Ch 6 Section 3

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Back at the Sheriff's station...

Deputy Linus handed a file to Sam, "This is the Garland file." His eyes moved to Angel who was standing a few feet behind the boys, swaying from drinking too much, "Is she... drunk?"

Dean's angry dismissal scared the kid, making him jump, "No."

"Deputy, according to this, Luther Garland's cause of death was physical trauma. What does that mean?"

"The guy died 20 years ago, before my time." He shrugged, "Sorry."

Dean glared as his irritation bubbled up, "Well, then can we talk to the sheriff?"

"Uh..." His eyes grazed the sheriffs office before turning back to the boys, "He's out sick today."

"Right." Dean forced a smile as he passed the kid a card, "If you see him, have him call us. We're staying at the Bluebird."

As Dean turned to walk away, Sam motioned the file, "Mind if I take this?"

After the Deputy shook his head Sam turned and walked out behind Dean, motioning for Angel to follow with a nod of his head.

"Know what? You're awesome." She beamed at the deputy, making him blush, "And kinda cute. Somethin' about a man in uniform, I guess."

"Thanks." He chuckled, his blush deepening, "Um, y -you too. I mean, you're really bea-"

One second later Sam was back in the room shuffling her out in front of him with an annoyed look.

The deputy frowned, "Beautiful..."

Once they were gone, Sheriff Britton sounded on the Deputies intercom, "Who was that?"

"It's uh, those three FBI agents."

"What did they want?"

"A file, Luther Garland's." At the lack of response from his boss the Deputy frowned, "Sheriff?"

Inside Sheriff Britton's office, the Sheriff was teetering on the edge of insanity. His breathing was erratic, as was his heartbeat, and he was currently scratching the hell out of his arm with a steel bristol pad. He put the pad down so he could hurriedly load the pistol on his desk. All the while, looking over his shoulder every five seconds.

They know. They know. They know what you did, and they're gonna make you pay.

Inside Peaceful Pines Assisted Living Home...

The Winchesters walked through the halls of the nursing facility, Angel nearly jumping at every little turn they made or sound she heard. She kept her head down, but her eyes still darted around looking for any threats. When she finally brought her head up she yelped loudly after being frightened by an old lady passing by them in her walker. Angel's hand flew up to her mouth in fear as she catapulted herself into the corner of a wall, nearly collapsing had her brothers not caught each of her arms.

She brushed them off before starting down the hallway again, "This isn't gonna work!" She held up her badge between them, "Come on, these badges are fake. What if we get busted? We could go to jail!"

"Angel, shh!" Sam hurried in front of her and stopped her terrified speed walking, "Calm down. Deep breath, okay? Just remember to take deep breaths." She obliged by attempting to take a couple of deep breaths with him as he kept eye contact, but it did nothing to help calm her, "There. You feel better?" Her eyes widened, terror filling her once again as she furiously shook her head, earning a sigh from her youngest brother, "Just- come on." He turned and led the way, "Everything will be fine."

The Winchester Three (S4): Lazarus RisingWhere stories live. Discover now