Oh God! Freddie, it's huge!

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I ended up waking up at around 4AM, which means I've been asleep for around 2 hours. I felt pretty energized, so I couldn't really go back to sleep. I got up, before putting on the pajama pants that I took off before going to bed, and headed out. I didn't know where I was gonna go, but my feet took me to Freddie's room.

Knock knock. I waited, most likely he wasn't awake- "BROOKLYNN! hello, darling." Freddie said, as he swung the door open. "Heya Fred, may I ask why you're awake? Didn't you go to bed?" I walked into his room. "Well, yeah, but I woke up to throw up, and now I can't go back to sleep." He told me, as he leaned on the wall, with his arms crossed.

"Why're you up? All of the years I've known you, i know you are definitely not a morning person." He laughed, which caused me to laugh. "I Just woke up, and couldn't go back to sleep." I explained. "Ahh, so you came to old Freddie for company? I'm flattered, darling." He said, while walking around and flinging his arms, until he collapsed on the bed.

"Yeah, Freddie. I'm bored, and there's nothing to do." I pouted. "I know what we could do." He said, as he wiggled his eyebrows, and smirked. I already knew what he was planning. I smirked as well.

"Well, Mr. Mercury, I'm not the type to do this, except on special occasions." I winked. "Oh darling, you have to, Boredom is no joke." He told me. I nodded. "Now?" I asked. "Of course! The others are sleeping." He told me. I nodded and walked closer to him.

"Are you ready?!" Freddie yelled. "Oh god, Freddie it's huge!" I yelled, excitedly. "Can we go in now?" I asked, looking at our huge blanket, chair, and pillow fort. "Wait!" He yelled, going into the kitchen. He grabbed potato chips, and chocolate.

"Now, we can go in." He said. "WAIT!" I yelled again. "What?" He asked, getting impatient. "We need to add finishing touches. Follow me." I told him, grabbing his hand. "Get your room key." I told him. He went back and got it, before heading out with me. I ran towards the elevator.

"Fred, come on!" I scolded. "Okay, but may I ask why we are going into the elevator?" He said, as he panted. I giggled. "For finishing touches!" As I pressed the button to take us to the lobby. When the elevator doors opened, I practically dragged him out. We walked up to the counter. "Excuse me, do you guys have any fairy lights back there?" I asked.

Freddie looked at me like I was crazy. I shrugged and smiled. "What makes you think that they just randomly have- "here you go, ma'am." He was interrupted. He gave us two boxes. "Thank you, I'll make sure to bring them back down." I told him. "Don't worry about it, we have tons." He told me, with a reassuring smile that I returned.

"Wow, I didn't expect that." Freddie told me. "Yeah, they use a lot during the holidays, they never throw anything away." "Ahh" he nodded, as we headed towards the elevator, and headed to his room. Once we got in, I immediately set the lights up, on the fort, and inside.

"Alright, Freddie. This is gonna be the most awesome thing you'll ever see, are you ready?" I asked, getting ready to plug the lights in. "Oh darling, Plug them in already!" He was sitting cris-crossed in front of me. "Alright, cover your eyes." I told him, and he did. "3! 2! 1!"- DING! The oven went off.

"Goodie! The cookies are ready!" Freddie exclaimed. "Bitch- Freddie, when did you even put the cookies in?" I asked, confused. "when I was gathering the crisps and chocolate, duh." He said, while carrying the cookies on a plate. "Go be a dear, and pour us glasses of milk, please." He looked up at me. I dropped the plug of the lights, and got up to go get the milk.

"Okay!" I yelled, coming back with two glasses filled with milk. I sat them in the fort, next to the cookies, And sat in my previous spot, across from Freddie. "Now, if there are no more interruptions- "Wait" Fred interrupted again. "Whatttt" I wined, with my lips poking out. "Nothing, keep going." He smiled, innocently. I rolled my eyes.

"Alright, count me down." I told him. He clapped. "3! 2! 1!" I plugged the lights in. "Oh.my. gosh... THEY'RE AMAZING!" I yelled in excitement. "Can we go in now?" Freddie asked. "Is that even a question at this point?" I asked, then we both bolted into the fort.


We ate all of the cookies, and we cleaned the food up, before deciding we would both sleep in it. We were currently just laying down in it. "Hey Fred?" I asked, mainly to see if he were still awake. "Yes?" He responded. "When do you guys leave?" I asked him.

"Let's see, tomorrow, technically today, we have a free day, then we take a flight home later on, the next morning." He explained. "Ohh, can we leave together? As a group." I didn't want to sound too clingy. 

"I don't see why not." He shrugged. "Alright, good night Freddie." I rolled over, so I was facing him. He did the same. "Goodnight, Brooklynn, and thank you." He told me. "No Freddie, thank you." I said, before dozing off.

Next morning.

"I told you she was in here." I heard a voice whisper. "Well, it's one thing that you said she was in here, you said you heard them doing... things." I heard another voice say. "Because I did! Wait... go get the camera." I heard voices. This caused my eyes to shoot open.

Freddie and I were facing each other, with our legs tangled, and my arm wrapped around his neck. "Hurry, I hear her waking up." I heard roger's voice. Click. "got it!" I heard John's voice.

"which one of you is gonna die first?" I asked calmly. "Uhh, I think that means run." Roger said, before taking off. Me right on their tail.

A:N/ I really loved this chapter!

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