Chapter Thirteen: Death Takes a Holiday

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DISCLAIMER: I only own my character! Anything you might recognize is courtesy of the CW.

WARNING: Some of these episodes/chapters may contain graphic violence, cursing, mentions of suicide or assault and other triggering aspects. Proceed with caution please.

AUTHORS NOTE (Please Read!): Just a few things!:

I am changing her name (kind of). My MC/OC's FULL name is going to be Angela. It's getting a little complicated with them calling her Angel as well as when they are referring to Castiel and his squad. So the angels mostly will be referring to her as Anglea from this chapter forward.

Also, I've already written the next three or four (I'm currently on the 4th right now) chapters for this. I just haven't posted them yet. (Obvs if youre reading this, they are posted lol) But the reason is, I'm currently making a website to fully upload all of my stories there. It's going to be alot easier for me to update, upload and edit them all in ONE area. The move won't be made until this part, the fourth installment, is completed. After that a link will be provided where you can read the next installments as well as the updated versions of the other stories i've posted, AND MORE!

It's been a little hectic with building the website, trying to upload and my overloaded work schedule. I wish I could upload more frequently. The good thing with the website is I will have a set schedule made for uploads there that I'm going to stick to.

I appreciate everyone who reads! Thanks so much!

Episode Summary:

Sam, Dean and Angel investigate a small town where people are cheating death. They discover the Reapers have gone missing so they turn to Pamela for help. She sends them into the spiritual world to find answers and they come face to face with Alastair, who has been kidnapping all the Reapers in order to break another seal.

Chapter Thirteen: Death Takes a Holiday

Previously skipped: Sex and Violence...

Prologue: Bison Bud's Bar...

Two men, Jim Jenkins and Pete Hensley, walked out of the bar as they talked.

"Okay, okay, now, come on." Jim shook his head, "You tell me, now why kick that field goal?"

"Because it's called football."

"No, it's called fantasy football, and those three points screwed me."

"Seriously, Jim." Pete chuckled, "You need to get a life."

"Hey, guys." As the two men rounded the corner to the back of the bar they were met by a young man, "Got any change?"

Jim shook his head, "Sorry, pal."

The young man then pulled out a gun and pointed it at them, "How about your wallets?"

A bar employee at the Dumpster took notice as Pete and Jim immediately froze and put their hands up, "No problem."

"Take it easy, alright?

"Just give me the wallets!"

"Hold on, man."

The two of them scrambled to get their wallets out as the bar employee accidentally dropped the dumpster lid. The loud sound startled the young man into firing his gun and shooting Jim straight in his heart.

Pete reeled as he caught his friend from falling and brought him to the ground, "Jim!" The young man panicked and sprinted away as Peter dropped to his knees, "Jim! Jim!" He looked up at the bar employee with panic, "Call 911! Now!" After he ran off, Pete began chest compressions before breathing into Jim's mouth, "Come on!"

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