and I haven't finished our conversation, so I'm making us hot cocoa. How was your conversation with Roger?" I smirked. He rolled his eyes. "He's still trying to convince Freddie." He told me. I started to laugh some more.

I then mixed in the hot chocolate, and marshmallows. Before I knew it, they were finished. I then went into the room where Freddie was. He was currently talking to roger. "Roger, I don't care! We aren't putting the bloody song on the album!" Freddie snapped.

"Fine. If you need me, I'll be in the cupboards! Don't bother talking to me until you agree to put my song on the album, because I won't come out!" Roger said, before storming out.

"I swear, he's a literal child." Freddie said, before sitting on the couch. "I know right." I agreed, and taking a seat next to him. "Hot cocoa?" I asked, offering the cup. He took it, mumbling a quick "thanks." I took a sip, before facing my body towards him.

"Freddie, I didn't mean to laugh in your face, I just thought it was funny at the moment. I wasn't laughing at your question or you, obviously." He looked at me "I know darling, I just felt dumb. Immediately assuming that you weren't straight." He chuckled, setting the mug down on the coffee table. I did the same. I laughed some more.

"What did you need to talk to me about?" I asked him. "Well, Umm, it's nothing, anymore, honestly." He told me. "Are you sure?" I asked him. He shook his head 'yes'. I knew he was lying; he was questioning his sexuality.

I really didn't want to pressure him, though. "I think we should go talk to roger." I told Freddie, changing the subject. "I agree. Let's go!" He say, running out.

"I didn't think he could stay in for this long." Brian had said. "It's only been 15 minutes." I reminded him. "Exactly." He told me. I just shrugged. I walked up to the cupboard.

"Roger?" I called out. "Go away." He shouted. I rolled my eyes. "Guys, please just give the song a chance. I don't think it's that bad, anyways!" I told them, mainly talking to Freddie.

"I don't even care, at this point, this better not end up bad, though!" Freddie said, pointing a finger in my face, jokingly. I rolled my eyes, and smiled. "Soo, my song can be on the album?" I heard Roger's voice come out, muffled. "Yes, but only if you come out."

I barely got the word "got." All the way out because roger jumped out. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Roger hugged us at the same time. "I just better not regret this." Freddie said, still joking.

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