Goodbye, my friend

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November 27th, 1991
Freddie's funeral...

The day was here... the last time I get to say goodbye to a dear friend of mine. Jimmy, with the kids dropped me off to Brian's, where the limo would pick us up from.

"We're gonna meet you to the building, okay?" My husband asked, looking me in my eyes. I had dark sunglasses on, but I knew he could still see my eyes, and the pain in them.

I nodded a simple "yes", as I kneeled down, to give our 3 children a kiss. Although they didn't completely understand exactly what was going on, they knew their uncle Freddie was gone.

I then gave Jimmy a kiss. "I love you guys, drive safe." I said, as they began to leave. "We love you too." The all said in unison, as they walked out.

I then greeted everyone who was riding in the limo a hug. "You all ready?" Phoebe asked, as we gathered our stuff.

It was a rather chilly day. I wore black dress pants, along with a dress shirt, and a long black, fur jacket, with black shiny heels. I also wore my beautiful ruby red ring that Freddie got me for my birthday, which I don't wear very often, along with the matching earrings.

We all were seated, and I had spot closest to the door, so I could stare out of the window. Deaky was also next to me. I grabbed his hand, which was cold, and shaky.

*A/N: I recommend playing "tears in heaven" by Eric Clapton*...

I couldn't bring myself to look at him, so I just stared out of the window, and looked into the clouds. It was a cloudy and drowsy day.

I thought about how Fred and I used to have sleepovers on rainy nights... that was forever ago, though.

I felt my eyes water as I thought about Freddie. I can't believe he's gone... I just can't wrap my mind around it.

What felt like forever, but was actually around 10 minutes had passed by. We were here, yet I couldn't get up. I couldn't move at all. I was too lost in my thoughts.

They all tried to get me to come out, I just physically couldn't. I was emotionally broken. Reality had hit... The thought of finally saying goodbye. No more phone calls

No more gossiping... no more lunch dates... no more parties... no more hearing his contagious laughter. It's all gone.

"Brooklynn... look." I heard Roger say. I broke my gaze from the window, and looked at him. I had to remove my sunglasses, simply because they were so wet from my tears.

"Please. For Freddie." He said.. he looked drained. I looked past him, and everyone's eyes were on me. I then found the strength to get out.

I stood still, then put my sunglasses back on as Bri and Roger held each one of my arms..  We the walked up the stairs.

We walked into the building, and my eyes landed on my family. They had sad looks on their faces. I gave a  smile of reassurance.

I sat up front, in between Mary and Roger.

Time went by, and I watched the service, occasionally crying. It had gotten to the point where I couldn't cry anymore. I felt numb.

Eventually, it was my turn to speak at the service. I held onto Brian's arm, as he walked me to the podium.

I removed my sunglasses. I know I looked exhausted and broken. Thats exactly how I felt.

"Hello, everyone." I said, with a small smile on my face as I glanced around, into the audience, before looking at my hands, which were resting on the podium.

"My name is Brooklynn Page, and..." I began. "I'd like to start off by saying Freddie was truly an amazing person. As cliche as it may sounds, he truly was. He was remarkable, and extremely selfless. He truly had the kindest soul ever, and on..." I paused, as my voice cracked. "On behalf of all of us, it truly hurts to be here today, saying our final goodbyes." I said.

I looked back up, and my eyes landed on a spot— my seat actually. I stared, in disbelief as I saw Freddie. Sitting there, one leg crossed over the other, and his hands in his lap. He looked healthy, and had a smile on his face. He looked proud of me.

I still stared, shocked. He then got up, and approached me, touching my hand. The heavy weight in my chest was suddenly lifted. It didn't hurt so much anymore.

As I stared at my hand, I briefly closed my eyes, and opened them again, to look around and see he was gone.

I then looked into the crowd, and everyone was staring at me, with a curious look on their face.
"I- umm." I continued... "Freddie was one hell of a guy, with such a huge personality who touched each and every one of us. He will forever be remembered as a Son, A brother, an Uncle, a friend... And a legend."

"We all know if Freddie was here now, he'd be scolding us for being sad, with tears in our eyes... So on the behalf of Fred... Fix your damn faces!" I shouted. Everyone laughed. I then smiled. "Thank you all, We love you, Freddie." I finished, as everyone clapped.

I looked at the door, and seen Freddie again. He blew me a kiss, and waved." I just smiled, watching him slowly fade away.

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