Come on out, God, the joke's over

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I was woken up by shaking, and.. people screaming? I opened my eyes in panic as I hear "Ladies and Gentleman, please fasten your seatbelt, everything will be fine." "Oh God" I thought as I looked out of the window. From the looks of it- everything was not going to be fine. I squeezed my eyes shut, ignoring the oxygen mask, as I sang '39. "Don't you hear my call, though you're many years away, don't you hear me calling you? write your letters in the sand, for the day I take you hand, in the lands that our grandchildren knew" I then see a bright light, before I pass out.


"LOOK!" I hear a voice yell. I then feel fingers on my neck. "She has a pulse." "Well get her!" I hear another voice yell. "I CAN'T ROGER!" He yelled again.

"WHY IS THAT? WE CAN'T LEAVE HER HERE TO DIE, BRIAN!" I heard 'Roger' Yelled. Good point, Roger. "Because it's Bloody Kidnapping!" 'Brian' Yelled. Good point, Brian.

"Look at her chest! She isn't a bloody kid!" yeaah on second thought, leave me here, I'll just die. "Ugh, cmon, help me get her" Nononono what if they do bad things to me?!! I then slip back in my deep sleep.

I jump up, and I'm in a small room.. on a bed? aren't I supposed to be dead or something? Wasn't I on A plane? "SHE'S AWAKE" I heard someone yell as they walked in. Whatthefuck I thought, this kid looks like- "Hi, I'm RoGaH tAyLaH, don't be alarmed, my friend, Brian and I were walking back to our flat, and we saw ya, we didn't know if you were okay or not, so we brought ya back here."

"Oh my fuck, I'm dead" I yelled out, as he stared back at me confused. "Umm.... what?" He said. "I must be.. I was just on a plane, and it crashed... Now I'm here- GOD? ARE YOU PLAYING A PRANK ON ME?! COME ON OUT, THE JOKES OVER"

"Look lady, There's no way you can be dead, because I'm here, and I can't be dead... If I were, I'd be in hell for sure." He joked.

By the look on my face, I'm pretty sure he could tell I didn't find it too funny. "What year is it?" I asked anxiously. "You must've hit your head pretty har-

"What. fucking. year. is. it?" I asked in a more threatening tone, while grabbing his collar, pulling him close to me. "Geeze, it's July 18, 1971" He said. "Sorry" I sighed. "I just had a very confusing day." I apologized as Someone walked in, my mouth hung opened.

"Hi, I'm Brian May. We aren't gonna hurt you or anything, we just want to help you." He genuinely said, with a sincere smile on his face, which I kindly returned.

"Hello, I'm Brooklynn." "Oh, he gets a smile and your name, and I basically get threatened. How rude." Roger then said. As I started to laugh, I then say "I'm very sorry, I didn't mean to scare you or whatever" He then laughed. "It's fine." He replied.

"Soo, Brooklynn, where are you from? You must be from America, I just can't recognize your accent." Brian then asked me. "Oh, I'm From New York" Then Roger's eyes lit up. "Really??" I then laughed. "Yes, Roger, Born and raised."

"What brings you down here?" Brian asked. uh-oh what am I Suppose to say?? 'Oh because your dead friend's birthday was tomorrow, yet the plane sent me into another time frame with younger versions of my idols'. "I was having family problems, so I had took all of the money that I had saved over time, and just left."

"Woah, that's the bravest thing I've heard" Brian said as Roger stared at me with admiration. "How old are you?" Roger asked. "Roger! You don't ask a lady her age!' Brian cut in. "It's okay" I told them as I giggled. "I'll be 22 on July 26th." or in around 50 years. "That's so cool! I'll be 22 on the 26th too!" Roger told me as he smiled at me.

"That's awesome, birthday twin" I winked At him. Then I remembered something. "Umm have you guys seen my bags anywhere??" I asked. "Oh yeah, They were surrounded by you, I'm just glad we got to them before anyone else did, they probably would've took everything." Brian told me. "Yeah, and all of the money in it" roger blurted out.

I stared at him with wide eyes. "You went through my stuff?!" I yelled. "NONONO it was sticking out! I swear!" he told me. I didn't want them to find any of my stuff that was made in my time. "Well thank you guys so much. Do you know where a good hotel is anywhere?" I asked them.

"Well yeah, but I don't know if they'll take American money" Brian told me. "Just stay with us!" Roger yelled. He sure is out forward. "Umm I dunno, I don't know you guys that well." I said back. "Well get to know us! We can all go out for lunch and do fun stuff and we can even take you to meet Fred!" Roger said enthusiastically.

If They were literally complete stranger to me, would I turn this invitation down? Hell yeah. But would I turn this opportunity down? Fuck no. "I would love to... If it's okay with Brian?" I said turning to Brian. "Oh, Of course you can come!" He said smiling. I then looked down at myself, I looked terrible.

"Oh um, before we go, Can I take a quick shower?" I asked shyly. "Oh yeah, of course. I'll go get your bags" Brian said as he left out of the room. "You know, you have an interesting fashion taste. Is that what everyone wears in New York?" Roger asked me. "Nope, Just me" I smiled and walked away, to where Brian was.

"Here is your stuff, Everything you need is in the bathroom, when you're finished, we can leave. Sounds good?" I heard him say as I was just watching him with so much admiration.

The way he talks, the was he smile in the middle of his sentences, showing his Cute Fangs. "Brooklynn?" He said. "Oh- Um- yeah, okay, thanks!" I yelled, as I ran into the Bathroom.

I turned on a hot shower, got in, and just thought about the predicament I was currently in; Was I dead? Well Roger was right... He's not dead, and neither is Brian.

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