I'm Free...Until I go back

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A/N: Yes, this is my profile picture, lmao feel free to steal ;)

I had arrived to my mom's house in under 10 minutes.

"BROOKLYNN'S HERE!!" she screamed as she ran to hug me when I walked in, and as I expected no one even bothered to look my way. "It's funny how you people don't bother to look my way, unless I have money."

"BROOKLYNNNNNN" everyone yelled coming up to me as I rolled my eyes. "Get off" I yelled while laughing. I have 6 brothers and sisters, and we don't have the greatest bond.

Especially since I'm one of the only one of us who is getting my life together, and since I'm the youngest, I've always got a lot of shit for it.

It's pretty funny, actually. "How you been Brooklynn?" Asked my oldest brother, Andrew. "It's been good, I finally achieved my goal"

I said with the biggest smile on my face. "what goal?" Andrea then asked me. "Oh you guys didn't hear?" Ashley then came out of the kitchen with an angry expression on her face. "Ash, stop" my mom then stepped in.

"Noo Brooklynn, baby sister, tell everyone how you have Enough money to go all the way to England, fort some dead Queer's birthday, but when we needed you, you were never around." You could hear the venom dripping from her voice.

"Is that true?" Alexandria spoke up. "you must have hella money then. It seem like you never even thought of us. When mom and dad got divorced, and he practically tried to take everything, When Andy needed money for his rehab, you weren't there. When Ashley had her baby, you weren't even there. Yet the whole time, you were fucking around, with money?! What kind of shit is this? Does this family not fucking matter to you anymore?!" I was fed up at this point. Because

"first of all, the shit you are saying makes no fucking sense at all.. Literally no Sense. Who was it who talked to dad, instead of turning on him? ME! I didn't fucking shove the drugs into Andrew's face. How the fuck is it my fault? THAT WAS ASHLEY'S THIRD FUCKING CHILD!! I'VE ALWAYS BEEN THERE, yet you never notice because your heads are too far up your damn asses! AND IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT I DO WITH MY MONEY BECAUSE IT'S MY FUCKING MONEY! ALL YOU GUYS DO IS DISAPPOINT, YET YOU BLAME ME FOR BEING DISAPPOINTMENTS!

I'm fed up with it. You only want to talk to me when you need something. You're not gonna keep blaming shit on me, because I'm 22 now, and I don't- NONE OF YOU BASTARDS EVEN TOOK THE TIME TO WISH ME A HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Fuck all of you. I then ran out. "I LOVE YOU BITCHES, SO MUCH! SORRY MOM, YOU'RE NOT A BITCH, BUT I LOVE YOU"

"Brooklynn The food isn't done yet!" My mom yelled back. "I'M NOT HUNGRY", and with that, I left. I headed straight to the airport. "I WANT TO BREAK FREE FROM YOUR LIES, YOU'RE SO SELF SATISFIED, AND I DON'T NEEED YOUU!" I yelled, at a red light, with all of my windows down.

"FUCK YOU TYLER, BECAUSE I'M GONNA BREAK FREE!!" The people in other lanes were staring at me like I had lost my fucking mind, but who cares, because I'm free baby.... Until I come back... But I'm not gonna think about that.

I was sitting in the airport, waiting, and this guy walks up to me. "Hey" He said as he sat next to me. "Hello" I smiled at him. He seemed like a nice guy. "You have a nice ass, and nice tits too." Never fucking mind. "Excuse me?"

"You can't wear a sexy outfit like that, and not expect guys to hit on you." He then said as if HE was offended. "I'm literally wearing skinny jeans, a tank top, and converse" I said as I walked away. I hate how in this day and age, I can't wear a simple outfit without a creep like him saying weird shit.

~15 Minutes Later~

"NOW BOARDING PLANE TO LONDON" (Or whatever they say, I never rode a plane before lmaoo) I Heard the intercom say. I then got my ticket ready. As I went to my seat I was happy to see no one was there, yet. I could go ahead and claim my window seat. I then put in my headphones, and pressed my queen playlist and closed my eyes.

"is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality. Open your eyes, look up to the skies and see....."

A/N: The story will start to get better from here ;)

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