Did you just say 'Tinkle'?

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"Brooklynn, we aren't going unless you come with us." Freddie told me. We were back at Roger's and Brian's And They wanted to celebrate John joining the band, but I seriously couldn't intrude. "Guys, YOU GUYS are queen. Not me. This is a group celebration!" I tried reasoning.

"You might not be apart of queen, but you are definitely apart of our group" Brian had explained. This caused me to look up. "Really??" I asked, surprised. "Of course, darling. Ever since when you read the tattoo I gave you, and didn't get upset, and just laughed, I knew you were the one" He told me smiling. I laughed and looked down at my "I like it in the ass" tattoo.

"You have beautiful cursive writing, how could I get upset at it?" I said as we all laughed. "Okay how about this: Since Brian, Roger, and I was supposed to see a movie tonight, we all go?" I suggested. "Drinks after?" Freddie asked. "maybe" I then told him. "IT'S NOT A NOOO" Roger yelled with his fist in the air. "What movie will we see?" I asked.

"SOMETHING SCARY!" Roger screamed. "Do you seriously have to yell everything Roger?! Like seriously!!" Brian yelled, frustrated. "It's funny you say that since you just yelled" Roger said, sticking out his tongue. "Yeah, welcome to the band, John" Freddie said while rolling his eyes.


We had arrived to the movie theater, and Roger had chosen "Twins Of Evil". "Looks scary, doesn't it?" Roger had asked, and the others agreed. I did too, obviously it didn't, I've seen movies that looked 100 times scarier, but since it's the 70s, everything was scary. "Okay Roger and Brian go get snacks and drinks, John, Brooklynn go choose seats, and Freddie go tinkle." Freddie directed us. "Wait, did you just demand yourself to go do something?" Brian asked. "And did you just say tinkle? " Roger said. "JUST GO GET THE DAMN FOOD" Freddie snapped.

John and I had gotten 5 seats. "So, how are you liking the band so far- OUT OF MY WAY, CHILDREN!" Freddie had interrupted. He ended up touching my face, and his hand was wet. "Ugh now my face is wet, thanks a lot, Fred!" I said sarcastically. "No problem, darling, but look on the bright side" "Which is..?" I asked, waiting for him to continue. "When I become a legend, you can say 'Freddie Mercury made me wet at a movie theater'" He said which made me laugh so hard. "Mercury?" I heard Brian say, as he walked in. "Yeah, I like it." Freddie said as we started setting in.

"Wait Brian, where's Roger?" I said realizing that Brian was only there. "Most importantly, where's the food?!" Freddie asked. Such an amazing friend. "Over here" I heard Roger yell, while holding two buckets of popcorn, three boxes of candy, and two sodas. "Why is Roger holding all of this stuff? Out of all people... ROGER?" Freddie asked. "Because..." Brian said:

FLASHBACK: "Brian, you remember when I carried that couch into our apartment all by myself?" Roger had randomly asked Brian. "Umm Roger, that took you an hour... Then after that hour you called Fred and I over to finally help you" He replied remembering.

"Not that couch, the other one, the chair" Roger told him. "Roger.... That was a kitchen table chair" Brian told him sighing. "Two buckets of popcorn, 5 cokes, and these" Brian said while giving the girl the three boxes of candy Roger picked out. "£3.25 please" She said. After he paid her, Roger said "You're trying to say I'm weak?"

Then Brian replied "Of course not... Just simply Not strong." This made Roger upset. "I am too strong" He said. "If you're so strong, carry all of this to the seats. If you can do it, I'll never call you weak again." Brian Proposed. "I can't carry 5 sodas, Brian" Roger said, frustrated. "Fine, I'll carry three." Brian told him. "Deal?" Brian asked. "Deal." Roger reassured.


"That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard" Freddie exclaimed. "Enough of that" John started. "Let's get situated so we can watch the movie, It's starting." He finished. The order of the seat situation was Freddie, Me, Roger, John, and Brian. "I'm cold" I heard Roger say from beside me. "SHH!" We heard people say. "SHH YOURSELVES!" Roger whispered-yelled. Oh boy, this was gonna be a long movie.

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