Only the good die young

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Im warning you all... this chapter is extremely sad, so read at your own risk

November 24th, 1991

"Knock knockkkkk." I said, calmly, walking into Freddie's room. I saw him laying in bed. The sight itself made me sick. He wasn't himself at all. He looked frail, and extremely fragile.

I had to remain calm, and keep my composure. I know that's what Freddie wants the most.

"Brooklynn, dear." Freddie called out, extended an arm, slowly. "Hey there, Babe... how are you feeling?" I asked him, grabbing his hand.

"Not very good, darling." He answered, truthfully. Although, his condition was truly tragic, he still had this glint in his eyes... a glint of optimism, and hopefulness. His eyes has always been something I truly admired.

I felt his forehead. "Freddie, you're burning up." I told him, getting closer. "I'm gonna go call Roger." I told him, kissing him on his cheek. "Hurry, dear. I have to tell you something." He told me, as I walked out to call Roger.

"Rog, he's doing so bad." I sobbed, quietly. "I'm on the way there, right now." He said, as I heard him getting ready. "Call Bri and John too." I told him. "Will do.. I don't think John's gonna want to see him like this though." He said.

I say quietly... "call them anyways. Phoebe's gonna call Mary, I have to get back to Fred." I told him. "I love you Brooklynn, tell Fred I'll be there soon." He told me. "Okay I will... love you too, bye bye." I told him, before hanging up.

I rushed back to Fred. He looked even worse before, and as much as I hated to admit it, I think his time is coming to an end. Jim looked at me with a sad look, before walking out.

"Freddie, babe... I'm back." I told him. "Come here, darling, quickly." He said, and I rushed to him.

"It's here Brooklynn... death is here, and he almost has me." He told me. I began to lose my composure. "Freddie please don't say that... you have to hold on, please. I'm begging you." I said, crying.

"Shh, darling do not cry, please." He shushed me, while grabbing me. "JIM GET IN HERE!" I shouted for him.


I heard Brooklynn call for me. I couldn't stand the sight. Freddie and I told eachother our goodbye's, earlier. As much as I hate to admit it, we both knew his end was approaching. My lover. The man whom I've loved the most. My best friend.

I walked over to Freddie and Brooklynn. She then moved. Freddie and I shared one last kiss. A kiss so gentle, yet so passionate. My heart was in pain, but Freddie hated to see me like this, so I put a bittersweet smile on my face.

I then moved over so Brooklynn could get her spot back. I watched as he whispered something to Brooklynn. She smiled, and nodded, before kissing his cheek.

We both held each one of his hands, as we knew his time was up. "I love you..." he said weakly, before closing his eyes. His grip weakened, and Brooklynn and I both knew what happened.

She let out a scream, and cried into my arms. We weren't necessarily the closest, but we both needed eachother, and held eachother, while crying.


He was gone. My best friend. Gone. I really couldn't believe it. I cried into Jim's arms, before running to Freddie's phone.

I then dialed Roger. He picked up quickly. "I'm running a little late, but I'm on the way now." He said into the phone. "Don't bother, Roger." I said, softly. He got quiet.

"W-what do you mean?" He asked. I knew he knew. He just couldn't bring himself to believe it himself.

"He's..." I began, choking on my tears. "He's gone, Roger." I told him, sobbing, uncontrollably. He cursed under his breath, and didn't say another word. He just hung up.

I walked back into the room and stared at Freddie's restless body. He looked asleep. This is the most peaceful I've seen him look, in months. I smiled to myself, knowing he wasn't in pain anymore.

I left once the paramedics arrived, because I truly couldn't bear being there while they carried my best friend out on a stretcher.

I left, and went to Roger's. Once I arrived, John and Bri were there too. I walked in, and I hugged them all.

We all then just sat, quietly sobbing

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