"Oh boy" is right: PART 2

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A/N: You may want to re-read "oh boy is right PART 1". It basically picks up from that chapter!!

Year: 2020

"I'll do it." I told them, as they all looked at me in disbelief. "Brooklynn..." Freddie had said to me. "No, Freddie. You don't understand. I'll do anything for you to live the life you deserve! You all deserve the world, and I'm happy dying for a cause like this." I said.

The other guys just sat in silence, except Bri, who was standing. I know this was tough on them. "Dammit, Brooklynn I can't let you do this." Freddie told me.

"Freddie, can I talk to you in private?" I asked him. He stood up, and we went onto his balcony. "Freddie, you don't understand-" I began before he cut me off.

"No Brooklynn, YOU don't understand. I won't be able to live with myself if I let you do such a thing. And think about it- I hate my life now. I hate being old. I feel an ugly old cow who's good for nothing!" He shouted, before letting out a chuckle.

I know he was lightening up the mood. "But-" I began before he cut me off again.

"Brooklynn, I'm serious. I've told you plenty of times about how I want to die young, while leaving my mark on this world, and from what you told me earlier... I died a fucking legend! I wouldn't trade that for anything." He told me.

My eyes began to get watery... I could tell he was serious. It just hurt me a lot, I don't want to have to go through that pain of losing him to such a cause...

as selfish as it may sound, I'd rather him go through the pain of losing me, I wouldn't be able to bear it.

He spoke up again.

"I'd rather die young and happy, than die old, unhappy, and unsatisfied in life." He finished. That line had got me.

"Freddie" I said sternly.

"Brooklynn, dear" he started, while grabbing my hands. He was also starting to cry. "Promise me you'll let my destiny be fulfilled... please don't change the timeline, I'm begging you." He said, getting down on his knees.

The sight broke my heart- an aged Freddie Mercury, staring me in the eyes. He looked so defeated, and in pain. I hated the sight, I really did.

"I'll think about it, Fred." I told him. He just looked away.

He attempted to get up, but failed. He cried out in pain. "GUYS!" I shouted out, so they could help me with him. They all came in quickly. "Freddie!" John shouted.

We all eventually got him up onto the couch. He just sat there in silence, while the rest of the guys and I were talking. "So Brooklynn, what are you gonna do?" Roger asked.

"I'm gonna go back of course." I answered.

"Brooklynn, you belong here. Don't jeopardize your life just to change ours. We've all lived long, healthy lives. It's only fair if you live yours too." Brian said.

"Not if it isn't gonna be a happy one... I'd rather die young and happy, than old, unhappy, and unsatisfied in life." I said.

This caused Freddie to look up at me, with hopeful eyes. I then gave him a small smile, which he returned.

John then spoke up. "Well no matter what you choose to do, just know we all love you, and we're glad you've been in our lives." I smiled.

"Oh, come here." I said, bringing him into a hug. Roger then joined. "Come on, you two." I said to Freddie and Brian. They both quickly joined.

"I love you guys, so much." I told them... "we love you too." They said in unison.


"Goodnight, sweetheart." My mom said, about to leave my room.

I got up, and embraced her in a long hug. She hugged me back. I could tell it caught her by surprise. "you know I'm gonna be right in the other room, right?" She said, giggling.

This made me chuckle, In sadness. I felt guilty. "Actually mom... can you sleep in my bed with me tonight? Like old times." I asked her. She caressed my face. "Oh sweetie... of course."

As we laid in my bed, I snuggled with her. "Are you okay, bumblebea?" She asked, as she stroked my hair. "Yes, mommy" I whispered, as tears fell out of my eyes. "I just love you so much."

She hugged me, tight. "I love you so much more, my sweet girl." She then planted a kiss on my head. "Now let's get some sleep, you have a big day ahead of you.

If only she knew...

As I fell more and more into my sleep, I then recognized the dark space I was in. "Hello?" I called out.

"Brooklynn... are you ready?" Hermes asked me.

"I am, but I don't want to change Freddie's fate. I know it's what he'd want. He'd rather die young and happy, and I don't want to change that. He's gonna die a legend, like he wants." I said out loud.

There was silence for a good minute or two.

"That will be arranged.. anything other request?" He asked. He spoke in a stern, and intimidating voice.

"Yes, actually..." I don't want to spend my time with them knowing what's gonna happen in their lives. The only thing I want to remember when I get there is from when I met rog and bri, and from there on. Nothing that I've known beforehand. I can't live with knowing what I know."

I explained. He was quiet. "What makes you think that I can do that?" He asked me.

"I don't think, I know." I answered. I then continued.

"I'm fine with not having any family, they are my family. I don't want to remember me getting on a plane, I don't want to remember anything before that, take away anything that doesn't belong in the 70s that I had with me. I want it to be as if I actually did belong there." I finished.

He hesitated.

"Will do... are you ready?"

I paused, and thought about everything. Goodbye, old life. I had thought to myself.

I then spoke up again...


A/N: now you guys know why he died 🥺🥺. I waited to post this chapter because I didn't want to spoil it. I cried so much, ugh!! Im an extremely sensitive person LOL.... How'd you guys feel about this?

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